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Produktionsplanerare till W5 Solutions

Ansök    Feb 14    Eterni Sweden AB    Materialplanerare
PRODUKTIONSPLANERARE TILL W5 SOLUTIONS I ÄLMHULT Nu söker W5 Solutions en Produktionsplanerare till sina nya fina lokaler i Älmhult. Hos oss får du chansen att växa både personligt och professionellt, med stöd från en organisation som värdesätter innovation, samarbete och excellens. Genom att vara öppna, ärliga och konstruktiva skapar vi en miljö där samarbete och stöd är kärnan i vårt arbete. Tillsammans hjälper vi varandra att nå både våra gemensamma oc... Visa mer
Nu söker W5 Solutions en Produktionsplanerare till sina nya fina lokaler i Älmhult. Hos oss får du chansen att växa både personligt och professionellt, med stöd från en organisation som värdesätter innovation, samarbete och excellens.

Genom att vara öppna, ärliga och konstruktiva skapar vi en miljö där samarbete och stöd är kärnan i vårt arbete. Tillsammans hjälper vi varandra att nå både våra gemensamma och individuella mål.

Som Produktionsplanerare på W5 Solutions är du en del av ett team av engagerade medarbetare i varierande åldrar och bakgrund, vilket ger en dynamisk och inkluderande arbetsmiljö. Varje beslut som fattas och allt som omvärlden ser om W5 Solutions återspeglas i våra kärnvärden genom innovation, samarbete och excellens.

Som Produktionsplanerare är du en nyckelspelare i att säkerställa att våra produktionsflöden/planering fungerar effektivt. Du kommer att leda och koordinera planeringsarbetet i nära samarbete med flera avdelningar för att möta kundernas krav på tid och kvalitet.

Rollen är både strategisk och operativ, med ansvar för att optimera vår planering och säkerställa smidiga flöden. 

I rollen som Produktionsplanerare kommer du även ansvara för: Ge stöd och vägledning till avdelningschefer inom produktion, inköp och logistik samt kontinuerliga förbättringar av produktionsflöden/order.
Huvudansvaret för att skapa och underhålla produktionsplaner baserade på kundbehov och resurstillgänglighet samt säkerställa att planerna optimerar produktionens kapacitet och effektivitet. 
Intern bevakning av produktionen och materialförsörjningen för att förebygga flaskhalsar samt uppföljning av produktionens framsteg och vid behov justera planer. 
Planera, förbereda och följa upp produktionen för att säkerställa att vi uppfyller tids- och kvalitetskrav samt identifiera och implementera förbättringar och analysera brister tillsammans med inköp. 
Koordinera mellan PMO, produktion, inköp och logistik för att säkerställa smidiga flöden samt arbeta nära PMO och produktionsteknik för att säkerställa att vi möte både interna och externa krav.
Ansvara för efterkalkyler för att analysera och rapportera projektens ekonomiska utfall.
Säkerställa att företaget levererar enligt kundernas önskemål i rätt tid till rätt kvalitet. 
Samarbeta med tvärfunktionella team för att säkerställa att alla delar av verksamheten samverkar effektivt. 
Vara stöd vid specialfraktlösningar som specialfrakter, farligt gods, tullhantering och olika fraktavtal samt strategisk logistik. 

Du som antar denna utmaning har troligtvis en gymnasieutbildning mot logistik eller produktion samt några års erfarenhet av att planera/koordinera orderingången till produktion och/eller erfarenhet av att ha arbetat som produktionsplanerare i en tillverkande verksamhet. 

Med fördel har du följande kvalifikationer och/eller erfarenheter: Erfarenhet av produktions- och materialplanering
Starkt analytiskt tänkande och vana att arbeta med efterkalkyler och optimering
Förmågan av att leda och motivera tvärfunktionella team
Erfarenhet av logistik och/eller supply chain är meriterande
Utmärkt kommunikations- och samarbetsförmåga
Som person är du genuint intresserad av produktionsmiljö och tillverkning. Du är van att arbeta med förbättringar, lönsamhetsuppföljning, mål och nyckeltal samt trivs du med att arbeta effektivt med planering och produktionsflöden. 

Att du talar och skriver svenska och engelska flytande ser vi som en självklarhet. Du har mycket god datorvana och att ha arbetat i olika system. 

Vill du arbeta på en trygg arbetsplats med goda utvecklingsmöjligheter i en familjär kultur?

Välkommen med din ansökan redan i dag!

Tjänsten är en tillsvidareanställning med direktanställning till W5 Solutions i Älmhult. Vi tillämpar individuell lönesättning där fast månadslön ingår som en del av anställningsvillkoren. Vi rekryterar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut.

Ansökningar via mail behandlas ej på grund av GDPR, sök tjänsten på www.eterni.se. Vi arbetar med löpande urval så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan.


Start your career at IKEA summer 2025 within Food Logistics Services!

Company Description Are you ready to touch lives and living rooms all over the world? IKEA is looking for summer co-workers within Food Logistic Services who aren’t afraid to think outside the box. Working with us is all about adding value, playfully challenging everything, and finding new ways to improve lives. At IKEA, we do things a little differently. We like to break things (like rules) and make things (like planet-friendly?plant balls). We dare to t... Visa mer
Company Description
Are you ready to touch lives and living rooms all over the world? IKEA is looking for summer co-workers within Food Logistic Services who aren’t afraid to think outside the box. Working with us is all about adding value, playfully challenging everything, and finding new ways to improve lives.
At IKEA, we do things a little differently. We like to break things (like rules) and make things (like planet-friendly?plant balls). We dare to try, and we dare to fail.?And above all else, we are driven by our shared vision – to create a better everyday life for the many people. If our culture speaks to your heart, we would love to hear from you!
Curios to know who we are? Category Food Logistics Services is a part of Supply Chain Operations (SCO). With our 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are, of course, also passionate about food! We source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing, and logistics services for IKEA Food.
Job Description
Within Food Logistic Services we have two exciting openings – Food Demand Coordinator, Delivery Planner. Below you find a short job description about the positions.
Food Demand Coordinator
As a Food Demand Coordinator you will support IKEA retailers through a variety of operational tasks, distributed in selected markets. In the role, you will coordinate both internal/external contacts within Supply Operations and support our Retail partners. You will work close with Business Area Food in IKEA Range & Supply and Supply Chain partners to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for inbound and outbound flows in selected markets. You will be part of operational team and be first point of contact for Retail partners in product availability, capacity constraints and Food Supply chain operations (execution part).
You will gain experience in Food Logistics Operations via order management process, working with products phase in / phase out, calculate the plan for all discontinued range, securing operational launch of new products; as well as being responsible and executing shelf life management via analyzing and evaluating data in order to identify the risks in Distribution Centers and take actions to secure highest optimum availability at lowest cost for IKEA Retailers. You will also support commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.
Delivery Planner
As a Delivery Planner you are responsible to secure product availability to our customers at the lowest total landed cost by the consolidation of orders into shipments. You will ensure total logistical operational performance from end-to-end perspective by planning and booking optimal transport solutions under the consideration of IKEA supply chain stakeholder preconditions. In addition to this you will monitor your ongoing cases, investigate, and solve claim issues.
Are you the one we are looking for??During the summer you will work in an international, fast-changing and exciting environment. We really value a service-minded person with strong communication skills. We see that you have a lot of curiosity and energy. You will work closely with, both internal and external, stakeholders. Your willingness to learn and adapt to new circumstances and challenges is a key feature!
We believe that you have/are:
- Started your university education in the field of logistics and/or supply chain
- Familiar with Microsoft Office, especially Excel
- Fluent in English, both written and orally
- Valid work permit in Sweden
Additional information
Please note the two positions are based in Älmhult, Sweden (No Relocation Support for this position).?Last day of application is February 16, 2025 and we will be interviewing continuously.?Please send your application in English and note that we do not accept applications by email.
For both positions, Food Demand Coordinator (6 Vacancies) and Delivery Planner (6 Vacancies),?we have business need from Monday-Friday and have working hours between 08.00 to 17.00.
We expect you to be available during the entire summer period.
If you would like to know more about the?Food Demand Coordinator/Delivery Planner positions please contact, Supervisor Mats Persson [email protected]?and Artemiy Petrov at [email protected]. If you would like to know more about the recruitment process please contact Femina Ladhani Karlsson (People & Culture Specialist) [email protected]?or Olivia Swärd (People & Culture Specialist) [email protected]
We look forward receiving your application! Visa mindre

Produktionsplanerare till W5 Solutions

Ansök    Jan 31    Eterni Sweden AB    Materialplanerare
PRODUKTIONSPLANERARE TILL W5 SOLUTIONS I ÄLMHULT Nu söker W5 Solutions en Produktionsplanerare till sina nya fina lokaler i Älmhult. Hos oss får du chansen att växa både personligt och professionellt, med stöd från en organisation som värdesätter innovation, samarbete och excellens. Genom att vara öppna, ärliga och konstruktiva skapar vi en miljö där samarbete och stöd är kärnan i vårt arbete. Tillsammans hjälper vi varandra att nå både våra gemensamma oc... Visa mer
Nu söker W5 Solutions en Produktionsplanerare till sina nya fina lokaler i Älmhult. Hos oss får du chansen att växa både personligt och professionellt, med stöd från en organisation som värdesätter innovation, samarbete och excellens.

Genom att vara öppna, ärliga och konstruktiva skapar vi en miljö där samarbete och stöd är kärnan i vårt arbete. Tillsammans hjälper vi varandra att nå både våra gemensamma och individuella mål.

Som Produktionsplanerare på W5 Solutions är du en del av ett team av engagerade medarbetare i varierande åldrar och bakgrund, vilket ger en dynamisk och inkluderande arbetsmiljö. Varje beslut som fattas och allt som omvärlden ser om W5 Solutions återspeglas i våra kärnvärden genom innovation, samarbete och excellens.

Som Produktionsplanerare är du en nyckelspelare i att säkerställa att våra produktionsflöden/planering fungerar effektivt. Du kommer att leda och koordinera planeringsarbetet i nära samarbete med flera avdelningar för att möta kundernas krav på tid och kvalitet.

Rollen är både strategisk och operativ, med ansvar för att optimera vår planering och säkerställa smidiga flöden. 

I rollen som Produktionsplanerare kommer du även ansvara för: Ge stöd och vägledning till avdelningschefer inom produktion, inköp och logistik samt kontinuerliga förbättringar av produktionsflöden/order.
Huvudansvaret för att skapa och underhålla produktionsplaner baserade på kundbehov och resurstillgänglighet samt säkerställa att planerna optimerar produktionens kapacitet och effektivitet. 
Intern bevakning av produktionen och materialförsörjningen för att förebygga flaskhalsar samt uppföljning av produktionens framsteg och vid behov justera planer. 
Planera, förbereda och följa upp produktionen för att säkerställa att vi uppfyller tids- och kvalitetskrav samt identifiera och implementera förbättringar och analysera brister tillsammans med inköp. 
Koordinera mellan PMO, produktion, inköp och logistik för att säkerställa smidiga flöden samt arbeta nära PMO och produktionsteknik för att säkerställa att vi möte både interna och externa krav.
Ansvara för efterkalkyler för att analysera och rapportera projektens ekonomiska utfall.
Säkerställa att företaget levererar enligt kundernas önskemål i rätt tid till rätt kvalitet. 
Samarbeta med tvärfunktionella team för att säkerställa att alla delar av verksamheten samverkar effektivt. 
Vara stöd vid specialfraktlösningar som specialfrakter, farligt gods, tullhantering och olika fraktavtal samt strategisk logistik. 

Du som antar denna utmaning har troligtvis en gymnasieutbildning mot logistik eller produktion samt några års erfarenhet av att planera/koordinera orderingången till produktion och/eller erfarenhet av att ha arbetat som produktionsplanerare i en tillverkande verksamhet. 

Med fördel har du följande kvalifikationer och/eller erfarenheter: Erfarenhet av produktions- och materialplanering
Starkt analytiskt tänkande och vana att arbeta med efterkalkyler och optimering
Förmågan av att leda och motivera tvärfunktionella team
Erfarenhet av logistik och/eller supply chain är meriterande
Utmärkt kommunikations- och samarbetsförmåga
Som person är du genuint intresserad av produktionsmiljö och tillverkning. Du är van att arbeta med förbättringar, lönsamhetsuppföljning, mål och nyckeltal samt trivs du med att arbeta effektivt med planering och produktionsflöden. 

Att du talar och skriver svenska och engelska flytande ser vi som en självklarhet. Du har mycket god datorvana och att ha arbetat i olika system. 

Vill du arbeta på en trygg arbetsplats med goda utvecklingsmöjligheter i en familjär kultur?

Välkommen med din ansökan redan i dag!

Tjänsten är en tillsvidareanställning med direktanställning till W5 Solutions i Älmhult. Vi tillämpar individuell lönesättning där fast månadslön ingår som en del av anställningsvillkoren. Vi rekryterar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut.

Ansökningar via mail behandlas ej på grund av GDPR, sök tjänsten på www.eterni.se. Vi arbetar med löpande urval så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan.


Start your career at IKEA Summer 2025 as Supply Planner

Company Description Are you ready to touch lives and living rooms all over the world? IKEA is looking for summer co-workers within Purchasing Development as a Supply Planner, who aren’t afraid to think outside the box. Working with us is all about adding value, playfully challenging everything, and finding new ways to improve lives. At IKEA, we do things a little differently. We like to break things (like rules) and make things (like planet-friendly?plant... Visa mer
Company Description
Are you ready to touch lives and living rooms all over the world? IKEA is looking for summer co-workers within Purchasing Development as a Supply Planner, who aren’t afraid to think outside the box. Working with us is all about adding value, playfully challenging everything, and finding new ways to improve lives.
At IKEA, we do things a little differently. We like to break things (like rules) and make things (like planet-friendly?plant balls). We dare to try, and we dare to fail.?And above all else, we are driven by our shared vision – to create a better everyday life for the many people. If our culture speaks to your heart, we would love to hear from you!
Curios to know who we are? IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.
IKEA Food is part of Purchasing Development. Our mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers.?IKEA Food are working with suppliers globally and have offices in King of Prussia USA, Älmhult Sweden, Dortmund Germany, Warsaw Poland, Milan Italy and Shanghai China.
Job Description
As a Supply Planner you will continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance, monitor supplier operational capacities and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers. You will also work to secure correct availability information, being connected with other supply chain planning functions within IKEA making sure all stakeholders are updated. You will be essential part of IKEA supply chain to secure, that we deliver our products having customer and total cost on mind.
Are you the one we are looking for??During the summer you will work in an international, fast-changing and exciting environment. We really value a service-minded person with strong communication skills. We see that you have a lot of curiosity and energy. You are motivated by working in routine-based tasks with a high pace. You will work closely with, both internal and external, stakeholders. Your willingness to learn and adapt to new circumstances and challenges is a key feature!
We believe that you have/are:
- Started your university education in the field of logistics and/or supply chain
- Familiar with Microsoft Office, especially Excel
- Fluent in English, both written and orally
- Valid work permit in Sweden
Additional information
Please note we have three vacancies as Supply Planner and they are based in Älmhult, Sweden (No Relocation Support for these positions).?Last day of application is February 16, 2025 and we will be interviewing continuously.?Please send your application in English and note that we do not accept applications by email.
For this position as Supply Planner, we have we have business need from Monday-Friday and have working hours between 08.00 to 17.00.
We expect you to be available during the entire summer period.
If you would like to know more about the?Supply Planner position please contact, Hiring managers Diogo Seco [email protected] and Mattias Ellerth at [email protected] . If you would like to know more about the recruitment process please contact Femina Ladhani Karlsson (People & Culture Specialist) [email protected]?or Olivia Swärd (People & Culture Specialist) [email protected]
We look forward receiving your application! Visa mindre

Produktionsplanerare till W5 Solutions

Ansök    Jan 21    Eterni Sweden AB    Materialplanerare
PRODUKTIONSPLANERARE TILL W5 SOLUTIONS I ÄLMHULT Nu söker W5 Solutions en Produktionsplanerare till sina nya fina lokaler i Älmhult. Hos oss får du chansen att växa både personligt och professionellt, med stöd från en organisation som värdesätter innovation, samarbete och excellens. Genom att vara öppna, ärliga och konstruktiva skapar vi en miljö där samarbete och stöd är kärnan i vårt arbete. Tillsammans hjälper vi varandra att nå både våra gemensamma oc... Visa mer
Nu söker W5 Solutions en Produktionsplanerare till sina nya fina lokaler i Älmhult. Hos oss får du chansen att växa både personligt och professionellt, med stöd från en organisation som värdesätter innovation, samarbete och excellens.

Genom att vara öppna, ärliga och konstruktiva skapar vi en miljö där samarbete och stöd är kärnan i vårt arbete. Tillsammans hjälper vi varandra att nå både våra gemensamma och individuella mål.

Som Produktionsplanerare på W5 Solutions är du en del av ett team av engagerade medarbetare i varierande åldrar och bakgrund, vilket ger en dynamisk och inkluderande arbetsmiljö. Varje beslut som fattas och allt som omvärlden ser om W5 Solutions återspeglas i våra kärnvärden genom innovation, samarbete och excellens.

Som Produktionsplanerare är du en nyckelspelare i att säkerställa att våra produktionsflöden/planering fungerar effektivt. Du kommer att leda och koordinera planeringsarbetet i nära samarbete med flera avdelningar för att möta kundernas krav på tid och kvalitet.

Rollen är både strategisk och operativ, med ansvar för att optimera vår planering och säkerställa smidiga flöden. 

I rollen som Produktionsplanerare kommer du även ansvara för: Ge stöd och vägledning till avdelningschefer inom produktion, inköp och logistik samt kontinuerliga förbättringar av produktionsflöden/order.
Huvudansvaret för att skapa och underhålla produktionsplaner baserade på kundbehov och resurstillgänglighet samt säkerställa att planerna optimerar produktionens kapacitet och effektivitet. 
Intern bevakning av produktionen och materialförsörjningen för att förebygga flaskhalsar samt uppföljning av produktionens framsteg och vid behov justera planer. 
Planera, förbereda och följa upp produktionen för att säkerställa att vi uppfyller tids- och kvalitetskrav samt identifiera och implementera förbättringar och analysera brister tillsammans med inköp. 
Koordinera mellan PMO, produktion, inköp och logistik för att säkerställa smidiga flöden samt arbeta nära PMO och produktionsteknik för att säkerställa att vi möte både interna och externa krav.
Ansvara för efterkalkyler för att analysera och rapportera projektens ekonomiska utfall.
Säkerställa att företaget levererar enligt kundernas önskemål i rätt tid till rätt kvalitet. 
Samarbeta med tvärfunktionella team för att säkerställa att alla delar av verksamheten samverkar effektivt. 
Vara stöd vid specialfraktlösningar som specialfrakter, farligt gods, tullhantering och olika fraktavtal samt strategisk logistik. 

Du som antar denna utmaning har troligtvis en gymnasieutbildning mot logistik eller produktion samt några års erfarenhet av att planera/koordinera orderingången till produktion och/eller erfarenhet av att ha arbetat som produktionsplanerare i en tillverkande verksamhet. 

Med fördel har du följande kvalifikationer och/eller erfarenheter: Erfarenhet av produktions- och materialplanering
Starkt analytiskt tänkande och vana att arbeta med efterkalkyler och optimering
Förmågan av att leda och motivera tvärfunktionella team
Erfarenhet av logistik och/eller supply chain är meriterande
Utmärkt kommunikations- och samarbetsförmåga
Som person är du genuint intresserad av produktionsmiljö och tillverkning. Du är van att arbeta med förbättringar, lönsamhetsuppföljning, mål och nyckeltal samt trivs du med att arbeta effektivt med planering och produktionsflöden. 

Att du talar och skriver svenska och engelska flytande ser vi som en självklarhet. Du har mycket god datorvana och att ha arbetat i olika system. 

Vill du arbeta på en trygg arbetsplats med goda utvecklingsmöjligheter i en familjär kultur?

Välkommen med din ansökan redan i dag!

Tjänsten är en tillsvidareanställning med direktanställning till W5 Solutions i Älmhult. Vi tillämpar individuell lönesättning där fast månadslön ingår som en del av anställningsvillkoren. Vi rekryterar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut.

Ansökningar via mail behandlas ej på grund av GDPR, sök tjänsten på www.eterni.se. Vi arbetar med löpande urval så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan.


Flow Replenishment Developer - SCO

Company Description Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organisation with its 840 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimising replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, balancing operational goods flow by aligning stakeholders, sourcing and developing transport & logistic capacities, b... Visa mer
Company Description
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organisation with its 840 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimising replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, balancing operational goods flow by aligning stakeholders, sourcing and developing transport & logistic capacities, by managing the goods flow & leading and securing supply quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
We are now looking for a Flow Replenishment Developer located in Älmhult! The purpose of the job is to reach availability goals at the lowest total supply cost through processes and year cycle which secure the end-to-end goods flow. You are responsible for the replenishment set-up to existing and new selling units, working with relevant stakeholders to identify and solve supply chain constraints, contributing to process and competence development.
You will be member of a global team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business. You will have the possibility to establish and widen your personal network. You can grow your experience as well as gaining a broader knowledge of IKEA supply chain.

Your main assignments will be to:
• Flow optimization and Continuous Improvement: Define the replenishment setup for both sending and receiving units within your area of responsibility to ensure an end-to-end goods flow at the lowest possible supply chain cost. Collaborate closely with all relevant stakeholders to maintain and continuously enhance replenishment solutions, adapting to changing requirements and circumstances in the supply chain (e.g., customs regulations, supplier matrix changes, etc.). Identify and resolve constraints to further develop the replenishment setup, leveraging scenario modeling and proactive interactions with key stakeholders to reduce logistics costs and improve efficiency.
• Planning: provide input to the mid-term planning and wholesaler pricing processes with the replenishment set-up you have defined.
• Project management: lead the replenishment stream of expansion (new markets) and network change projects with the goal of securing availability by the opening date.
• Process development: contribute to development of concepts, working methods and appropriate tools in close collaboration with Planning Performance Development (PPD) and Supply Chain Development (SCD).
• Competence development: secure the training and implementation for global working methods within Supply Operations for our key processes, systems and reports (e.g. Define Optimal Replenishment Solution, Mid-Term Planning, Wholesaler Pricing, and Expansion).
• Stakeholder management: Take the lead in the interaction and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders on global level for optimization of replenishment flows as precondition for an optimal logistical operational performance and total cost development
• Forums: secure Supply Chain Planning representation in projects and forums with an impact on Supply Chain Planning. Proactively search for improvement potentials in cooperation with relevant stakeholders. Working together to reach common goals with clear expectations, needs and preconditions with total cost in mind.

To be successful in this role we believe that you have:
A university degree in logistics, economics, business administration or relevant working experience
Good knowledge of functions within IKEA Supply Chain and how they contribute to the process.
Project management experience
Experience in implementation and education of decided concepts, working methods and tools
Good knowledge of Supply Chain Management and Logistics as well as relevant tools and working methods
Good communication skills and the ability to build trustful relationships
Good knowledge in building & evaluating fact-based business cases
Good computer skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
You are fluent in English, both written and spoken

Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?

Please Note: This position will be placed in Älmhult, Sweden. We are looking for 1 position for this role. For this position we are not offering mobility/relocation!
We look forward to receiving your application in English, latest by XX 2024.
For further information regarding the assignment, please contact Flow Replenishment Manager Andrei Poddubnyi at [email protected].
If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter Samuel Karlsson at [email protected].
Welcome with your application! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - DISCO

Company Description IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We delive... Visa mer
Company Description

IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.

We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.

We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult!

As a Supply Operations Developer you will work to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance as well as contribute to further the development. You will stay in in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders and contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
Job Description

As Supply Operations Developer you will:
Lead high-quality communication with supply information among stakeholders from the whole Supply Chain including Retail
Secure operational performance in Supply Chain, always with an end-to-end perspective and the customer value in mind. This includes the handling of risk shortages, flow optimization and slot management on the sender and receiver side.
Challenge and develop the current logistical set-up.
You follow up on execution of the Supply Plan and execution of market relevant plans in connection with the Market Operation Forum (MOF)


To shine in this role, we see that you are:
Curious and Analytical: Strong analytical skills and a curious mindset to identify root causes and develop effective solutions. Self-driven and motivated by challenges, with a focus on improving current ways of working in line with IKEA’s vision and values.

Problem Solver: Possess creative problem-solving abilities and a passion for finding innovative solutions. Capable of addressing both operational and tactical issues with a customer-focused approach, while effectively handling complexity and maintaining a clear view of both the big picture and detailed aspects.

Proactive, Self-driven and continuous Learner: Commitment to staying updated with industry trends and best practices, with a passion for continuous improvement and delivering results.

Agile Mindset: Experience in agile environments and adaptability to changing priorities.

Communicator and change enabler: Excellent communication skills, with the ability to present your case clearly and concisely and explain complex topics in an understandable manner. Proven ability to enable change, motivate, lead (both directly and indirectly), and inspire others. Capable of facilitating discussions with stakeholders to reach a common understanding and conclusions. Demonstrated experience in managing complex stakeholder expectations.

Team Player: Excellent collaboration skills with the desire to be “better together” and to work effectively with diverse teams. Integrity and the ability to listen, contribute and establish relationships with internal and external parties, based on trust and a desire to learn from others as well as to share your knowledge.

Fluent in English.

and you have:
A university degree in logistics or a related field, along with at least 2-3 years of experience in logistics, retail or supply chain processes, is required.
Experience with the Discontinued process (UTG) is preferred.
Proficiency in Power BI and Microsoft Office tools.
Any experience with DSP FF, OMS, INOS would be a plus!

Additional information

Please note that the position is based in Älmhult.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Beatriz Paulina Torres Vidana, Supply Operations Development Manager at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter Samuel Karlsson at [email protected]

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before the 6th of January Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Transport Operations Developer

WHO ARE WE IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent... Visa mer
IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.

We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description

These are some of the day-to-day tasks as a Transport Operations Developer:
Secure transport bookings of created consignments and reschedule and/or cancel shipments in case of logistical operational deviations.
Monitor & Follow-up booked shipments.
Based on Global Working Methods. Suggest and develop improvement potentials contributing to developing the pre-conditions needed for fully utilizing ITM as transport booking solution, and furthermore an automatized booking process.
Develop strong stakeholder management, building understanding in the end-to-end goods flow process and its needed precondition for an efficient connection between planning and execution.

We want to make sure that our products will be available for our customers when needed, that is where we need your help! As a Transport Operations Developer you will work in a great team, where you in your daily work will both work independently and cooperate with your colleagues. You will also work closely both internal and external stakeholders such as our different suppliers, Distribution center, CDC and carriers.

You are a service-minded person with a clear and respectful way of communicating.
You are motivated by working in a routine-based environment with high pace.
You enjoy working in a structured way, both on your own and within the team.
You have the ability to create effective and trustful relationships with both internal and external stakeholders.
You have a solution-oriented mindset always with the costumer in focus and see challenges as opportunities

Comfortable with working and navigating in digital IT solutions
Familiar with Microsoft Office tools, preferably deeper knowledge in Excel
Fluent in English, both written and verbal

Strong interest and business understanding in end-to-end goods flow
Knowledge of relevant tools and working methods in the Supply Chain

Last but not least, we see that you are strongly motivated and guided by our IKEA Culture & values
Additional information

Please note that we have preferred candidates for these positions.
Please note that this is a permanent position that is based in Älmhult. If you have questions on the recruitment process you are welcome to contact People & Culture Recruiter Samuel Karlsson at [email protected]
We are looking forward to your application! Please submit both your CV and motivational letter in English latest by November 19th Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer

At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently, act differently, and work differently as well. More so we like to make things, like music-playing lamps, and beds disguised as sofas, even plantballs that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. This has been keeping our co-workers going for over 75 years. By 2030, we hope to help millions more to look forward to going home. M... Visa mer
At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently, act differently, and work differently as well. More so we like to make things, like music-playing lamps, and beds disguised as sofas, even plantballs that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. This has been keeping our co-workers going for over 75 years. By 2030, we hope to help millions more to look forward to going home. Maybe you can help us?
In Category Food Logistics Services, we secure storage, handling and delivery of IKEA Food products in an integrated, automated and modern supply chain that safely reaches the many people. Always with the lowest cost, highest quality and a positive impact on people and planet.
We are now looking for a Logistics Service Provider Operations Developer to join our Category Food Logistics Services (Food) team located in Älmhult.
Please note that this is a temporary position for 18 months.
We named this job Service Provider Operations Developer. Internally the role is known as SPOD. Yes, we know, we are much better at naming our products. ???? But behind this name you will find an exciting job!
As Service Provider Operations Developer, you will:
· be responsible for the operational performance of our cold chain logistics service providers in a certain region
· Together with your colleagues, be responsible for the commercial, supply operations, quality and sustainability aspects, to continuously develop our food logistics capacities and service level.
· Analyze trade lanes and decide on the journey of our IKEA food products from their producers to our customers.
· Work in an international dimension as you will have daily interaction with other SPODs in Europe, Asia Pacific, and Americas, and with various internal and external stakeholders around the world.
Your decisions will impact important areas such as logistics cost, our sustainability footprint, and availability of our products in the stores.
We are looking for you, a specialist in supply chain with a track record in driving operational excellence in logistics.
To succeed in this position we believe that you:
· Have graduated from a university that gave you a good base to understand supply chain.
· Professionally have been exposed for ~3 years to the complexity of global supply chain operations, either in transport or logistics related roles.
· Are proficient in Microsoft Office and fluent in English.
As a person, you get energy from working both with facts & data, as well as with people. When you commit, you need to get things through completion. You are good at working with people and through people, and you understand the importance of relationships in business. You are self-motivated and can organize, structure, and prioritize multiple tasks. You dream high, and always strive to improve and do better.
Please note that the position is based in Älmhult and is a temporary position spanning over 18 months.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Shirley Zhang, Business Development Manager at [email protected] If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist, Samuel Karlsson at [email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before November 11th Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Food Demand Coordinator

Company Description At IKEA Supply Area North we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also pas... Visa mer
Company Description
At IKEA Supply Area North we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.
Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about food! We source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing, and logistics services for IKEA Food.
Right now, we are on an exciting journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations. If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!
We are now strengthening our team in Älmhult with 1 Food Demand Coordinator!

Job Description

As Food Demand Coordinator, you will work close with different supply functions to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for distribution in selected markets. It is a role with great variety; a good mix of operational work, planning and involvement in development projects.
In collaboration with Range Area Food, Category Area Food and all concerned food supply chain partners - you will contribute to IKEA retailers food growth agenda through a variety of operational tasks such as ensuring smooth range change, commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.
You will be joining a diverse, experienced team with helpful colleagues in a growing organization. In your role you will be responsible for one or several markets, this responsibility includes:
Being first point of contact for Retail partners in daily operations, product availability and capacity constraints
Being responsible for order management
Taking the lead in proactively coordinating supply chain partners to find optimal solutions to supply constraints.
Together with Category Operations Leader take lead for Market Operations Forum with supply chain stakeholders.
Reporting on a range of KPIs, providing information to retail and supply chain partners
Coordinating global and local sales activities and prepare for launch of new products
Responsibility to coordinate and lead the opening of new retail units in existing IKEA markets together with other stakeholders
Reviewing and providing input to supply chain partners to secure optimal replenishment solution

To be the right fit for this role, we believe you have:
A related education background (university degree) in logistics / supply / business administration or relevant working experience
Drive and commitment to deliver results with a business-mind, sense of solution orientation and urgency
Excellent communication skills, ability to communicate complex issues in a clear, engaging way with a down-to-earth, simple tone of voice.
Structure and ability to work well-organized.
Strong networking skills, being able to interact and form strong cross functional collaborations and partnerships
A positive and solution oriented mind-set, open and flexible to adapt to a rapidly changing environment
Experience in Microsoft Office applications with proficiency in Excel as well as some kind of ERP-system.
Fluent English

Additional information
Please note that the position is based in Älmhult.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Shirley Zhang, Business Development Manager at [email protected] If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist, Samuel Karlsson at [email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before November 11th Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Planning Performance Developer

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us at IKEA Supply!
At Supply Chain Operations we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We lead, plan and execute the supply of IKEA products between suppliers and retailers. We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Our Supply chain planning teams ensure accurate planning, so every journey is a success, and our products are available when and where customers need them. Supply Chain Planning Performance takes lead to support compliance and performance in planning, as well as finding opportunities to centralise and automate supply chain planning tasks. We work with different stakeholders throughout the supply chain to achieve agreed Service Level at lowest possible cost.
Job Description
We are now looking for a Planning Performance Developer to join our team. Do you have a passion for supply chain planning? Do you get energy from working together with others to identify improvement potentials and deliver great business results? Then this could be something for you!
As Planning Performance Developer you will:
Take lead and secure communication flow from the central planning function in connection to centralized and common planning tasks
Secure Implementation, establishment and compliance of agreed ways of working across the supply chain planning functions
Be the link between the business and capability area for development of processes and solutions
Business support to the SCP Community
Depending on areas of responsibility, represent planning in business forums and competence networks
Execute centralised planning tasks on behalf of the business
Contribute to the development and implementation of new processes, working methods and solutions, for increased operational excellence and best practice across functions
Contribute to additional assignments and projects within or across functions
Secure alignment and a clear overview of the business needs within your areas of responsibility
Contribute to the competence development agenda, by facilitating trainings and supporting the line organisation

As a person, you have a passion for planning and leading in a global assignment. You are motivated by driving development of the business and do that together with others, to improve the total result. You have strong stakeholder management skills, including building trustful relationships, communicating and collaborating with multiple stakeholders at once.
You have proven experience and knowledge in:
Supply chain planning processes, tools and systems
Problem solving through creative mindset
Investigating problems and proposing resolutions
Sharing knowledge, hosting workshops, promoting best practice
Interest in the people and the challenges they have and to provide solutions
Power BI and/or competence
Ability to navigate in a global context and able to make prioritisations where and when needed

Additional information
The position is based in Älmhult, Sweden.
Does this sound like you? The we look forward to your application! Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by latest by 1st November 2024.
Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis so send in your application soonest possible! Visa mindre

Category Logistics Leader

Category Logistics Leader Company Description The IKEA brand is one of the most successful home furnishing brands in the world. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.?At IKEA we see things a little differently. We believe that your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow! In?Purchasing ... Visa mer
Category Logistics Leader

Company Description
The IKEA brand is one of the most successful home furnishing brands in the world. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.?At IKEA we see things a little differently. We believe that your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow!
In?Purchasing Development, the assignment goes hand and hand with the IKEA Business idea as we are responsible to produce the wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Affordability, accessibility, sustainability, and quality are our main priorities. We develop and execute sourcing strategies and thus meet the Supply markets/industries in 6 different categories. We are a true global organization with around 1000 co-workers placed in 27 different locations, close to the suppliers and the market.?Within the Logistics function in the Purchasing Development, we focus on the following: leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach; leading supplier capacity planning agenda in a proactive way to secure the foundation; and leading logistics competence development agenda to meet business needs.
Do you want to lead the logistics agenda for a Purchasing Category in a global environment? Do you find energy in contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach? If yes, this might be the perfect challenge for you!

We are now hiring a Category Logistic Leader, that will report to Category Area Logistics Manager Jonas Westberg.

Job Description
As a Category Logistics Leader, you will be part of the Category Management team and lead the global Category Logistics agenda. You will be reporting to the Category Area Logistics Manager so, together and within the Purchasing Development Logistics Matrix, you will address the logistics and functional competence agenda in totality. You will contribute by leading the logistics development work, with focus to secure execution in line with Category plans. A same important area of responsibility is to develop the Supply Planning competence within the Category. As a member of the Category Management team you will be actively contribute to creation and execution of the Category Strategies and Action Plans together with your colleagues. In a nutshell, you will have a strong focus on business and people development within the Category across the globe.
In this role you will report to the Category Area Logistics Manager.
About the assignment:
Define the Category Logistics Agenda together with your Category Management Team and Category Area Logistics Manager, based on the CA Logistics Direction & Priorities. You will lead its execution through the business development teams.
Execute the Logistics Action Plan for the Category in cooperation with the Category Management Team and the Category Area Logistics Manager.
Be accountable for the Suppliers’ capacity planning process in the Category. You will also develop and secure ways of working for capacity planning.
Lead and secure the execution of Logistics compliance to meet relating working methods, rules & regulations.
Lead Supplier logistics development activities.
Contribute to the total value chain development by leading logistics development initiatives/projects, being active part of design and optimize supply chain networks for your Category.
Be matrix responsible for Supply Planners in your Category, contributing to competence development and succession planning.
Secure and develop the logistics competence among all co-workers in the Category.
Contribute to the total category development, as part of the Management Team.
Contribute to alignment between category and other supply chain partners in areas of responsibility.

To be a successful Category Logistics Leader we would like you to have:
Proven record of consistently meeting/exceeding results in leading and developing both business and people (direct or indirect).
Ability to combine working on a strategic level while acting on an operational/tactical level.
Good Knowledge of capacity planning.
Good knowledge of supply chain cost drivers
Solid logistics knowledge acquired by working in logistics roles.
Good knowledge of IKEA systems, tools and working methods, especially the ones in connection with purchasing is a benefit.

As a person you are:
You build trust and partnership to reach common goals
Strongly business minded
Able to foresee the consequences of one’s own actions and act based on high moral and ethical principles
Fluent in English, both spoken and written.

Additional information
Please note - this position can be based in Älmhult, Sweden or Dortmund, Germany with a global responsibility.
We are looking forward to receiving your application! Please send us your application in English until 1 October 2024 at the latest and also inform us in your motivation letter about your preferred location. We will review applications as they come and start interview continiously.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Jonas Westberg (Category Area Logistics Manager) at [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact P&C via smart recruiters and we will come back to you.
Our culture and values are based on equal opportunities and we are happy to consider applications from individuals with disabilities.
We are looking forward to receiving your application!
You will work in an environment where your ideas are heard, where there is opportunity to learn new skills and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”. Visa mindre

Supply Planner in Category Paper,

Company Description IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishing at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of the IKEA Supply organization is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality products available to our customers, under good social and environmental conditions. Purchasing and Logistics Area North Europe is one of total nine Purchasing Operations Areas within ... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishing at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of the IKEA Supply organization is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality products available to our customers, under good social and environmental conditions. Purchasing and Logistics Area North Europe is one of total nine Purchasing Operations Areas within IKEA, and our co-workers are based in Älmhult, Dortmund and Kaunas.
We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. We are empowered by our vision: to create a better everyday life for the many people!
Job Description
Are you are interested in how goods are delivered to the customers on time and at a lowest possible cost? Do you want to learn about production capacity planning and order flow? Do you like both, working with numbers and people? Do you want to help IKEA have happy customers and reach great business results?
We are looking for a Supply Planner to join the Category Paper in Älmhult.
As a Supply Planner you will be the link between IKEA and its suppliers on operational and logistic subjects. You will ensure that the agreed business setups are followed, updated, and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers, with the lowest total Supply Chain cost. If you are curious, self-motivated & eager to support with your knowledge on supply chain & logistics, then this is a great opportunity for you!
As a Supply Planner you will:
Be part of a great team
Ensure the agreed service level by monitoring and taking required action on delivery precision.
Work closely with IKEA suppliers to provide them with relevant information, training, working methods and help them develop to the required performance levels.
Take the lead in operational capacity planning at supplier level and contributing to tactical capacity planning.
Follow-up, analyse and take actions, leading supplier logistics development through value chain improvement with a total cost approach.
Continuously update requests to responsible functions within the Supply Chain, including suppliers.
Daily troubleshooting, as well as finding solutions to avoid similar problems in the future.
Be curious and motivated to find more efficient and better ways of working.

Good knowledge of Supply Chain cost drivers and logistics, including different replenishment- and delivery solutions.
Good knowledge of production planning processes and high interest in optimizing the whole supply chain.
Organized and capable to prioritize.
Strong communication and negotiating skills.
Details and Solutions oriented.
Capable to run detailed data analyses.
Fluent English in both written and spoken.
Relevant university degree or equivalent knowledge from working experience.
Very good knowledge of Excel.

Capabilities & Motivation
Desire to find logistic improvement opportunities and making them happen.
Comfortable to work in a dynamic environment
Energized from being the link between IKEAs needs and IKEAs orders to our suppliers.
Share the IKEA values, culture and have a strong interest to work for a home furnishings company.
Drive and motivation to find common interests and agenda, to build trust and partnership with stakeholders to reach common goals.

Additional information
We offer you varied work tasks both in the office and at IKEA suppliers with a fun, friendly, non-hierarchical, open and international team atmosphere. Moreover, you have a wide range of education and self-development possibilities. We also hope you want to contribute with your unique competence to IKEAs future growth!
Sounds interesting?
Submit your application online via our recruitment system SmartRecruiters as soon as possible, but latest 15th October 2024.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Patricia Normand, Business Development Manager, [email protected] or send an email to the recruiting team via SmartRecruiters and we will come back to you. Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer

Company Description At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently, act differently, and work differently as well. More so we like to make things, like music-playing lamps, and beds disguised as sofas, even plantballs that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. This has been keeping our co-workers going for over 75 years. By 2030, we hope to help millions more to look fo... Visa mer
Company Description

At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently, act differently, and work differently as well. More so we like to make things, like music-playing lamps, and beds disguised as sofas, even plantballs that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. This has been keeping our co-workers going for over 75 years. By 2030, we hope to help millions more to look forward to going home. Maybe you can help us?
In Category Food Logistics Services, we secure storage, handling and delivery of IKEA Food products in an integrated, automated and modern supply chain that safely reaches the many people. Always with the lowest cost, highest quality and a positive impact on people and planet.
We are now looking for a Logistics Service Provider Operations Developer to join our Category Food Logistics Services (Food) team located in Älmhult.
Job Description

We named this job Service Provider Operations Developer. Internally the role is known as SPOD. Yes, we know, we are much better at naming our products. ???? But behind this name you will find an exciting job!
As Service Provider Operations Developer, you will be responsible for the operational performance of our cold chain logistics service providers in a certain region. You will work closely with your colleagues, responsible for the commercial, supply operations, quality and sustainability aspects, to continuously develop our food logistics capacities and service level.
You will be analyzing trade lanes and deciding on the journey of our IKEA food products from their producers to our customers. Your decisions will impact important areas such as logistics cost, our sustainability footprint, and availability of our products in the stores. You will work in an international dimension as you will have daily interaction with other SPODs in Europe, Asia Pacific, and Americas, and with various internal and external stakeholders around the world.

We are looking for you, a specialist in supply chain with a track record in driving operational excellence in logistics. Ideally you graduated from a university that gave you a good base to understand supply chain. Professionally, you have been exposed for ~3 years to the complexity of global supply chain operations, either in transport or logistics related roles. You are proficient in Microsoft Office and fluent in English.
As a person, you get energy from working both with facts & data, as well as with people. When you commit, you need to get things through completion. You are good at working with people and through people, and you understand the importance of relationships in business. You are self-motivated and can organize, structure, and prioritize multiple tasks. You dream high, and always strive to improve and do better.
Additional information

Please note we have a preferred candidate for this position!
If you have any questions about the position or the recruitment process please send in your questions through the Smart Recruiters system. Latest day to apply is October 6, 2024.
We look forward receiving your application! Visa mindre

Need Planner

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
At Supply Chain Operations we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We lead, plan and execute the supply of IKEA products between suppliers and retailers. We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensure exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!
You will be responsible for the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfill our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.
You will sit in the center of the supply chain having stakeholders in many dimensions. You will be the link between range development, IKEA suppliers and sales and flows and by that you will get great learning of the totality of Ikea Supply chain and Ikea business and the possibility to build network across many organizations and functions within IKEA. Exciting, isn’t it?
You will be part of a big and diverse Need planning community from which you will get a great support in your onboarding.
As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
Be responsible for inventory level and the stock structure worldwide in assigned product ranges.
Be responsible to review and balance the total need versus capacity in order to make an executable supply plan for assigned range.
Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level and act on deviations when needed
Be responsible to plan the need for NEWS and Discontinued products, by securing needed stock for sales start dates and end date sales, communicate and handover to relevant supply chain partners for execution
Lead initiatives together with Supply chain stakeholders in order to identify potential overstock / stock out situations and to act on deviations.
Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with all value chain partners in order to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost

Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and working in a global assignment in a changing environment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments on operational and tactical level. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.
Additionally, will be a benefit if you have knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data
We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by latest by 12th July 2024
Please note that we have a preferred candidate for this position, while we encourage a dialogue with all candidates holding a similar ambition and finding the role interesting.
If you have any questions about the role or the recruitment please send your questions forward through the Smart Recruiter system.
Looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer

Company Description IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver ... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult!
Job Description
As a Supply Operations Developer you will work to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance as well as contribute to further the development. You will stay in in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders and contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
As Supply Operations Developer you will:
Lead high-quality communication with supply information among stakeholders from the whole Supply Chain including Retail
Secure operational performance in Supply Chain, always with an end-to-end perspective and the customer value in mind. This includes the handling of risk shortages, flow optimization and slot management on the sender and receiver side.
Challenge and develop the current logistical set-up.
You follow up on execution of the Supply Plan and execution of market relevant plans in connection with the Market Operation Forum (MOF)

To shine in this role, we hope you have:
A university degree in logistics and/or other relevant background and worked at least 1-2 years with logistics or supply chain processes
Experience of managing complex stakeholder expectations
Skills in building and maintaining meaningful relationships with internal and external parties
A proactive attitude, a will to improve and an urge to grow in your role
Excellent presentation and communication skills as well as an analytical mindset and experience in performing complex business cases, root cause analyses and scenario planning
You are fluent in English, both written and spoken

We see stakeholder management as an essential part of this role. In the role as SOD, you will be a member of a team where sharing and learning together is an important part of developing the business. It is a bonus if you have good understanding and experience in IKEA supply chain.
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Please note that the position is based in Älmhult.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Amanda Sandgrim, Supply Operations Development Manager at [email protected] . If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter Samuel Karlsson at [email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before the 6th of September Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Food Demand Coordinator

Company Description At IKEA Supply Area North we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also pas... Visa mer
Company Description
At IKEA Supply Area North we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.
Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about food! We source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing, and logistics services for IKEA Food.
Right now, we are on an exciting journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations. If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!
We are now strengthening our teams in Älmhult with a Food Demand Coordinators.
Job Description
As Food Demand Coordinator, you will work close with different supply functions to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for distribution in selected markets. It is a role with great variety; a good mix of operational work, planning and involvement in development projects.
In collaboration with Range Area Food, Category Area Food and all concerned food supply chain partners - you will contribute to IKEA retailers food growth agenda through a variety of operational tasks such as ensuring smooth range change, commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.
You will be joining a diverse, experienced team with helpful colleagues in a growing organization. In your role you will be responsible for one or several markets, this responsibility includes:
Being first point of contact for Retail partners in daily operations, product availability and capacity constraints
Being responsible for order management
Taking the lead in proactively coordinating supply chain partners to find optimal solutions to supply constraints.
Together with Category Operations Leader take lead for Market Operations Forum with supply chain stakeholders.
Reporting on a range of KPIs, providing information to retail and supply chain partners
Coordinating global and local sales activities and prepare for launch of new products
Responsibility to coordinate and lead the opening of new retail units in existing IKEA markets together with other stakeholders
Reviewing and providing input to supply chain partners to secure optimal replenishment solution

To be the right fit for this role, we believe you have:
A related education background (university degree) in logistics / supply / business administration or relevant working experience
Drive and commitment to deliver results with a business-mind, sense of solution orientation and urgency
Excellent communication skills, ability to communicate complex issues in a clear, engaging way with a down-to-earth, simple tone of voice.
Structure and ability to work well-organized.
Strong networking skills, being able to interact and form strong cross functional collaborations and partnerships
A positive and solution oriented mind-set, open and flexible to adapt to a rapidly changing environment
Experience in Microsoft Office applications with proficiency in Excel as well as some kind of ERP-system.
Fluent English

Additional information
This position is a full-time permanent assignment located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA.
We are looking forward to your application! Please submit both your CV and motivational letter in English by latest by Aug 5th 2024! We are reviewing applications as they come through so don’t wait to apply! Please note we can't processes any applications sent by email.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - Temporary position

Company Description IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver ... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Supply services (Sweden) AB is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult!
Job Description
You will secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance and contribute to further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders. You will contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
Included assignments as Supply Operations Developer:
You lead high-quality communication with on time- and fact-based supply information among stakeholders from the whole Supply Chain including Retail
You secure operational performance in Supply Chain from end-to-end perspective, within given scope and always having the customer value in mind, by working with
Handling Risk of Shortage
Range Changes,
Handling commercial actions,
Handling high inventory,
Delivery solution optimization,
Flow optimization execution,
Delivery lead time and OTD,
Slot management at sender and receiver side
You challenge and develop current logistical set up by identifying patterns of underperformance, noncompliance, deviations, and potential risks of disruptions.
You engage with respective stakeholders, together performing root-cause analysis and lead corrective actions. As well as taking initiatives to develop operational performance and reach agreed objectives
You follow up on execution of the Supply Plan and execution of market relevant plans in connection with the Market Operation Forum (MOF)
You support and contribute with knowledge and give input on improvement of current processes and ways of working.

To shine in this role, we wish that:
You have a university degree in logistics and/or other relevant background and worked at least 1-2 years with logistics/supply chain processes
You have leadership capabilities to manage complex stakeholders in a very dynamic environment
You have the capability to build effective and trustful relationships with both internal and external stakeholders and enjoy interacting with many different people
You have a proactive attitude, curiosity on improvements potentials and starting actions and initiatives to utilize the spotted potential
You have excellent presentation and communication skills
You contribute with a positive attitude, energy and drive
You have analytical skills and the ability to perform complex business cases, root cause analyses, scenario planning and lead conclusions to support the right business decision and implementation
You have computer skills and high proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
You are fluent in English, both written and spoken
The IKEA culture & values inspire your everyday work, and it is natural for you to act as an ambassador for IKEA

We see stakeholder management as an essential part of this role. In the role as SOD, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business. It is a bonus if you have good understanding and experience in IKEA supply chain.
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Please note that the position is based in Älmhult and is a Temporal position for 12 months! For this position we are not offering relocation or mobility.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Rickard Malmström, Supply Operations Development Manager at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist, Femina Ladhani Karlsson at [email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before 11th June, 2024 Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Need Planner - SCO

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join... Visa mer
Company Description

The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
At Supply Chain Operations we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We lead, plan and execute the supply of IKEA products between suppliers and retailers. We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will enter an exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!
You will be responsible for the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfill our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.
You will sit in the center of the supply chain having stakeholders in many dimensions. You will be the link between range development, IKEA suppliers and sales and flows and by that you will get great learning of the totality of Ikea Supply chain and Ikea business and the possibility to build network across many organizations and functions within IKEA. Exciting, isn’t it?
You will be part of a big and diverse Need planning community from which you will get a great support in your onboarding.
As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
Be responsible for inventory level and the stock structure worldwide in assigned product ranges.
Be responsible to review and balance the total need versus capacity in order to make an executable supply plan for assigned range.
Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level and act on deviations when needed
Be responsible to plan the need for NEWS and Discontinued products, by securing needed stock for sales start dates and end date sales, communicate and handover to relevant supply chain partners for execution
Lead initiatives together with Supply chain stakeholders in order to identify potential overstock / stock out situations and to act on deviations.
Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with all value chain partners in order to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost

Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and working in a global assignment in a changing environment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments on operational and tactical level. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.
Additionally, will be a benefit if you have knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data
We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by 15 April 2024 Visa mindre

Need Planner Food

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
At Supply Chain Operations we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We lead, plan and execute the supply of IKEA products between suppliers and retailers. We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA, you will be responsible for the need planning process in Food supply chain to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning.
You will sit in the center of the supply chain having stakeholders in many dimensions. You will be the link between range development, IKEA suppliers and sales and flows and by that you will get great learning of the totality of Ikea Supply chain and Ikea business and the possibility to build network across many organizations and functions within IKEA. You will be part of a big and diverse Need planning community from which you will get a great support in your onboarding.
More specifically, you will, among other assignments:
Be responsible for inventory level and the stock structure including setting the right safety stock levels, worldwide in assigned product ranges and always ensuring remaining shelf life according to Global service protocol in all stock keeping units on regional level.
Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with all value chain partners to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost for NEWS, Running and Discontinued range. Accountable for global availability information and ensure that different stakeholders in supply chain as well as the HFB are informed regarding supply delivery constraints, logistics performance and initiate corrective actions.
Proactively evaluate replenishment proposals, place purchase orders for a given range within the frame of IFSAG purchase agreement.
Responsible to ensure availability during Phase in and phasing out of articles.
Lead initiatives together with Supply chain stakeholders to identify potential overstock / stock out situations and to act on deviations.

In addition to above, you will be part of exciting projects and initiatives to develop our digital & process capabilities within the IKEA supply chain.
Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and working in a global assignment in a changing environment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments on operational and tactical level. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills. Being comfortable in areas with high uncertainties and not defined process and look for ways to improve business together with stakeholders.
Additionally, will be a benefit if you have knowledge in:
Supply Chain Planning processes
How Planning adds value to service level and cost
Planning tools and systems
Solving problems through analytical reasoning
Analysis of large sets of data
Excel and used to build reports
Can work with an end to end approach (supplier to customer), as well as dive into fine details.

Since we are a truly international environment, you need to be fluent in English, both spoken and written.
We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. Please submit your CV and motivation letter in English latest by 29th March 2024. Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis so send in you application soon as possible!
If you have any questions about the role, please contact Need Planning Team manager Vikas Mittal at [email protected] . If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter Femina Karlsson at [email protected]
Looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Delivery Planner Food - Temporary role

Company Description IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishing and food products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of IKEA Purchasing & Logistics is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services?is a part of?Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization wit... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishing and food products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of IKEA Purchasing & Logistics is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.
Category Food Logistics Services?is a part of?Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
In?Category Food Logistics Services, we are passionate about food!
We source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing and logistics services for IKEA Food. And we are on an existing journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations.
If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!
We are now looking for a new Delivery Planner to join our Category Food Logistics Services Food team located in Älmhult!
Job Description
In Category Food Logistics Services, we source, procure and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing and logistics services for IKEA Food. To support our growing business development agenda, we are currently looking for a Delivery Planner to join our team in Älmhult. As Delivery Planner you will be responsible to coordinate the goods flow throughout external service providers (carriers, warehouses, third party logistics, …), meeting the needs of business and our customers today and in the future. Through your work you will contribute to the IKEA value chain that creates better products and services at lower total costs to reach more of the many customers.
Your tasks will include:
Planning of distribution orders between central and regional distribution centres.
Monitor and secure the goods flow through different distribution centres.
Work in close cooperation with internal and external stakeholders to secure on-time delivery and solve operational deviations.
Monitor shipments and in case of deviations take necessary action and inform concerned stakeholders to secure availability for our customers.
Optimize the filling rate and equipment utilization together with relevant stakeholders.
Suggest potential improvements for parameters and set-ups affecting delivery planning and execution according to our Global Working Methods.
Support in Investigation of claim issues in the supply chain.
Actively contribute to the development of the operational processes, systems, and Global Working Methods within the Supply Chain.

Your knowledge, skills and experiences:
We are looking for people with knowledge of logistics capabilities, order planning and capacity planning. You have the ability to take lead in ensuring planning of orders and prioritize in order to fulfill customers’ needs at the lowest possible landed cost. We believe you have plenty of energy and curiosity to learn and dare to challenge people around you. You are an early adopter with a flexible mind-set and has a willingness to work in a constantly changing international environment.
Related education background in (preferred in Logistics, Engineering, Economics, Business or IT or relevant working experience.
Knowledge of the transport industry and dynamics.
Ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders.
Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within the given time frame.
Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change.
Proactive and solution oriented.
Fluent oral and written English.

Additional information
Please note this position is a full-time temporary (April – December 2024) assignment located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA. For this position we do not offer relocation or mobility support.
Please send in your application in English, CV and cover letter soonest possible, but latest 21 of March 2024.
If you would like to know more about the role, please contact Irina Kärnsund at [email protected]. If you would like to know more about the recruitment process please contact Femina Ladhani Karlsson (People & Culture Specialist) at [email protected]
We will be interviewing continuously so please send us your application, as soon as possible.
We look forward receiving your application! Visa mindre

Need Planner

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
At Supply Chain Operations we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We lead, plan and execute the supply of IKEA products between suppliers and retailers. We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensure exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!
You will be responsible for the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfill our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.
You will sit in the center of the supply chain having stakeholders in many dimensions. You will be the link between range development, IKEA suppliers and sales and flows and by that you will get great learning of the totality of Ikea Supply chain and Ikea business and the possibility to build network across many organizations and functions within IKEA. Exciting, isn’t it?
You will be part of a big and diverse Need planning community from which you will get a great support in your onboarding.
As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
Be responsible for inventory level and the stock structure worldwide in assigned product ranges.
Be responsible to review and balance the total need versus capacity in order to make an executable supply plan for assigned range.
Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level and act on deviations when needed
Be responsible to plan the need for NEWS and Discontinued products, by securing needed stock for sales start dates and end date sales, communicate and handover to relevant supply chain partners for execution
Lead initiatives together with Supply chain stakeholders in order to identify potential overstock / stock out situations and to act on deviations.
Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with all value chain partners in order to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost

Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and working in a global assignment in a changing environment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments on operational and tactical level. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.
Additionally, will be a benefit if you have knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data
We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by latest by 21th February 2024.
Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis so send in your application soonest possible!
If you have any questions about the about recruitment process, please contact People & Culture specialist Femina Ladhani Karlsson at [email protected] Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - DISCO Assignment

Älmhult, Sweden Full-time Company Description IKEA Supply Services is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable ... Visa mer
Älmhult, Sweden
Company Description
IKEA Supply Services is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.

We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
In the assignment as Supply Operations Developer, you will take an active role in the Discontinued Execution (DISCO) process by working pro-actively on deviations, detecting potential risks, and non-compliance and identifying patterns of underperformance in phasing out discontinued IKEA products.?You will work in close cooperation with various stakeholders across the IKEA supply chain and lead the execution process in the best possible way, on a regional level.
As a Supply Operations Developer you are responsible for engaging relevant stakeholders and together perform root-analysis and lead corrective actions towards discontinued products. The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development. This is in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
To shine in the role as Supply Operations Developer with DISCO assignment:?we see that you are strong in stakeholder management and find it easy to connect with others and can take the lead in a room. You have the capability to build fact-based business cases in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders and find win-win-solutions within the IKEA supply chain.
In the daily operations you will contribute with high energy and drive, inspiring both teammates and stakeholders. We also see that you have excellent presentation and communication skills.?As a person you always strive to reach goals and are confident in making decisions. Last but not least, you have the IKEA culture & values close to heart.
You have experience from working with the IKEA product range
You have a university degree in logistics, economics, or other relevant background
You have computer skills and high proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
Preferably you have deep knowledge of functions within IKEA Supply Chain and how they contribute to the process
Preferably you have deep knowledge of relevant analysis tools and working methods in the IKEA Supply Chain

We grow with you!?In regular conversations with your manager, you can explore your development and career opportunities, and we will support you on the way. We embrace making mistakes and learning from them. For us, at IKEA, that is the best way. In the role as Supply Operations Developer, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business.
Additional information
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in?English latest by March 15 2024. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.
If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist Femina Ladhani Karlsson at [email protected] Visa mindre

Supply Planner IKEA Food

Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where t... Visa mer
Company Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.
If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!
IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.
Co-workers within Purchasing Development lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers.?IKEA Food are working with suppliers globally and have offices in King of Prussia USA, Älmhult Sweden, Dortmund Germany, Warsaw Poland, Milan Italy and Shanghai China.
Job Description
As a?Supply Planner?you?will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by working continuously towards exceptions together with Need Planner and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Contribute to tactical capacity planning and operational (manually) work based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
Contribute to identifying the best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having a customer and total cost in mind.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA Retail in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible for their own performance through working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.
running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.
Contribute to supplier development by taking a lead from the logistic perspective and engage relevant competence in IKEA and at Supplier to assess supplier logistics capability and running supplier development projects.

We are looking for people with knowledge of supplier capabilities, material, production flow, capacity planning. You have the ability to take the lead to ensure supplier has goods ready in time and in full in order to fulfil customers’ needs at the lowest possible landed cost. You are able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind.
Additionally, we also see that you have/you are
2+ years working experience in logistic, supply chain area.
Good understand of supply chain flow
Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within the given time frame
Project coordinating ability with structural thinking, and analytic skill
Proactive and solution-oriented, ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change
Fluent in English and a both writing and speaking
Knowing IKEA business will be a plus '

Additional information
Sounds interesting?
Please we have a preferred candidate for this position and note that this position will be located in?Älmhult, Sweden.?Send us your application?in English – CV and motivation letter – no later than 24 January 2024.?Please note that we will be interviewing continuously.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please?send in your questions to the Smart Recruiters system.
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Jan 26    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Category Logistic Leader

Company Description The IKEA brand is one of the most successful home furnishing brands in the world. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.?At IKEA we see things a little differently. We believe that your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow! In?Purchasing Development, the assignment ... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA brand is one of the most successful home furnishing brands in the world. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.?At IKEA we see things a little differently. We believe that your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow!
In?Purchasing Development, the assignment goes hand and hand with the IKEA Business idea as we are responsible to produce the wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. ?Affordability, accessibility, sustainability, and quality are our main priorities.? We develop and execute sourcing strategies and thus meet the Supply markets/industries in 6 different categories. We are a true global organization with around 1000 co-workers placed in 27 different locations, close to the suppliers and the market.?Within the Logistics function in the Purchasing Development, we focus on the following: leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach; leading supplier capacity planning agenda in a proactive way to secure the foundation; and leading logistics competence development agenda to meet business needs.
Do you want to lead the logistics agenda for a Purchasing Category in a global environment? Do you find energy in contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach? If yes, this might be the perfect challenge for you!

We are now hiring a Category Logistic Leader, that will report to Category Area Logistics Manager Per Birgander.
Job Description
As a Category Logistics Leader, you will be part of the Category Management team and lead the global Category Logistics agenda. You will be reporting to the Category Area Logistics Manager so, together and within the Purchasing Development Logistics Matrix, you will address the logistics and functional competence agenda in totality. You will contribute by leading the logistics development work, with focus to secure execution in line with Category plans. A same important area of responsibility is to develop the Supply Planning competence within the Category. As a member of the Category Management team you will be actively contribute to creation and execution of the Category Strategies and Action Plans together with your colleagues. In a nutshell, you will have a strong focus on business and people development within the Category across the globe.
In this role you will report to the Category Area Logistics Manager.
About the assignment:
Define the Category Logistics Agenda together with your Category Management Team and Category Area Logistics Manager, based on the CA Logistics Direction & Priorities. You will lead its execution through the business development teams.
Execute the Logistics Action Plan for the Category in cooperation with the Category Management Team and the Category Area Logistics Manager.
Be accountable for the Suppliers’ capacity planning process in the Category. You will also develop and secure ways of working for capacity planning.
Lead and secure the execution of Logistics compliance to meet relating working methods, rules & regulations.
Lead Supplier logistics development activities.
Contribute to the total value chain development by leading logistics development initiatives/projects, being active part of design and optimize supply chain networks for your Category.
Be matrix responsible for Supply Planners in your Category, contributing to competence development and succession planning.
Secure and develop the logistics competence among all co-workers in the Category.
Contribute to the total category development, as part of the Management Team.
Contribute to alignment between category and other supply chain partners in areas of responsibility.

To be a successful Category Logistics Leader we would like you to have:
Proven record of consistently meeting/exceeding results in leading and developing both business and people (direct or indirect).
Ability to combine working on a strategic level while acting on an operational/tactical level.
Good Knowledge of capacity planning.
Good knowledge of supply chain cost drivers
Solid logistics knowledge acquired by working in logistics roles.
Good knowledge of IKEA systems, tools and working methods, especially the ones in connection with purchasing is a benefit.

As a person you are:
You build trust and partnership to reach common goals
Strongly business minded
Able to foresee the consequences of one’s own actions and act based on high moral and ethical principles
Fluent in English, both spoken and written.

Additional Information
This position based in Älmhult, Sweden with a global responsibility. Please send us your application in English, February 16th at the latest!
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Olivia Swärd, People and Culture Specialist, [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Per Birgander (Category Area Logistics Manager) at [email protected].
You will work in an environment where your ideas are heard, where there is opportunity to learn new skills and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Dec 29    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Jan 5    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Jan 12    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Dec 22    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Demand Planner

Ansök    Dec 20    IKEA of Sweden AB    Materialplanerare
Would you like to be part of creating a better everyday life for the many people? By developing affordable products and solutions for people all around the world? Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden and here the IKEA range is developed based on the Democratic Design process and made available to stores and customers across the world. Right now, we are looking for two Demand Planners, one for Range Area Bedroom furniture and one for Range Area Decoration & Se... Visa mer
Would you like to be part of creating a better everyday life for the many people? By developing affordable products and solutions for people all around the world? Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden and here the IKEA range is developed based on the Democratic Design process and made available to stores and customers across the world.
Right now, we are looking for two Demand Planners, one for Range Area Bedroom furniture and one for Range Area Decoration & Seasonality who will join us in IKEA of Sweden!
Job Description
You will act as the link between Sales and Supply, turning in depth analysis of our sales history into an accurate forecast that is used to secure the availability of our products to our customers around the globe. In addition, being the Supply Organization's speaking partner with the Retail organization, you will turn global and national sales plans into product level forecasts by predicting when, where and in what quantities the products will be sold in the Customer Meeting Points.
The assignment includes:
Together with Need planner and Sourcing Developer, be responsible for deployments from a supply perspective.
Secure the quality of the demand forecasts, both for news and running range.
Be part of collaborating with Retail and HFB’s on volumes.
Work with handovers to HFB when the deployments are successful.
Implement and continue to develop the supply strategy for innovation Deployments.
Work close together with Retail, HFB´s and other stakeholders to constantly develop ways of working.

To be successful in this role we believe that you:
Have 2-3 years of relevant experience from supply chain, ideally from retail.
Have a university degree in business/finance/logistics or relevant experience.
Have strong analytical skills with a problem-solving approach.
Can work with an end to end approach (supplier to customer), as well as dive into fine details when needed.
Are a good Excel user and used to build reports.
Can establish long-term relationships and collaborate across the functions in the value chain.
Are motivated by problem solving, have good prioritization skills, a positive attitude, and you always look for ways to improve the business together with others.

Since we are a truly international environment, you need to be fluent in English, both spoken and written.
Additional information
Please send in your application (CV and cover letter) at the latest by 30th December, 2023. If relevant, please specify the Range Area in which you are interested.
For questions about the recruitment process, reach out to [email protected]. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Dec 18    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - DISCO Assignment

Company Description IKEA Supply Services is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent ... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Supply Services is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
In the assignment as Supply Operations Developer, you will take an active role in the Discontinued Execution (DISCO) process by working pro-actively on deviations, detecting potential risks, and non-compliance and identifying patterns of underperformance in phasing out discontinued IKEA products.?You will work in close cooperation with various stakeholders across the IKEA supply chain and lead the execution process in the best possible way, on a regional level.
As a Supply Operations Developer you are responsible for engaging relevant stakeholders and together perform root-analysis and lead corrective actions towards discontinued products. The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development. This is in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
To shine in the role as Supply Operations Developer with DISCO assignment:?we see that you are strong in stakeholder management and find it easy to connect with others and can take the lead in a room. You have the capability to build fact-based business cases in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders and find win-win-solutions within the IKEA supply chain.
In the daily operations you will contribute with high energy and drive, inspiring both teammates and stakeholders. We also see that you have excellent presentation and communication skills.?As a person you always strive to reach goals and are confident in making decisions. Last but not least, you have the IKEA culture & values close to heart.
You have experience from working with the IKEA product range
You have a university degree in logistics, economics, or other relevant background
You have computer skills and high proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
Preferably you have deep knowledge of functions within IKEA Supply Chain and how they contribute to the process
Preferably you have deep knowledge of relevant analysis tools and working methods in the IKEA Supply Chain

We grow with you!?In regular conversations with your manager, you can explore your development and career opportunities, and we will support you on the way. We embrace making mistakes and learning from them. For us, at IKEA, that is the best way. In the role as Supply Operations Developer, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business.
Additional information
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in?English latest by December 19, 2023. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.
If you have questions regarding the role, feel free to contact Supply Operations Development Manager, Rickard Malmström at [email protected]. About recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist Femina Ladhani Karlsson at [email protected] Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Dec 8    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Dec 1    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Nov 13    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Nov 24    TopWork Sverige AB    Materialplanerare
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Ljungby.
Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!
Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.
Din profil Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning
Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.
Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.
Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system
Du har goda IT-kunskaper
Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete. Visa mindre

Supply Planner - Category Area Wood

Company Description Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many. Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and s... Visa mer
Company Description
Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many.
Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based articles that our many customers enjoy amongst which are iconic IKEA families such as BILLY, PAX, IVAR, KALLAX, POÄNG and our kitchen ranges. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards affordable sustainability for our customers?
You will be based in Supply North where we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, and Dortmund. The position will be placed in Älmhult!

Job Description
We are now looking for a Supply Planner to join our team working with solid wood business
As a Supply Planner you are the link between IKEA and our suppliers, leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach. You will actively ensure that the agreed business set-ups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost.
You will be part of a small business team, working closely together to continuously develop our suppliers looking at improvements in cost, production set up, product development and logistics.
A normal day as a Supply Planner could include:
Developing logistics performance through common Action Plans with Suppliers
Achieving excellence in running logistics operations in accordance with Category Plan, by interacting with respective stakeholders and complying with working methods
Taking the lead in operational and tactical capacity planning at supplier level
Planning and optimizing flow in a sending perspective in efficient delivery and supply solutions
Actively identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Defining and securing implementation of ways of working, systems & tools to support business decisions and suppliers to achieve logistics performance

Do you have knowledge of supplier capabilities, capacity & need planning? Could you take the leadership to ensure our supplier has goods ready in time and in full to fulfil customers’ need at lowest possible landed cost? Would you be able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind? Then we are looking for you!
We wish that you tick the following boxes:

University degree with Supply Chain management focus
Minimal 1-2 years of planning and supplier management field experience
Proactive and solution-oriented
Ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within given time frame
Strong data analytical skills
Excellent Microsoft office and Power Bi skills
Fluent oral English and good communicator
Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change

Additional information
Sounds interesting?
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Olivia Swärd, People and Culture Specialist, [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Theresa Schwarz, Business Development Manager, [email protected].
Please apply today if we find the right candidate we will unpublish the ad. Latest application date 21st of November 2023. We look forward receiving your application! Visa mindre

Category Logistics Leader - Category Area Food

Company Description At IKEA Range & Supply we develop and make the IKEA range available to stores and customers all over the world. Within IKEA Range & Supply, IKEA Purchasing & Logistics leads the supply of the range. Co-workers within IKEA Purchasing Development lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the... Visa mer
Company Description
At IKEA Range & Supply we develop and make the IKEA range available to stores and customers all over the world. Within IKEA Range & Supply, IKEA Purchasing & Logistics leads the supply of the range. Co-workers within IKEA Purchasing Development lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers.
IKEA Purchasing Development is organised in categories based on the material and function of the product. A Category is a group of articles sharing same materials, production techniques, and/or supplier base. In 2017 we launched Category Area Food, as part of the pursuit of a world class food supply chain. We are currently putting in place the foundation, in terms of people and ways of working. Through consolidation of today’s supplier base of more than 1.100 suppliers of food to our stores, we secure an optimal sourcing, with a strong governance to secure good quality food and mitigate risks, including food fraud,
Job Description
As a Category Logistics Leader, you will be part of the Category Management team and lead the global Category Logistics agenda for on of our categories. You will be reporting to the Category Area Logistics Manager so, together and within the Purchasing Development Logistics Matrix, you will address the logistics and functional competence agenda for the total Category Area Food. You will contribute by driving the logistics development work, with focus to secure execution in line with Category plans. A same important area of responsibility is to develop the Supply Planning competence within the Category. In a nutshell, you will have a strong focus on business and people development within the Category across the globe.
The position is located in Älmhult, Sweden but with a global responsibility.
About the assignment:
Define the Category Logistics Agenda together with your Category Management Team and Category Area Logistics Manager, based on the CA Logistics Direction & Priorities. You will lead its execution through the business development teams.
Execute the Logistics Action Plan for the Category in cooperation with the Category Management Team and the Category Area Logistics Manager.
Lead Supplier logistics development activities. You will do that by either leading resource allocation for agreed Supplier logistics development projects or directly lead strategic supplier logistics development projects when needed.
Contribute to the total value chain development by leading logistics development initiatives/projects, being active part of design and optimize supply chain networks for respective Category.
Be matrix responsible for Supply Planners in a specific Category, contributing to competence development and succession planning.
Secure and develop the logistics competence among all co-workers in the Category.
Contribute to the total category development, as part of the Management Team.
Contribute to alignment between category and other supply chain partners in areas of responsibility.

To be a successful Category Logistics Leader we would like you to have:
Proven record of consistently meeting/exceeding results in leading and developing both business and people (direct or indirect).
Proven experience in working with supplier development/business development.
Ability to combine working on a strategic level while acting on an operational/tactical level.
Good knowledge of supply chain cost drivers from raw material to customer
Solid logistics knowledge acquired by working in logistics roles in a global organization
Ability to motivate the team and give them the powers they need to succeed in the task.
Good leadership skills and knowledge in situational based leadership and leading, and ability to be a good coach and mentor
High interest to take leadership and work with competence development
Decision making based on IKEA values.
As a person you are:
Interested and driven to find common interests and agenda, to build trust and partnership to reach common goals
Strongly business minded
Passionate to lead a global assignment
Able to foresee the consequences of one’s own actions and act based on high moral and ethical principles
Fluent in English, both spoken and written.

Additional information
Please note that there is a preferred candidate for this position and in the first selection process, we will consider candidates from current Purchasing Development organization. Submit your application, CV and letter of motivation, online via our recruitment system Smart Recruiters no later than 3rd of September, 2023. If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please send in your question through the Smart Recruiters system. Visa mindre

Strategisk planerare

Ansök    Aug 28    TopWork Sverige AB    Logistikingenjör
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Älmhult.   Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!   Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så ... Visa mer
TopWork söker nu en strategisk planerare till vår kund i Älmhult.


Är du driven, analytisk och har erfarenhet av strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri? Vill du arbeta på ett företag som är ledande i sin bransch? Då har du kommit rätt!


Som strategisk planerare kommer du arbeta med att säkerställa material- och produktionskapacitet hos vår kund. Du kommer vara ansvarig för att analysera kundens produktionsflöden och föreslå förbättringar så att de kan skalas upp och optimeras, samt planera produktionen och säkerställa att rätt material och komponenter är tillgängliga och att leveranser sker enligt kundens önskemål. 
Du kommer ha ett nära samarbete med övriga avdelningar och vi ser därför att du har en stark förmåga att kommunicera. Vidare är du noggrann i ditt arbetssätt, har känsla för detaljer och har god förmåga att hantera stora mängder data samtidigt som du jobbar mot mål.


Din profil

• Du har en teknisk högskoleutbildning

• Du har en bakgrund inom strategisk planering inom tillverkningsindustri.

• Du har ett analytiskt tänkande och god kommunikativ förmåga.

• Du har god förståelse och erfarenhet av MPS-system

• Du har goda IT-kunskaper


Tjänsten inleds med en anställning hos TopWork med ett mål om att kandidaten senare ska övergå till en anställning hos kund. Som konsult hos TopWork får du en konsultchef som stöttar dig i ditt uppdrag hos kund. Vi ger dig råd och rekommendationer om hur du kan utvecklas i ditt arbete.

TopWork är ett auktoriserat företag som arbetar med bemanning och rekrytering. Våra kunder finns inom branscher som industri, lager, logistik, bygg och administration. Vi är din trygga, professionella partner oavsett om du söker nya medarbetare eller nya utmaningar. TopWork - vi hittar rätt medarbetare till rätt arbetsgivare och arbetsplats. Visa mindre

Demand Planner

Ansök    Aug 29    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistikingenjör
Company Description Would you like to be part of creating a better everyday life for the many people? By developing affordable products and solutions for people all around the world? Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden and here the IKEA range is developed based on the Democratic Design process and made available to stores and customers across the world. Right now, we are looking for a Demand Planner for RA Store & Organize who will join us in IKEA of Sweden!... Visa mer
Company Description
Would you like to be part of creating a better everyday life for the many people? By developing affordable products and solutions for people all around the world? Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden and here the IKEA range is developed based on the Democratic Design process and made available to stores and customers across the world.
Right now, we are looking for a Demand Planner for RA Store & Organize who will join us in IKEA of Sweden!
Job Description
You will act as the link between Sales and Supply, turning in depth analysis of our sales history into an accurate forecast that is used to secure the availability of our products to our customers around the globe. In addition, being the Supply Organization's speaking partner with the Retail organization, you will turn global and national sales plans into product level forecasts by predicting when, where and in what quantities the products will be sold in the Customer Meeting Points.
The assignment includes:
Together with Need planner and Sourcing Specialist, be responsible for deployments from a supply perspective.
Secure the quality of the demand forecasts, both for news and running range.
Be part of collaborating with Retail and HFB’s on volumes.
Work with handovers to HFB when the deployments are successful.
Implement and continue to develop the supply strategy for innovation Deployments.
Work close together with Retail, HFB´s and other stakeholders to constantly develop ways of working.

To be successful in this role we believe that you:
Have 1-3 years of relevant experience from supply chain, ideally from retail.
Have a university degree in business/finance/logistics or relevant experience.
Have strong analytical skills with a problem-solving approach.
Can work with an end to end approach (supplier to customer), as well as dive into fine details when needed.
Are a good Excel user and used to build reports.
Can establish long-term relationships and collaborate across the functions in the value chain.
Are motivated by problem solving, have good prioritization skills, a positive attitude, and you always look for ways to improve the business together with others.

Since we are a truly international environment, you need to be fluent in English, both spoken and written. Visa mindre

Logistic Operations Coordinator to IKEA Älmhult

Ansök    Aug 18    Framtiden i Sverige AB    Logistiker
We are now looking for a Logistic Operations Coordinator for IKEA. If you are interested in logistics, transport and supply chain, then this is the position for you. The opportunity is now given to gain invaluable experience to kick-start your career. Don't miss this chance, apply today as we are filling the position immediately! ABOUT THE ROLE Together with ten other knowledgeable employees in the team, you will manage transport and logistics for IKEA C... Visa mer
We are now looking for a Logistic Operations Coordinator for IKEA. If you are interested in logistics, transport and supply chain, then this is the position for you. The opportunity is now given to gain invaluable experience to kick-start your career.
Don't miss this chance, apply today as we are filling the position immediately!


Together with ten other knowledgeable employees in the team, you will manage transport and logistics for IKEA Components.

As a Logistic Operations Coordinator, you will work in a team and part of your duties will be:

•Transport administration, transport documents, such as customs documents and invoicing.
•Book, plan and coordinate deliveries to our stores and warehouses globally
•Communication with suppliers, transport companies and users on transport related matters

Please note that this is a temporary position starting as soon as possible and ending 29 February 2024. The position is placed in Älmhult, Sweden.

About IKEA Components

IKEA Components, is an IKEA subsidiary, and the company's role is to develop and supply IKEA with component solutions for products – and therefore better homes. The company's business is global and employs a thousand people based mainly in Sweden, Slovakia and China.


We put great emphasis on your personal characteristics. As a person, you are responsible, understand the importance of accuracy and have good cooperation skills. You have an ability to take responsibility, problem-solving and flexible for new ideas.

To succeed in the role of Logistic Operations Coordinator, the following is required:

•Vocational college or university education, plus experience in logistics/transport/supply chain
•Fluent in English, both written and verbal.
•Good PC skills

It is advantageous if you, as a Logistics Coordinator, have any of the following:

•Experience from work in a similar role


Framtiden is a recruitment company working with both staffing and recruitment, we want to make a difference in people's lives. We make that difference by helping people find the right job and colleagues. We are specialized in recruiting the right talents to the right company. The future is in seven cities in Sweden and in Oslo. For this position, you will be employed by Framtiden and work as a consultant at IKEA


Start date: Promptly
End date: 29 February 2024
Location: Älmhult
Working hours: Office hours with flex
Scope: Full-time Visa mindre


DRIFTLEDARE LOGISTIK IKEA ÄLMHULT Vill du utveckla ditt ledarskap tillsammans med IKEA och brinner du för att utveckla och motivera andra? Då är tjänsten som Driftledare för dig! Vi söker dig med god självinsikt som kan leda dig själv samt är trygg i att leda, inspirera och coacha andra personer i din omgivning och som är: - Är målinriktad, inte rädd för att ta i och trivs i ett högt tempo där du behåller lugnet. - Är flexibel, kan prioritera och organi... Visa mer
Vill du utveckla ditt ledarskap tillsammans med IKEA och brinner du för att utveckla och motivera andra? Då är tjänsten som Driftledare för dig!
Vi söker dig med god självinsikt som kan leda dig själv samt är trygg i att leda, inspirera och coacha andra personer i din omgivning och som är:
- Är målinriktad, inte rädd för att ta i och trivs i ett högt tempo där du behåller lugnet.
- Är flexibel, kan prioritera och organisera samt vågar fatta snabba beslut och lösa saker och situationer i farten för att utnyttja tiden på bästa möjliga sätt.
- Du är positiv, entusiastisk och föregår alltid med ett gott exempel.
- Uppskattar lagarbete och stöttar kollegor och agerar på problem som uppstår.
- Är noggrann, har ett gott ordningssinne samt förmågan att ta egna initiativ.
- Leder genom det goda exemplet med stark vilja att ge och ta ansvar.
Vi tror på att dina värderingar är viktigare än dina meriter. Vi utmanar dina färdigheter och låter dig växa. Motiverad till att driva din egenutveckling framåt och din ambition är att långsiktigt växa tillsammans med IKEA.
Flexibel avseende arbetstid, tidig morgon och några eftermiddagspass.
Hos oss är kunden är i fokus genom hela kedjan och vi jobbar tillsammans för att ge varje person en smidig köpupplevelse.
Som Driftledare ansvarar du för den operationella och dagliga driften. Tillsammans med Gruppchefen verkar ni för att avdelningen uppnår sina målsättningar. Du spenderar stor del av din tid i driften, samtidigt som du leder genom andra för att se till att flödet av varor fungerar optimalt.
Du kommer att arbeta i en miljö där dina idéer kommer att bli hörda, där möjligheten finns att lära sig nya saker och där visionen alltid är i fokus; att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna.
På logistik pågår verksamheten från 05:00 till 19:30, och du kommer att arbeta tillsammans med dina kollegor under dessa tider beroende på roll, schema och verksamhetens behov.
Bidra till att IKEA är en fantastisk arbetsplats
Frågor och support? Låt oss knyta kontakt!
Tjänsterna är tillsvidare på 31h/v med start enligt överenskommelse. Arbete varannan helg samt morgonjour ingår i tjänsten.
Sista ansökningsdagen är den 17 augusti. Urval och intervjuer sker löpande.
Har du frågor om tjänsten? Välkommen att höra av dig till rekryterande chef Louice Svensson, [email protected].
Har du tekniska problem med din ansökan? Vänligen hör av dig rekryterare Úlrika Pétursdóttir, [email protected].
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan Visa mindre

Warehouse Supervisor till Invacare Rea AB

Ansök    Jul 27    Maxkompetens Sverige AB    Logistiker
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen me... Visa mer
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen med tonvikt på Norden. Läs gärna mer om oss på https://www.invacare.se/sv/om-oss.

Maxkompetens söker för en direktrekrytering en logistik- och distributionsansvarig till Invacare Rea AB i Diö!

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I din roll som logistik- och distributionsansvarig på Invacare Rea AB kommer du att driva och utveckla företagets logistik- och distributionsverksamhet. Du kommer ha budget och personalansvar för logistik- och distributionsavdelningen där de är cirka 17 medarbetare.

Som logistik- och distributionsansvarig kommer du även:
Planera, leda och fördela det dagliga arbetet på ett effektivt och säkert sätt.
Ansvara för personalplanering och tillsammans med teamledare omfördela personal samt ha löpande kontakt med ev. extern partner gällande inhyrd personal.
Genomföra produktionsuppföljning för Logistik-och distributionsavdelningen.
Bidra i projekt inom förbättringsområdena Lean och 5S.
Hantera personalfrågor i samråd med lokal HR.

Hos Invacare Rea AB kommer du ingå i ett familjärt bolag där du i din roll kommer arbeta i en tvärfunktionell arbetsmiljö där alla arbetar tillsammans mot uppsatta mål och strategiska planer. Som medarbetare ingår du i en organisation där det finns möjligheter att vidareutveckla din arbetsroll.

Din profil
Vi söker dig som har några års arbetslivserfarenhet av logistik/ distribution i en ledande befattning. I rollen som logistik- och distributionsansvarig hos Invacare Rea AB är det av stor vikt att du som person har mycket god förmåga att skapa förtroendeingivande relationer som bygger på affärsmässighet och långsiktighet. Dina ledaregenskaper är goda och du förstår vikten av ett kommunikativt och situationsanpassat ledarskap.

Som person är du analytisk och strategiskt lagd. Vidare är du trygg i din yrkesroll och strävar ständigt efter att förbättra och utveckla organisationens flöden och arbetssätt. För att trivas i den här rollen och på Invacare Rea AB får du som mest energi när du får arbeta med effektivisering och smarta samt hållbara lösningar. Vidare tycker du om att arbeta såväl strategiskt och långsiktigt som hands-on med operativa uppgifter.

För att vara aktuell för tjänsten har du som söker:
Några års arbetslivserfarenhet inom logistik/ distribution i en ledande befattning med personalansvar.
Erfarenhet av 5S och Lean.
Goda kunskaper inom Officepaketet samt vana att arbeta i affärssystem.
Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i tal och skrift.

Övrig information
Placeringsort: Diö.
Arbetstid: Måndag-fredag, dagtid.
Varaktighet: Tillsvidare.
Lön: Individuell lönesättning.

Tycker du att ovan beskrivning passar in på dig? Ansök då till tjänsten redan idag. I den här rekryteringsprocessen kommer vi lägga stor vikt vid din personlighet och vi ser fram emot att läsa just din ansökan. Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kan komma att tillsätta tjänsten innan sista ansökningsdag.

Invacare Rea AB har valt att samarbeta med Maxkompetens AB i den här rekryteringsprocessen. Vid frågor är du välkommen att kontakta ansvarig rekryterare, Nathalie Stjärned (0733 20 56 35) eller Jonna Alm (0733 20 56 36). Ansökningar via e-post mottages ej med hänvisning till GDPR.

Om Maxkompetens
Maxkompetens är ett av Sveriges ledande rekrytering och bemanningsbolag sedan 2003. Vi har kunduppdrag i hela landet och kontor i; Stockholm, Växjö, Kristianstad, Halmstad, Borås & Göteborg. Varje år tillsätter vi över 1200 jobb och har 250 anställda. Våra kompetensområden är HR & Lön, Ekonomi & Finans, Kundtjänst & Administration, Marknad & Försäljning, It & Teknik, Inköp & Logistik, Industri.

Varje människa har en fantastisk potential. Det är viktigt att ta vara på alla människors kompetens och erbjuda dem möjligheten att uppnå sina drömmar. Genom omsorgsfullhet, väl fungerande rekryteringsprocesser och hög kompetens hjälper vi människor och företag att mötas och lyckas tillsammans. En bättre värld helt enkelt! Vi är ett auktoriserat bemanningsföretag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension.

Om kunden
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Med vårt motto "Yes, you can" vill vi säga att du kan mer än du tror, bara du har viljan och de rätta hjälpmedlen. Det avgörande för oss är att vi kan erbjuda hjälpmedel som ger möjligheter och stimulerar den fysiska förmågan som fortfarande finns kvar.

Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen med tonvikt på Norden. Vår fabrik ligger mitt emot tågstationen i Diö och det finns goda pendlingsmöjligheter hit, det tar ca 5 minuter från Älmhult och ca 30 minuter från Växjö och Hässleholm. I närheten finns även mycket natursköna områden för till exempel lunchpromenader.
Läs gärna mer om oss på https://www.invacare.se/sv/om-oss. Visa mindre

Demand Planner

Ansök    Jul 18    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistikingenjör
Company Description Would you like to be part of creating a better everyday life for the many people? By developing affordable products and solutions for people all around the world? Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden and here the IKEA range is developed based on the Democratic Design process and made available to stores and customers across the world. Right now, we are looking for a Demand Planner for RA Store & Organize who will join us in IKEA of Sweden!... Visa mer
Company Description
Would you like to be part of creating a better everyday life for the many people? By developing affordable products and solutions for people all around the world? Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden and here the IKEA range is developed based on the Democratic Design process and made available to stores and customers across the world.
Right now, we are looking for a Demand Planner for RA Store & Organize who will join us in IKEA of Sweden!
Job Description
You will act as the link between Sales and Supply, turning in depth analysis of our sales history into an accurate forecast that is used to secure the availability of our products to our customers around the globe. In addition, being the Supply Organization's speaking partner with the Retail organization, you will turn global and national sales plans into product level forecasts by predicting when, where and in what quantities the products will be sold in the Customer Meeting Points.
The assignment includes:
Together with Need planner and Sourcing Specialist, be responsible for deployments from a supply perspective.
Secure the quality of the demand forecasts, both for news and running range.
Be part of collaborating with Retail and HFB’s on volumes.
Work with handovers to HFB when the deployments are successful.
Implement and continue to develop the supply strategy for innovation Deployments.
Work close together with Retail, HFB´s and other stakeholders to constantly develop ways of working.

To be successful in this role we believe that you:
Have 1-3 years of relevant experience from supply chain, ideally from retail.
Have a university degree in business/finance/logistics or relevant experience.
Have strong analytical skills with a problem-solving approach.
Can work with an end to end approach (supplier to customer), as well as dive into fine details when needed.
Are a good Excel user and used to build reports.
Can establish long-term relationships and collaborate across the functions in the value chain.
Are motivated by problem solving, have good prioritization skills, a positive attitude, and you always look for ways to improve the business together with others.

Since we are a truly international environment, you need to be fluent in English, both spoken and written.
Additional information
Please send in your application (CV and cover letter) at the latest 10th August, 2023. Please note we will start with the interviews as off week 33.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Aysegul Postoglu Gümüs, Supply Chain Manager at [email protected]. For questions about the recruitment process, reach out to [email protected]. Visa mindre

Need Planner

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
The IKEA way
People within IKEA value a culture of humbleness and open-mindedness. We don't have a rigid hierarchy system and encourage everyone to speak openly and honestly to everyone within the organization. We do not have a dress code and encourage productive discussions in a relaxed, natural order with a great deal of personal responsibility. The IKEA co-worker is proactive, engaged, internally motivated for results and eager to learn.
Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best preconditions for meeting the future with the right competences and business capabilities.
We are continuing to create the preconditions to a world class supply chain that enables IKEA to efficiently respond to the ever-changing customer needs.
We are now looking for the next Need Planner.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensue exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!

You will lead the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfil our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.

Additionally, you will be responsible for the stock structure in assigned range and will review and balance the total need versus capacity, all to make an executable supply plan. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to plan the need in the product change process. Exciting, isn’t it?

As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
• Contribute to leading initiatives with supply chain to identify potential overstock / stock out and act on deviations
• Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with value chain to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost
• Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level
• Contribute to defining the optimal replenishment solution, together with various supply chain stakeholders
• Lead and/or contribute to additional assignments within or across the function
Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and leading a global assignment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.

Additionally, you have proven experience and knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Need Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Need and capacity planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data

We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
Additional information
You are welcome to apply to this position latest on August 4 th via SmartRecruiters. If you have any questions, please send a message to our recruitment team also via the same system. Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer (DISCO assignment)

Company Description IKEA Purchasing and Logistics?is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver e... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics?is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.

We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Job Description
The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
In the assignment as Supply Operations Developer, you will take an active role in the Discontinued Execution (DISCO) process by working pro-actively on deviations, detecting potential risks, and non-compliance and identifying patterns of underperformance in phasing out discontinued IKEA products. You will work in close cooperation with various stakeholders across the IKEA supply chain and lead the execution process in the best possible way, on a regional level. As a Supply Operations Developer you are responsible for engaging relevant stakeholders and together perform root-analysis and lead corrective actions towards discontinued products.
To shine in the role as Supply Operations Developer with DISCO assignment: we see that you are strong in stakeholder management and find it easy to connect with others and can take the lead in a room. You have the capability to build fact-based business cases in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders and find win-win-solutions within the IKEA supply chain. In the daily operations you will contribute with high energy and drive, inspiring both teammates and stakeholders. We also see that you have excellent presentation and communication skills. As a person you always strive to reach goals and are confident in making decisions. Last but not least, you have the IKEA culture & values close to heart.
You have experience from working with the IKEA product range
You have a university degree in logistics, economics, or other relevant background
You have computer skills and high proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
Preferably you have deep knowledge of functions within IKEA Supply Chain and how they contribute to the process
Preferably you have deep knowledge of relevant analysis tools and working methods in the IKEA Supply Chain

We grow with you! In regular conversations with your manager, you can explore your development and career opportunities, and we will support you on the way. We embrace making mistakes and learning from them. For us, at IKEA, that is the best way. In the role as Supply Operations Developer, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business.

Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Please note, we have a prefered candidate for this position and we will first hand consider candidates from the IKEA Supply organization.
If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please send in your question through the Smart Recruiters System.
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in?English by July 14, 2023. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Supply Chain Coordinator till Invacare Rea AB

Ansök    Maj 26    Maxkompetens Sverige AB    Logistiker
Söker du ett variationsrikt jobb i ett väletablerat företag som faktiskt gör skillnad på riktigt? Är du en lösningsfokuserad och analytisk person som älskar att arbeta brett inom området planering, logistik och sales support? Gillar du dessutom att jobba i det lilla bolaget med internationell miljö och trevliga kollegor som förespråkar engagemang samt delaktighet är detta jobb för dig! Maxkompetens söker för en direktrekrytering en medarbetare till avdel... Visa mer
Söker du ett variationsrikt jobb i ett väletablerat företag som faktiskt gör skillnad på riktigt? Är du en lösningsfokuserad och analytisk person som älskar att arbeta brett inom området planering, logistik och sales support? Gillar du dessutom att jobba i det lilla bolaget med internationell miljö och trevliga kollegor som förespråkar engagemang samt delaktighet är detta jobb för dig!

Maxkompetens söker för en direktrekrytering en medarbetare till avdelningen Planning & Sales support på Invacare Rea AB!

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I rollen kommer du jobba med en variation inom produktionsplanering och sales support i nära samarbete med dina kollegor på avdelningen. Tjänsten innebär att du kommer planera produktion och distribution och vårda leveransdatum mot säljbolag. Vidare kommer du koordinera och kommunicera förseningar, leveransdatum och prioriteringar mellan säljbolag och fabrik för att uppnå en effektiv planering samtidigt som en hög kundnöjdhet uppnås.

Som medarbetare på Planning & Sales support kommer du även att:

Genomföra enklare analyser av materialläget i verksamheten och hur kunder kommer att påverkas av dessa.
Orderadministration, exempelvis bevaka, korrigera och registrera order.
Fördjupa sig i enskilda frågeställningar och händelser i planeringsprocessen och analysera dessa.
Boka och administrera vissa typer av transporter.

Tjänsten innebär att vara del av en organisation där man ges möjlighet att arbeta med varierande uppgifter, ibland utanför det egna området. En viktig del av arbetsuppgifterna är att föreslå och implementera förbättringar i befintliga planerings- och sales support processer. Tjänsten medför även mycket tvärfunktionella kontakter med exempelvis arbetsledare, operativt inköp, produktionspersonal och säljbolag.

Din profil
För denna tjänst söker vi dig som har administrativ erfarenhet av produktionsplanering alternativt administrativ logistik som till exempel inköp, lagerstyrning, produktionsplanering, frakter. Vi ser gärna att du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom logistik, supply chain eller liknande.

Som person är du initiativtagande och gillar att ha variationsrika dagar där du och dina kollegor kommer att få prioritera om dagens arbetsuppgifter allt eftersom. För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara analytisk då tjänsten innebär att jobba med komplexa frågeställningar samt göra analyser av dessa och dra slutsatser. Då tjänsten innebär kontakt med säljbolag i främst norden, måste du vara serviceinriktad och ha god kommunikation. Det är viktigt att du tar eget initiativ i det dagliga arbetet, men också i våra befintliga processer. I din yrkesroll kommer du behöva skapa en effektiv planering samtidigt som en hög kundnöjdhet uppnås.
Trivs du i en central roll där du får analysera, formulera och besvara frågeställningar utifrån olika synvinklar är detta en tjänst som passar dig.

Övrig information
Placeringsort: Diö.
Arbetstid: måndag-fredag, dagtid.
Start: Enligt överenskommelse.
Varaktighet: Tillsvidare.

Invacare Rea AB har valt att samarbeta med Maxkompetens i denna rekryteringsprocess. Har du frågor angående tjänsten så kontakta gärna ansvariga rekryterare på Maxkompetens, Nathalie Stjärned på telefon: 073 320 56 35 eller Jonna Alm på 073 320 56 36.

Urval och intervjuer kommer ske löpande i denna process så ansök gärna på www.maxkompetens.se redan idag!

Ansökningar via e-post mottages ej på grund av GDPR.

Om Maxkompetens
Maxkompetens är ett av Sveriges ledande rekrytering och bemanningsbolag sedan 2003 och har kontor på fem orter fördelade på Kristianstad, Växjö, Halmstad, Borås och Stockholm. Varje år tillsätter vi över 1200 jobb och varje dag har vi ca 280 konsulter ute på uppdrag. Våra kompetensområden är HR & Lön, Ekonomi & Finans, Kundtjänst & Administration, Marknad & Försäljning, It & Teknik, Inköp & Logistik, Industri.

Varje människa har en fantastisk potential. Det är viktigt att ta vara på alla människors kompetens och erbjuda dem möjligheten att uppnå sina drömmar. Genom omsorgsfullhet, väl fungerande rekryteringsprocesser och hög kompetens hjälper vi människor och företag att mötas och lyckas tillsammans. En bättre värld helt enkelt! Vi är ett auktoriserat rekryterings- och bemanningsföretag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension.

Om kunden
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Med vårt motto "Yes, you can" vill vi säga att du kan mer än du tror, bara du har viljan och de rätta hjälpmedlen. Det avgörande för oss är att vi kan erbjuda hjälpmedel som ger möjligheter och stimulerar den fysiska förmågan som fortfarande finns kvar.

Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen med tonvikt på Norden. Vår fabrik ligger mitt emot tågstationen i Diö och det finns goda pendlingsmöjligheter hit, det tar ca 5 minuter från Älmhult och ca 30 minuter från Växjö och Hässleholm. I närheten finns även mycket natursköna områden för till exempel lunchpromenader.

Läs gärna mer om oss på https://www.invacare.se/sv/om-oss. Visa mindre

Need Planner

Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
The IKEA way
People within IKEA value a culture of humbleness and open-mindedness. We don't have a rigid hierarchy system and encourage everyone to speak openly and honestly to everyone within the organization. We do not have a dress code and encourage productive discussions in a relaxed, natural order with a great deal of personal responsibility. The IKEA co-worker is proactive, engaged, internally motivated for results and eager to learn.
Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best preconditions for meeting the future with the right competences and business capabilities.
We are continuing to create the preconditions to a world class supply chain that enables IKEA to efficiently respond to the ever-changing customer needs.
We are now looking for 9 Need Planners.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensue exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!

You will lead the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfil our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.

Additionally, you will be responsible for the stock structure in assigned range and will review and balance the total need versus capacity, all to make an executable supply plan. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to plan the need in the product change process. Exciting, isn’t it?

As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
• Contribute to leading initiatives with supply chain to identify potential overstock / stock out and act on deviations
• Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with value chain to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost
• Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level
• Contribute to defining the optimal replenishment solution, together with various supply chain stakeholders
• Lead and/or contribute to additional assignments within or across the function
Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and leading a global assignment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.

Additionally, you have proven experience and knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Need Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Need and capacity planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data

We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
Additional information
Sounds interesting?
Please note, we have a preffered candidates for these positions and in the first selection process, we will consider candidates from current IKEA Supply organization. Submit your application, CV and letter of motivation, online via our recruitment system Smart Recruiters no later than 4th of July, 2023. If you have questions regarding the recruitment process please contact hiring team through Smart Recruiters. Visa mindre

Warehouse Supervisor till Invacare Rea AB

Ansök    Jun 26    Maxkompetens Sverige AB    Logistiker
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen me... Visa mer
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen med tonvikt på Norden. Läs gärna mer om oss på https://www.invacare.se/sv/om-oss.

Maxkompetens söker för en direktrekrytering en logistik- och distributionsansvarig till Invacare Rea AB i Diö!

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I din roll som logistik- och distributionsansvarig på Invacare Rea AB kommer du att driva och utveckla företagets logistik- och distributionsverksamhet. Du kommer ha budget och personalansvar för logistik- och distributionsavdelningen där de är cirka 17 medarbetare.

Som logistik- och distributionsansvarig kommer du även:
Planera, leda och fördela det dagliga arbetet på ett effektivt och säkert sätt.
Ansvara för personalplanering och tillsammans med teamledare omfördela personal samt ha löpande kontakt med ev. extern partner gällande inhyrd personal.
Genomföra produktionsuppföljning för Logistik-och distributionsavdelningen.
Bidra i projekt inom förbättringsområdena Lean och 5S.
Hantera personalfrågor i samråd med lokal HR.

Hos Invacare Rea AB kommer du ingå i ett familjärt bolag där du i din roll kommer arbeta i en tvärfunktionell arbetsmiljö där alla arbetar tillsammans mot uppsatta mål och strategiska planer. Som medarbetare ingår du i en organisation där det finns möjligheter att vidareutveckla din arbetsroll.

Din profil
Vi söker dig som har några års arbetslivserfarenhet av logistik/ distribution i en ledande befattning. I rollen som logistik- och distributionsansvarig hos Invacare Rea AB är det av stor vikt att du som person har mycket god förmåga att skapa förtroendeingivande relationer som bygger på affärsmässighet och långsiktighet. Dina ledaregenskaper är goda och du förstår vikten av ett kommunikativt och situationsanpassat ledarskap.

Som person är du analytisk och strategiskt lagd. Vidare är du trygg i din yrkesroll och strävar ständigt efter att förbättra och utveckla organisationens flöden och arbetssätt. För att trivas i den här rollen och på Invacare Rea AB får du som mest energi när du får arbeta med effektivisering och smarta samt hållbara lösningar. Vidare tycker du om att arbeta såväl strategiskt och långsiktigt som hands-on med operativa uppgifter.

För att vara aktuell för tjänsten har du som söker:
Några års arbetslivserfarenhet inom logistik/ distribution i en ledande befattning med personalansvar.
Erfarenhet av 5S och Lean.
Goda kunskaper inom Officepaketet samt vana att arbeta i affärssystem.
Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i tal och skrift.

Övrig information
Placeringsort: Diö.
Arbetstid: Måndag-fredag, dagtid.
Varaktighet: Tillsvidare.
Lön: Individuell lönesättning.

Tycker du att ovan beskrivning passar in på dig? Ansök då till tjänsten redan idag. I den här rekryteringsprocessen kommer vi lägga stor vikt vid din personlighet och vi ser fram emot att läsa just din ansökan. Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kan komma att tillsätta tjänsten innan sista ansökningsdag.

Invacare Rea AB har valt att samarbeta med Maxkompetens AB i den här rekryteringsprocessen. Vid frågor är du välkommen att kontakta ansvarig rekryterare, Nathalie Stjärned (0733 20 56 35) eller Jonna Alm (0733 20 56 36). Ansökningar via e-post mottages ej med hänvisning till GDPR.

Om Maxkompetens
Maxkompetens är ett av Sveriges ledande rekrytering och bemanningsbolag sedan 2003. Vi har kunduppdrag i hela landet och kontor i; Stockholm, Växjö, Kristianstad, Halmstad, Borås & Göteborg. Varje år tillsätter vi över 1200 jobb och har 250 anställda. Våra kompetensområden är HR & Lön, Ekonomi & Finans, Kundtjänst & Administration, Marknad & Försäljning, It & Teknik, Inköp & Logistik, Industri.

Varje människa har en fantastisk potential. Det är viktigt att ta vara på alla människors kompetens och erbjuda dem möjligheten att uppnå sina drömmar. Genom omsorgsfullhet, väl fungerande rekryteringsprocesser och hög kompetens hjälper vi människor och företag att mötas och lyckas tillsammans. En bättre värld helt enkelt! Vi är ett auktoriserat bemanningsföretag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension.

Om kunden
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Med vårt motto "Yes, you can" vill vi säga att du kan mer än du tror, bara du har viljan och de rätta hjälpmedlen. Det avgörande för oss är att vi kan erbjuda hjälpmedel som ger möjligheter och stimulerar den fysiska förmågan som fortfarande finns kvar.

Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen med tonvikt på Norden. Vår fabrik ligger mitt emot tågstationen i Diö och det finns goda pendlingsmöjligheter hit, det tar ca 5 minuter från Älmhult och ca 30 minuter från Växjö och Hässleholm. I närheten finns även mycket natursköna områden för till exempel lunchpromenader.
Läs gärna mer om oss på https://www.invacare.se/sv/om-oss. Visa mindre

Need Planner – Food SCD

Ansök    Mar 15    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistikingenjör
Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best pre... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best preconditions for meeting the future with the right competences and business capabilities. We create the preconditions to a world class supply chain that enables IKEA to efficiently respond to the ever-changing customer needs.
Älmhult – the heart of IKEA
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA and around 5,600 colleagues from 60 nationalities gather here at 17 different IKEA units/companies. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. Here you get a fantastic network of colleagues who share the same passion and interest in home furnishings and smart solutions. You will find our office just a short walk from the train station and the chance that you will be joined on the way to work by colleagues is great as many commutes. In addition, the shuttle bus from Helsingborg can drop you off right outside IKEA of Sweden.
Job Description
We are looking for 5 Need Planners.
As a Need Planner in IKEA, you will be responsible for the need planning process in Food supply chain to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning.
You will sit in the center of the supply chain having stakeholders in many dimensions. You will be the link between range development, IKEA suppliers and sales and flows and by that you will get great learning of the totality of Ikea Supply chain and Ikea business and the possibility to build network across many organizations and functions within IKEA. You will be part of a big and diverse Need planning community from which you will get a great support in your onboarding.
More specifically, you will, among other assignments:
Be responsible for inventory level and the stock structure including setting the right safety stock levels, worldwide in assigned product ranges and always ensuring remaining shelf life according to Global service protocol in all stock keeping units on regional level.
Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with all value chain partners to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost for NEWS, Running and Discontinued range. Accountable for global availability information and ensure that different stakeholders in supply chain as well as the HFB are informed regarding supply delivery constraints, logistics performance and initiate corrective actions.
Proactively evaluate replenishment proposals, place purchase orders for a given range within the frame of IFSAG purchase agreement.
Responsible to ensure availability during Phase in and phasing out of articles.
Lead initiatives together with Supply chain stakeholders to identify potential overstock / stock out situations and to act on deviations.

In addition to above, you will be part of exciting projects and initiatives to develop our digital & process capabilities within the IKEA supply chain.
Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and working in a global assignment in a changing environment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments on operational and tactical level. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills. Being comfortable in areas with high uncertainties and not defined process and look for ways to improve business together with stakeholders.
Additionally, will be a benefit if you have knowledge in:
Supply Chain Planning processes
How Planning adds value to service level and cost
Planning tools and systems
Solving problems through analytical reasoning
Analysis of large sets of data
Excel and used to build reports
Can work with an end to end approach (supplier to customer), as well as dive into fine details.

Since we are a truly international environment, you need to be fluent in English, both spoken and written.
We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
If you would like to hear more about the role from a SCD’s current Need Planners, have a look at this video!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. Please submit your CV and motivation letter in English latest by 26th March 2023. Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis and could close the application process earlier if we find relevant candidates.
If you have any questions about the role, please contact Need Planning Team manager Vikas Mittal at [email protected]. About the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter: Zuzana Vackova at [email protected]
The position is permanent and will be based in Malmö office until August 28th 2023, after it will relocate to IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult. Visa mindre

Logistiker med fokus på internationell frakt

Ansök    Mar 31    Maxkompetens Sverige AB    Logistiker
Söker du ett spännande jobb i ett väletablerat företag som faktiskt gör skillnad på riktigt? Är du en lösningsfokuserad och analytisk person som älskar att arbeta med processutveckling? Om du dessutom gillar att ha variationsrika dagar med trevliga kollegor som förespråkar engagemang och delaktighet är det dig vi söker till tjänsten som logistiker med fokus på internationell frakt till Invacare Rea AB. Dina arbetsuppgifter I rollen som logistiker på Invac... Visa mer
Söker du ett spännande jobb i ett väletablerat företag som faktiskt gör skillnad på riktigt? Är du en lösningsfokuserad och analytisk person som älskar att arbeta med processutveckling? Om du dessutom gillar att ha variationsrika dagar med trevliga kollegor som förespråkar engagemang och delaktighet är det dig vi söker till tjänsten som logistiker med fokus på internationell frakt till Invacare Rea AB.

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I rollen som logistiker på Invacare Rea AB blir ditt uppdrag att utveckla de rutiner som idag finns inom främst frakt och tull. Du kommer arbeta strategiskt för att förbättra befintliga processer och ansvara för fraktupphandlingar. Vidare har du löpande kontakt och samarbete med övriga kollegor inom bolaget och stöttar i ärenden relaterade till ditt specialistområde. Du kommer ha ett brett och stimulerande spann av arbetsuppgifter och för rätt person finns goda möjligheter att utvecklas.

Utöver det strategiska arbetet i rollen ingår även bland annat uppgifter som exempelvis att boka transporter av mer komplicerad art, ta fram fraktofferter, spåra gods och kontrollera fraktfakturor.

Din profil
För att lyckas i rollen på Invacare Rea AB ser vi att du är initiativtagande och gillar att jobba självständigt samtidigt som du behöver vara en naturlig relationsbyggare både internt och externt. Oförutsedda händelser ser du som en rolig utmaning och du trivs i en central roll. Vi ser gärna även att du som söker är analytiskt lagd och förstår vikten av samarbete avdelningar emellan.

För att vara relevant för tjänsten har du:

God erfarenhet av att jobba med internationella transporter (sjö/väg/flyg) samt tullfrågor.
Mycket goda kunskaper i engelska och svenska, både i tal och skrift.
Kunskaper inom Excel för att tolka data och statistik.

Har du som söker en utbildning inom logistik och transport är det bra, men inget som krävs för tjänsten då erfarenheten är viktigare.

Övrig information
Placeringsort: Diö, med möjlighet till hybridarbete delvis.
Arbetstid: måndag-fredag, dagtid.
Start: Enligt överenskommelse.
Varaktighet: Tillsvidare.

Invacare Rea AB har valt att samarbeta med Maxkompetens i denna rekryteringsprocess. Har du frågor angående tjänsten så kontakta gärna ansvariga rekryterare på Maxkompetens, Nathalie Stjärned på telefon: 073 320 56 35 eller Jonna Alm på 073 320 56 36.

Urval och intervjuer kommer ske löpande i denna process så ansök gärna på www.maxkompetens.se redan idag!

Ansökningar via e-post mottages ej på grund av GDPR.

Om Maxkompetens
Maxkompetens är ett av Sveriges ledande rekrytering och bemanningsbolag sedan 2003 och har kontor på fem orter fördelade på Kristianstad, Växjö, Halmstad, Borås och Stockholm. Varje år tillsätter vi över 1200 jobb och varje dag har vi ca 280 konsulter ute på uppdrag. Våra kompetensområden är HR & Lön, Ekonomi & Finans, Kundtjänst & Administration, Marknad & Försäljning, It & Teknik, Inköp & Logistik, Industri.

Varje människa har en fantastisk potential. Det är viktigt att ta vara på alla människors kompetens och erbjuda dem möjligheten att uppnå sina drömmar. Genom omsorgsfullhet, väl fungerande rekryteringsprocesser och hög kompetens hjälper vi människor och företag att mötas och lyckas tillsammans. En bättre värld helt enkelt! Vi är ett auktoriserat bemanningsföretag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension.

Om kunden
Invacare är en global marknadsledare inom medicintekniska produkter och hjälpmedel. Vi är kända för våra innovativa och tekniska hjälpmedel av hög kvalité, som underlättar användarens vardag och ger ett aktivt liv med livskvalitet. Med vårt motto "Yes, you can" vill vi säga att du kan mer än du tror, bara du har viljan och de rätta hjälpmedlen. Det avgörande för oss är att vi kan erbjuda hjälpmedel som ger möjligheter och stimulerar den fysiska förmågan som fortfarande finns kvar.

Vi är ett 80-tal medarbetare på fabriken i Diö och här monteras och distribueras hjälpmedel såsom vårdsängar, rollatorer, scootrar, rullstolar och hygienhjälpmedel. Produkterna exporteras härifrån till stort sett hela världen med tonvikt på Norden. Vår fabrik ligger mitt emot tågstationen i Diö och det finns goda pendlingsmöjligheter hit, det tar ca 5 minuter från Älmhult och ca 30 minuter från Växjö och Hässleholm.

Läs gärna mer om oss på https://www.invacare.se/sv/om-oss. Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer

Company Description IKEA sells millions of products around the world every day and each one must make its way from supplier to customer. Category Food Logistics Services play a vital role in the IKEA supply chain with the responsibility to ensure that IKEA’s food related products are shipped, handled and distributed in a professional way, and with that, securing all requirements related to availability, optimal total cost, quality & sustainability. We are ... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA sells millions of products around the world every day and each one must make its way from supplier to customer. Category Food Logistics Services play a vital role in the IKEA supply chain with the responsibility to ensure that IKEA’s food related products are shipped, handled and distributed in a professional way, and with that, securing all requirements related to availability, optimal total cost, quality & sustainability.
We are now looking for a Logistics Service Provider Operations Developer to join our Category Food Logistics Services (Food) team located in Älmhult.
Job Description
We named this job Service Provider Operations Developer. Internally the role is known as SPOD. Yes, we know, we are much better at naming our products. ???? But behind this name you will find an exciting job!
In Category Food Logistics Services, we secure storage, handling and delivery of IKEA Food products in an integrated, automated and modern supply chain that safely reaches the many people. Always with the lowest cost, highest quality and a positive impact on people and planet.
As Service Provider Operations Developer, you will be responsible for the operational performance of our cold chain logistics service providers in a certain region. You will work closely with your colleagues, responsible for the commercial, supply operations, quality and sustainability aspects, to continuously develop our food logistics capacities and service level.
You will be analyzing trade lanes and deciding on the journey of our IKEA food products from their producers to our customers. Your decisions will impact important areas such as logistics cost, our sustainability footprint, and availability of our products in the stores. You will work in an international dimension as you will have daily interaction with other SPODs in Europe, Asia Pacific, and Americas, and with various internal and external stakeholders around the world.
A few perks of being one of us:
We believe in you! You get the privilege and the responsibility to lead your assignment in a diverse team and partner with world-class service providers, while finding innovative ways to drive the business for IKEA.
We grow with you! In regular conversations with your manager, you can explore your development and career opportunities, and we will support you on the way. We embrace making mistakes and learning from them. For us, at IKEA, that is the best way.
We develop together with our partners! We are good listeners, and we build relationships. We are committed to helping our partners grow and develop their full potential together with us.

About the assignment:
This position is full time and is based in our office in Älmhult, Sweden. You will report to Business Development Manager, Category Food Logistics Services, Supply Chain Operations. It requires travelling now and then to meet the service providers you are responsible for.
At IKEA, we believe that we’re better when we’re physically together for collaboration, dialogues, and conversations. We believe in the power of human interactions; the informal chats, the energy, belonging, and creativity generated by people being in the same place. Our approach is that we spend most of our time in the IKEA workplace, with the flexibility to work from home.
We are looking for you, a specialist in supply chain with a track record in driving operational excellence in logistics. Ideally you graduated from a university that gave you a good base to understand supply chain. Professionally, you have been exposed for ~3 years to the complexity of global supply chain operations, either in transport or logistics related roles. You are proficient in Microsoft Office and fluent in English.
As a person, you get energy from working both with facts & data, as well as with people. When you commit, you need to get things through completion. You are good at working with people and through people, and you understand the importance of relationships in business. You are self-motivated and can organize, structure, and prioritize multiple tasks. You dream high, and always strive to improve and do better.
Additional information
We are looking forward receiving your application in English by 5th of April 2023.
If you have questions about the job please contact recruiting manager Susanne Svan [email protected], or about the process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter, Olivia Swärd [email protected].
At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently, act differently, and work differently as well. More so we like to make things, like music-playing lamps, and beds disguised as sofas, even plantballs that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. This has been keeping our co-workers going for over 75 years. By 2030, we hope to help millions more to look forward to going home. Maybe you can help us?
At IKEA Supply we are responsible for securing that the product offer is produced and delivered to our customers. We lead the supply agenda across many functions and work together with business areas, different business units, as well as our retail markets to secure customer availability in all markets and sales channels, at lowest total cost.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) is a true global business unit in IKEA Supply. Our +800 amazing and passionate colleagues work across cultures and time-zones to make sure our customers around the world can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our external service providers, we develop and operate logistic and transportation solutions that are simple, affordable, and sustainable.
Read more about us at?https://about.ikea.com Visa mindre

Summer jobs within Supply Chain at IKEA Purchasing Services Sweden AB

Company Description We are looking for numbers of new co-worker to support us during the summer. Are you interested in developing yourself within Logistics and Customs? Then you´ve found the right place! You will be a part of IKEA Purchasing & Logistic Area North. IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home fur... Visa mer
Company Description
We are looking for numbers of new co-worker to support us during the summer. Are you interested in developing yourself within Logistics and Customs? Then you´ve found the right place!

You will be a part of IKEA Purchasing & Logistic Area North. IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food.

Job Description
We have a lot of openings for this summer, Transport Planners, Delivery Planners, Food Demand Coordinators, Customs Specialist and Customs documentation Administrators. Below we’ve described them all in more detail.

Transport Planner
As a Transport Planner, you will work in close cooperation with your team but also our carriers and other stakeholders in the Supply Chain to find the optimal transport solution. Your focus is to secure total logistical operational performance from end-to-end perspective by booking optimal transport solutions as well as to monitor and follow-up the shipments to secure availability of our products for our customers.

Delivery Planner
As a Delivery Planner you are responsible to secure product availability to our customers at the lowest total landed cost by the consolidation of orders into shipments. You will ensure total logistical operational performance from end-to-end perspective by planning and booking optimal transport solutions under the consideration of IKEA supply chain stakeholder preconditions. In addition to this you will monitor your ongoing cases, investigate, and solve claim issues.

Customs Documentation Administrator
As a Customs Documentation Administrator, you will secure efficient and effective handling of incoming documents and certificates. That involves control and register, scan and archive the documents and certificates. You will also administrate claim handlings related to missing certificates. Within this assignment, you will be in contact with different IKEA Units and authorities.

Customs Specialist
As Customs Specialist, the main assignment is to send correctly compiled import declarations using a digital solution in direct contact with Customs Authorities in each country. You will communicate and support to and from other IKEA units, external service providers and authorities within Europe to ensure timely, accurate and compliant entry according to customs rules and regulations.

Food Demand Coordinator
As a Food Demand Coordinator you will support IKEA retailers through a variety of operational tasks, distributed in selected markets. In the role, you will coordinate both internal/external contacts within Supply Operations and support our Retail partners. You will work close with Business Area Food in IKEA Range & Supply and Supply Chain partners to secure product availability for our customers. You will also ensure smooth range change, commercial activities as well as support expansion initiatives.
Supply Planner - Food
As a Supply Planner you will actively identify the best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind. You will also work to secure correct availability information and operational capacities, by ensuring high quality of capacity data from IKEA suppliers. You will continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers.
In all these positions you will work in an international, fast-changing and exciting environment. We really value a service-minded person with strong communication skills. You have a lot of curiosity and energy. Your willingness to learn and adapt to new circumstances and challenges is a key feature!
We believe that you have/are:
- Started your university education within logistics/supply chain/engineering/business/economics or equivalent
- Familiar with Microsoft Office, especially Excel
- Fluent in English, both written and orally
- Basic knowledge in Swedish
- Valid work permit in Sweden

Additional information
Please note that all positions are based in Älmhult, Sweden (No Relocation Support for this position). Last day of application is 5th of March. Please send your application in English and note that we do not accept applications by email.
For the following positions: Transport Planner, Customs Specialist and Customs Documentation Administrator, we have business need from Monday-Friday and have working hours between 7-16. For the rest of the openings the working hours are 8-17. We expect you to be available during the entire summer period.
If you have any questions regarding the different positions or recruitment process, please contact:
Transport Planner: Nancy Qian [email protected] or Jurgita Kijauskiene [email protected]
Delivery Planner Food: Marta Talpo [email protected]
Customs Specialist/Customs Documentation Administrator: Hilda Mattson [email protected] or Petra Rosic Melberg [email protected]
Food demand coordinator: Annica Käll [email protected]
Supply Planner - Food: Regina Polcar [email protected]

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon! Visa mindre

Supply Planner - IKEA Components

Company Description IKEA Components is a great place to work! We work with an inclusive approach to create a better everyday life for the many people. IKEA Components holds a unique position within the IKEA value chain as we develop and supply IKEA with customer friendly component solutions for better products – and better homes. This includes a responsibility for selected components and raw materials, which means develop, purchase and supply to IKEA suppl... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Components is a great place to work! We work with an inclusive approach to create a better everyday life for the many people. IKEA Components holds a unique position within the IKEA value chain as we develop and supply IKEA with customer friendly component solutions for better products – and better homes. This includes a responsibility for selected components and raw materials, which means develop, purchase and supply to IKEA suppliers. Our business is global and today employs 1400 people based mainly in Sweden, Slovakia, and China. Within IKEA Components we work with innovation and automation, and we constantly challenge ourselves to be pro-active and develop the business.
Going forward we will have a high focus on digitalization and becoming more climate positive – are you curious to join us?

Job Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe in discovering and developing the talent in each of us. We offer positions that challenge your skills and inspire you to grow. Come see things a little differently with us.

About you

As a person you have strong communication and negotiating skills. You are analytical and are able to analyze data and information. You are used to work extensively in computer systems. Further you are driven and enjoy working for new solutions and to optimize the existing ones. In return we can offer you an exciting and challenging position within an international company. Many opportunities to further develop for the right person. We hope you would like to contribute with you unique competence for IKEA’s future.

About the job

A Supply Planner is the link between IKEA Components and its suppliers on all operational and logistic issues. The Supply Planner ensures that the agreed business setups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost. A Supply Planner within IKEA Components Purchasing works in a material-oriented team, in close co-operation with the Business Developer and the Technician.

About the assignment

Your main tasks will be to:
• Ensure agreed service level by monitoring and taking required action on delivery performance.
• All the time work with information visibility by assuring that systems are updated with correct parameters (information).
• Communicating update requests to responsible functions within the Supply Chain including suppliers.
• Work closely with IKEA Components suppliers to provide them with relevant information, training, working methods and help them develop to the required performance levels.
• Follow-up, analyze and take actions to continuously improve supplier performance
• Daily troubleshooting and at the same time find solutions to avoid similar future problems
• Develops and maintains suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible on their own performance through: working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant trainings & working methods.

We are looking for the people with knowledge of supplier capabilities, capacity & need planning. You can take the leadership to ensure the supplier has goods ready in time and in full to fulfil customers’ need at lowest possible landed cost. You are able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind.

We see that you have:
• Minimal 2-3 years of planning and supplier management field experience.
• Proactive and solution-oriented;
• Ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
• Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within given time frame.
• Strong data analytical skills
• Excellent Microsoft office skills
• Fluent oral English and good communicator;
• Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change.
Additional information
If you have any questions about the recruitment process you are welcome to contact Recruitment specialist Olivia Swärd, [email protected]. If you have any questions about the role please contact Hiring manager Jerry Huang, [email protected]. We are looking forward to your application! Please submit both your CV and motivational letter in English by 23rd of February 2023. We are reviewing applications as they come through so don’t wait to apply!
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon! Visa mindre

Supply Planner - Paper

Ansök    Jan 24    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Co-workers within Purchasing lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers to deliver IKEA products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers. In our Purchasing & Logistics Area we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, and Dortmund.  A Supply Planner is the link between IKEA and its suppliers on all ope... Visa mer
Co-workers within Purchasing lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers to deliver IKEA products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers. In our Purchasing & Logistics Area we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, and Dortmund. 

A Supply Planner is the link between IKEA and its suppliers on all operational and logistic issues. The Supply Planner actively ensures that the agreed business setups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost. A Supply Planner within Paper category works  in close co-operation with the Business Developer and the Production Engineer.

As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Actively identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind.
Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by with Supplier in a proactive manner.
Contribute to tactical capacity planning and business contingency plans based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore, work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers. 
Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA home furnishing suppliers in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible on their own performance through: working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant trainings & working methods.
Secure on time need forecast through working closely with IKEA home furnishing suppliers

Sounds interesting?

Please noted this position based in Älmhult, Sweden. The selection process will take place continuously, so please send in your application as soon as possible, but latest 7th February.  If you have questions regarding the role please contact Patricia Normand, [email protected]. If questions about recruitment process please contact Olivia Swärd, [email protected]


We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - DISCO Assignment

Job Description The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost. In the assignment as Supply Operations Developer, you will take an active role in the Discontinued Execution (DISCO) process by working pro-actively on deviat... Visa mer
Job Description
The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
In the assignment as Supply Operations Developer, you will take an active role in the Discontinued Execution (DISCO) process by working pro-actively on deviations, detecting potential risks, and non-compliance and identifying patterns of underperformance in phasing out discontinued IKEA products. You will work in close cooperation with various stakeholders across the IKEA supply chain and lead the execution process in the best possible way, on a regional level. As a Supply Operations Developer you are responsible for engaging relevant stakeholders and together perform root-analysis and lead corrective actions towards discontinued products.

Secure operational performance in Supply Chain from end-to-end perspective within given scope, according to IKEA working methods
Provide information with high-quality communication, being on time- and fact-based towards or stakeholders from the whole Supply Chain
Follow up on execution plan, act on deviations, adapt the execution if needed and inform relevant stakeholders
Give input on improvement of current processes and ways of working to Supply Operations competence centers

You find it easy to connect with others
You are strong in stakeholder management and can take the lead in a room
You have the capability to build fact-based business cases in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders and find win-win-solutions within the supply chain
You have excellent presentation and communication skills
You contribute with high energy and drive, inspiring both teammates and stakeholders
You always strive to reach goals and are confident in making decisions
You have the IKEA culture & values close to heart

You have a university degree in logistics, economics, or other relevant background
You have computer skills and high proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
Preferably you have deep knowledge of functions within IKEA Supply Chain and how they contribute to the process
Preferably you have deep knowledge of relevant analysis tools and working methods in the IKEA Supply Chain

We grow with you! In regular conversations with your manager, you can explore your development and career opportunities, and we will support you on the way. We embrace making mistakes and learning from them. For us, at IKEA, that is the best way. In the role as Supply Operations Developer, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business.

Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Rickard Malmström, Supply Operations Development Manager, [email protected]
If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Olivia Swärd, People & Culture Specialist, [email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in?English by December 13, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.
We look forward to receiving your application!

IKEA Purchasing and Logistics?is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
We are now looking for five Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult! Visa mindre

Transport Planner

Company Description Supply Chain Operations (SCO) is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our 700 amazing colleagues sitting in 20 locations around the world we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions that are simple, affordable, and sustainable. Job Description We want to make sure that our products will be available ... Visa mer
Company Description
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our 700 amazing colleagues sitting in 20 locations around the world we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions that are simple, affordable, and sustainable.

Job Description
We want to make sure that our products will be available for our customers when needed, that is where we need your help! As a Transport Planner you will work in a great team, where you in your daily work will both work independently and cooperate with your colleagues. You will also work closely both internal and external stakeholders such as our different suppliers, Distribution center, CDC and carriers.

These are some of the day-to-day tasks as a Transport Planner:
Book optimal transport solutions and follow up the shipments to secure availability for our customers
Reschedule and/or cancel shipments in case of logistical deviations
Follow up operational deviations and address the need of solutions to avoid them in the future
Cooperate with internal and external stakeholders
Actively contribute to development of our processes, systems and working methods

You are a service-minded person with a clear and respectful way of communicating.
You are motivated by working in a routine-based environment with high pace.
You enjoy working in a structured way, both on your own and within the team.
You have the ability to create good relationships with both internal and external stakeholders.
You have a solution-oriented mindset and see challenges as opportunities

Comfortable with working and navigating in digital IT solutions
Familiar with Microsoft Office tools, preferably deeper knowledge in Excel
Fluent in English, both written and verbal
Have a work Permit in Sweden

Preferably, you have good knowledge in logistics, planning and capability in root cause analysis
Last but not least, we see that you are strongly motivated and guided by our IKEA Culture & values

Additional information
Please note! This is a temporary assignment for 12 months.
If you have any questions about the recruitment process you are welcome to contact Recruitment specialist Olivia Swärd, [email protected]. If you have any questions about the role please contact Hiring manager Jurgita Kijauskiene, [email protected]. We are looking forward to your application! Please submit both your CV and motivational letter in English by 12th of January 2023. We are reviewing applications as they come through so don’t wait to apply!
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - DISCO Assignment

Ansök    Nov 22    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost (considering impacts of planning, quality, safety, service performance, sustainability, optimal replenishment solution, and other factors on total supply chain costs).  INCLU... Visa mer
The purpose of the job is to secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance, and its further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders, contributing to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost (considering impacts of planning, quality, safety, service performance, sustainability, optimal replenishment solution, and other factors on total supply chain costs). 

Secure operational performance in Supply Chain from end-to-end perspective within given scope, according to working methods and always having in mind the customer value. 
Take an active role in Discontinued Execution (DISCO) process by working pro-actively on deviations, detecting potential risks, and non-compliance and identifying patterns of underperformance. 
Take the responsibility on regional level and lead the process execution amongst other stakeholders (Need Planner, Supply Planner, Replenishment Specialist/RSI Specialist) to execute the process in the best possible way. 

Engage relevant stakeholders, together performing root-cause analysis and lead corrective actions.  
Undertake initiatives to develop operational performance, utilize efficiency, increase opportunities to bring excellence in operations and reach agreed objectives. 
Lead high-quality communication with on time- and fact-based supply information among stakeholders from the whole Supply Chain.  
Follow up on execution of the Supply Plan, act on deviations, adapt the execution if needed and inform relevant stakeholders.   
Support and contribute with knowledge and actions during ERP situation.  

Give input on improvement of current processes and ways of working to Supply Operations competence centers – Flow Performance Development, Flow Replenishment Development, and Flow Capacity Planning. 

Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply? 

If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Rickard Malmström, Supply Operations Development Manager, [email protected] 

If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Olivia Swärd, People & Culture Specialist, [email protected] 

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in?English by December 13, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.? 
We look forward to receiving your application!? 



IKEA Purchasing and Logistics?is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components, and food.? 

Supply Chain Operations (SCO)?organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.? 
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services. 

We are now looking for five Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult! Visa mindre

Need Planner - SCD

Ansök    Okt 10    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best preconditions for meeting the future with the right competences and business capabilities.
We are continuing to create the preconditions to a world class supply chain that enables IKEA to efficiently respond to the ever-changing customer needs.
We are recruiting for multiple positions: for temporary 12 months assignment and permanent assignment. Please specify in your cover letter if you are only interested in one.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensue exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!
You will be responsible for the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfill our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.
You will sit in the center of the supply chain having stakeholders in many dimensions. You will be the link between range development, IKEA suppliers and sales and flows and by that you will get great learning of the totality of Ikea Supply chain and Ikea business and the possibility to build network across many organizations and functions within IKEA. Exciting, isn’t it?
You will be part of a big and diverse Need planning community from which you will get a great support in your onboarding.
As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
· Be responsible for inventory level and the stock structure worldwide in assigned product ranges.
· Be responsible to review and balance the total need versus capacity in order to make an executable supply plan for assigned range.
· Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level and act on deviations when needed
· Be responsible to plan the need for NEWS and Discontinued products, by securing needed stock for sales start dates and end date sales, communicate and handover to relevant supply chain partners for execution
· Lead initiatives together with Supply chain stakeholders in order to identify potential overstock / stock out situations and to act on deviations.
· Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with all value chain partners in order to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost
Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and working in a global assignment in a changing environment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments on operational and tactical level. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.
Additionally, will be a benefit if you have knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data
We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
If you would like to hear more about the role from a SCD’s current Need Planners, have a look at this video!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by 23rd October 2022. Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis and could close the add earlier if we find relevant candidates.
If you have any questions about the role, please contact Need Planning Team managers Adina Chirica at [email protected] or Joakim Lange at [email protected]. About the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture recruiter: Carolina Reventberg at [email protected] Visa mindre

Supply Planner - Talent Pool - Category Area Wood

Ansök    Nov 8    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
We are now looking for a Supply Planner to our team in Category Foil on board. As a Supply Planner you are the link between IKEA and our suppliers, leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach. You will actively ensure that the agreed business set-ups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost. Y... Visa mer
We are now looking for a Supply Planner to our team in Category Foil on board.

As a Supply Planner you are the link between IKEA and our suppliers, leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach. You will actively ensure that the agreed business set-ups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost.

You will be part of a small business team, working closely together to continuously develop our suppliers looking at improvements in cost, production set up, product development and logistics. 

A normal day as a Supply Planner could include:
Developing logistics performance through common Action Plans with Suppliers
Achieving excellence in running logistics operations in accordance with Category Plan, by interacting with respective stakeholders and complying with working methods
Taking the lead in operational capacity planning at supplier level and contributing to tactical capacity planning
Planning and optimizing flow in a sending perspective in efficient delivery and supply solutions 
Actively identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Defining and securing implementation of ways of working, systems & tools to support business decisions and suppliers to achieve logistics performance
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible for their own performance through working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.

The position is a fulltime position and located in Älmhult. Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application online as soon as possible, but on 30th Nov the latest.? We don’t accept application through email. 

For more information or any questions regarding this position please contact hiring manager Yin Chen [email protected] and questions regarding the recruitment process Olivia Swärd [email protected] 



Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many.

Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based articles that our many customers enjoy amongst which are iconic IKEA families such as BILLY, PAX, IVAR, KALLAX, POÄNG and our kitchen ranges. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards affordable sustainability for our customers?

You will be based in Purchasing & Logistics Area North where we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, Moscow and Dortmund. The position will be placed in Älmhult! Visa mindre

Supply Planner - Talent Pool - Category Area Wood

Ansök    Nov 9    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
We are now looking for a Supply Planner to our team in Category Foil on board. As a Supply Planner you are the link between IKEA and our suppliers, leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach. You will actively ensure that the agreed business set-ups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost. Y... Visa mer
We are now looking for a Supply Planner to our team in Category Foil on board.

As a Supply Planner you are the link between IKEA and our suppliers, leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach. You will actively ensure that the agreed business set-ups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost.

You will be part of a small business team, working closely together to continuously develop our suppliers looking at improvements in cost, production set up, product development and logistics. 

A normal day as a Supply Planner could include:
Developing logistics performance through common Action Plans with Suppliers
Achieving excellence in running logistics operations in accordance with Category Plan, by interacting with respective stakeholders and complying with working methods
Taking the lead in operational capacity planning at supplier level and contributing to tactical capacity planning
Planning and optimizing flow in a sending perspective in efficient delivery and supply solutions 
Actively identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Defining and securing implementation of ways of working, systems & tools to support business decisions and suppliers to achieve logistics performance
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible for their own performance through working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.

The position is a fulltime position and located in Älmhult. Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application online as soon as possible, but on 30th Nov the latest.? We don’t accept application through email. 

For more information or any questions regarding this position please contact hiring manager Yin Chen [email protected] and questions regarding the recruitment process Olivia Swärd [email protected] 



Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many.

Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based articles that our many customers enjoy amongst which are iconic IKEA families such as BILLY, PAX, IVAR, KALLAX, POÄNG and our kitchen ranges. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards affordable sustainability for our customers?

You will be based in Purchasing & Logistics Area North where we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, Moscow and Dortmund. The position will be placed in Älmhult! Visa mindre

Supply Planner

Company Description Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many. Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and s... Visa mer
Company Description
Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many.
Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based articles that our many customers enjoy amongst which are iconic IKEA families such as BILLY, PAX, IVAR, KALLAX, POÄNG and our kitchen ranges. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards affordable sustainability for our customers?
You will be based in Purchasing & Logistics Area North where we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, Moscow and Dortmund. The position will be placed in Älmhult!
Job Description
We are now looking for a Supply Planner to our team in Category Pigment on board.
As a Supply Planner you are the link between IKEA and our suppliers, leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach. You will actively ensure that the agreed business set-ups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost.
You will be part of a small business team, working closely together to continuously develop our suppliers looking at improvements in cost, production set up, product development and logistics.
A normal day as a Supply Planner could include:
Developing logistics performance through common Action Plans with Suppliers
Achieving excellence in running logistics operations in accordance with Category Plan, by interacting with respective stakeholders and complying with working methods
Taking the lead in operational capacity planning at supplier level and contributing to tactical capacity planning
Planning and optimizing flow in a sending perspective in efficient delivery and supply solutions
Actively identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Defining and securing implementation of ways of working, systems & tools to support business decisions and suppliers to achieve logistics performance

Do you have knowledge of supplier capabilities, capacity & need planning? Could you take the leadership to ensure our supplier has goods ready in time and in full to fulfil customers’ need at lowest possible landed cost? Would you be able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind? Then we are looking for you!
We wish that you tick the following boxes:
• Minimal 1-2 years of planning and supplier management field experience
• Proactive and solution-oriented
• Ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
• Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within given time frame
• Strong data analytical skills
• Excellent Microsoft office skills
• Fluent oral English and good communicator
• Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change
Additional Information
Sounds interesting?
Please submit your CV and cover letter in English before 20th of July, 2022.
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Supply Planner CA Food

Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the... Visa mer
Company Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.
If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!
IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.
Co-workers within Purchasing Development lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers. IKEA Food are working with suppliers globally and have offices in King of Prussia USA, Älmhult Sweden, Dortmund Germany, Warsaw Poland, Milan Italy and Shanghai China.
Job Description
Please note that we have a preferred candidate for this position.
As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by working continuously towards exceptions together with Need Planner and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Contribute to tactical capacity planning and operational (manually) work based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
Contribute to identifying the best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having a customer and total cost in mind.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA Retail in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible for their own performance through working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.
running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.
Contribute to supplier development by taking a lead from the logistic perspective and engage relevant competence in IKEA and at Supplier to assess supplier logistics capability and running supplier development projects.

We are looking for people with knowledge of supplier capabilities, material, production flow, capacity planning. You have the ability to take the lead to ensure supplier has goods ready in time and in full in order to fulfil customers’ need at the lowest possible landed cost. You are able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind.
2+ years working experience in logistic, supply chain area.
Good understand of supply chain flow
Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within the given time frame
Project coordinating ability with structural thinking, and analytic skill
Proactive and solution-oriented, ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change
Fluent in English and a both writing and speaking
Knowing IKEA business will be a plus Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer

Ansök    Aug 11    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver exc... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.

We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult!
Job Description
You will secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance and contribute to further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders. You will contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost (considering impacts of quality, safety, service performance, sustainability).
Included assignments as Supply Operations Developer:
• You secure flow operational performance from end-to-end perspective as it is defined by respective set of KPIs/PIs within given geographical scope
• You align with supply chain stakeholders to secure logistical operational performance, as well as create preconditions for smooth and efficient Supply Operations
• You secure the implementation of new replenishment solutions in alignment with relevant stakeholders
• You identify & define constraints together with internal stakeholders to secure preconditions for efficient supply operations, follow-up and secure the execution of market-relevant plans
• You validate and optimize sending and receiving capabilities as a link between all supply chain stakeholders. You act upon fluctuations to avoid performance disruptions and increased total cost. You identify and propose volume consolidation opportunities and mid-receiver needs. Collaborate with Category Area Teams; support logistic development in new sourcing countries
• You secure correct information on constraints and availability impact to our supply chain stakeholders including our retail partners
• You work proactively with a specific range to avoid shortage in our logistic units and with that contribute to customer perceived availability
To shine in this role, we wish that:
• You have a university degree in logistics, economics or other relevant background and worked at least 1-2 years with logistics/supply chain processes
• You are an extrovert and find it easy to connect with others. You are strong in stakeholder management and can take the lead in a room
• You have the capability to build fact-based business cases in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders and find win-win-solutions within the supply chain
• You are confident in leading different projects simultaneously
• You have excellent presentation and communication skills
• You contribute with high energy and drive, inspiring both teammates and stakeholders
• You always strive to reach goals and are confident to make independent decisions
• The IKEA culture & values inspire your everyday work, and it is natural for you to act as an ambassador for IKEA
We see stakeholder management as an essential part of this role. In the role as SOD, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business.
• It is a bonus if you have good understanding and experience in IKEA supply chain

Additional Information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?

We start this recruitment as part of unifying & strengthening IKEA Supply. Together we want to make IKEA Supply even stronger, so IKEA can be affordable, accessible and trusted by 3 billion people. Together we will take “IKEA Supply into the future”.
Please note that the position is based in Älmhult.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Tomas Johansson, Supply Operations Development Manager, +46 766190082; If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Aivita Grockyte, People & Culture Recruiter, [email protected]
We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before 23rd August, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Automation & Design Developer - SCD

Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. We put togetherness at the heart of everything we do. Come see things a little differently with us. IKEA is one of the world's leading home furnishing companies. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do this by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at p... Visa mer
Company Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. We put togetherness at the heart of everything we do. Come see things a little differently with us.
IKEA is one of the world's leading home furnishing companies. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do this by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.
The Intralogistics organisation is responsible to establish, lead, support and develop logistics solutions for the various IKEA units that have a logistical and fulfilment component, including the development and innovation agenda of intralogistics at IKEA global. In practical terms, Intralogistics shall lead and educate in creating concepts, processes and solutions for IKEA Handling and Storage as well as to act as centre of expertise for all establishments of logistics units around the globe. The organisation is in strong lead towards a more mechanical and automated goods handling.
Job Description
Please note that we have a preferred candidate for this position.
As an Automation & Design Developer you´re responsible for the execution of automation & design tasks in intralogistics projects. You will also develop layouts and designs, perform analyses of existing layouts and provide guidance for improvements of intralogistics systems and solutions. You are responsible perform tender processes and contract management and you are an expertise for all automation & design related requests. Moreover, you are responsible for the performance of project based business analyses, risk assessments, scenario planning and to draw conclusions to support the right business decisions for automation and design within Intralogistics and secure component development as part of the component based planning process.
As the Automation & Design Developer you will among other tasks
Develop Intralogistics business requirements and specifications related to automation and design components
Perform data analytics as part of Intralogistics projects or reviews
Perform Material and Goods flow simulation/analysis as part of Intralogistics projects or reviews
Execute the planning and design of Intralogistics components
Verify technical components and their commissioning as part of Intralogistics projects or reviews
Perform the tendering of automatization (including the vendor selection)
Support Commissioning and Implementation of the Intralogistics Set Up for intralogistics units
Responsible to keep relevant regulations and standards updated
Responsible for verification according to laws and standard of machinery and commercial projects
Travels are included periodically in this position

As a person, you have a strong interest in supply chain and intralogistics as well as in technology, digitalization, automation and robotics. You have a passion for planning and leading in a global assignment and to drive and develop the business and yourself to deliver excellent results. Moreover, you have a desire to collaborate and interact with various stakeholders.
We also see that you have:
Strong knowledge of Intralogistics and the connection as part of the IKEA Supply Chain
Deep knowledge in dimensioning and planning of layout and design for a fulfilment unit
Basic understanding of Warehouse Management Systems and Material flow Control Systems
Deep knowledge of the Warehousing Concept and the establishment process
Good understanding of how your everyday work adds customer value by delivering result
Fluent in English both written and verbal

Additional information
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!
We offer you a variety of tasks with a fun, friendly, open and international team atmosphere. We also hope you want to contribute with your unique competence to IKEAs future growth!
Sounds interesting?
Submit your application online via our recruitment system SmartRecruiters as soon as possible but latest the 3/7 2022. If you have questions regarding this position, please send an email to the recruiting team via SmartRecruiters and we will come back to you.
Please, note that this role is located in Älmhult, Sweden. We look forward to receiving your application in English. We only accept applications via our recruitment system. Visa mindre

Logistic Developer

Ansök    Maj 26    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
In Purchasing Development, our assignment goes hand in hand with the IKEA Business Idea, created 75 years ago, as we are responsible to produce the wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Affordability, accessibility, sustainability and quality are our main priorities. We develop and execute sourcing strategies and thus meet the supply markets/industries ... Visa mer
In Purchasing Development, our assignment goes hand in hand with the IKEA Business Idea, created 75 years ago, as we are responsible to produce the wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Affordability, accessibility, sustainability and quality are our main priorities.
We develop and execute sourcing strategies and thus meet the supply markets/industries in 6 different Category Areas. We are a true global organization with 1300 co-workers placed in 27 different locations, close to the suppliers and the market.
Within the Logistics function in the Purchasing Development, we focus on the following:
Leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach
Leading supplier capacity planning agenda in a proactive way to secure the foundation
Leading logistics competence development agenda to meet business needs.

Right now, we are looking for Logistics Developer (to be based either in Älmhult, Sweden or in Warsaw, Poland) to join us on this journey.
Job Description
As Logistics Developer your task is to work together with the Purchase Development Logistics matrix in projects that will contribute to secure high and stable availability at the lowest cost and deliver to the total value chain.
You will also join initiatives delivering new concepts / tools / WoW supporting the Logistics matrix in transformation towards new global Supply Chain requirements and IKEAs new organizational set up in Supply Chain. You will inspire, empower and support the Logistics matrix co-workers to perform to the best of their abilities and continuously develop in their assignments.
More specifically, you will:
Be a part of development of processes, tools ,concepts and WoW bringing in the Purchasing perspective while securing the best overall solution for total IKEA (for example :cooperation with Supply Chain Development to develop processes and WoW reflecting new Supply Chain requirements)
Represent Purchase Development Logistics matrix in different forums / initiatives initiated by Supply Chain stakeholders
Lead creation of analysis to support fact-based decisions in the Logistics Matrix
Be business owner / speaking partner to Business Navigation regarding cost related developments, tools etc.
Be responsible for creating an aligned view with other SC stakeholders on what are the common KPIs throughout the whole SC driving the performance in logistics
Support the Purchasing Development with Logistics Analytics and business conclusions
Develop an expertise to support the Business Teams in practical usage of tools and apps (how do I practically use the available tools?)

In this role, you will report to Purchasing Development Logistics Manager Ewelina Taylor.
We are looking for you who is eager to be part of leading and developing business and people. You get energized by continuously looking for improvement here and now and creating new innovative solutions for the future. This through building trustful partnerships with many stakeholders to reach common goals.
You also have general interest in Purchasing and Logistics with a desire to contribute to the development of IKEA business. You enjoy working with facts and figures, being able to create a big picture as well as to zoom into the details.
You have very good knowledge of the value chain and deep knowledge of logistics end-to-end and knowledge of supply chain cost drivers from raw material to customer. You also have good understanding of IKEA Purchasing Manual, IKEA Purchasing Year Cycle and the Governance Structure and IKEA ways or working. Preferably you know the KPIs and system landscape within certain parts of Ikea Supply Chain.
You lead business with a holistic view, combining working on a strategic / operational / and tactical level and you always act with Customer, Supplier, Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind. You identify and capture business opportunities and deliver results, while inspiring and developing people around you – you are a strong trust and relationship builder with great communication skills.
Additional information
This position is located either in Älmhult, Sweden or in Warsaw, Poland.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact the Hiring Manager Ewelina Taylor, [email protected].
For questions about the recruitment process, please contact P&C Recruiter Annette Scheer, [email protected] +46 72 388 58 02
Please submit both your CV and motivation letter in English latest by 10th of June, 2022 and tell us why you would be a good fit. Visa mindre

Supply Chain

Ansök    Maj 10    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
re you a supply chain professional? – Then this is perfect challenge for you! At IKEA Components we develop, source, pack and supply components, materials and IKEA retail equipment products in areas where it benefits IKEA and the IKEA customer. Our business is global and employs 1400 people based globally. During the past year IKEA Components has grown, taking on new businesses and stretching even further across IKEAs value chain. To secure that we creat... Visa mer
re you a supply chain professional? – Then this is perfect challenge for you!
At IKEA Components we develop, source, pack and supply components, materials and IKEA retail equipment products in areas where it benefits IKEA and the IKEA customer. Our business is global and employs 1400 people based globally. During the past year IKEA Components has grown, taking on new businesses and stretching even further across IKEAs value chain. To secure that we create as much IKEA benefits as possible we hope that you want to be a part of shaping the future of Supply Chain at IKEA Components!
We are curious about the future of supply chains, are you?
Do you see yourself as someone who wants to be part of an exciting journey where we enter a new era for IKEA Components Supply Chain?
Questions like: What if… How about… how can we… should we… come naturally to you? Then keep on reading!
Job Description
Planning in Supply Chain at IKEA Components has the responsibility of creating global sales, demand and supply plans, used by multiple stakeholders to secure availability. IKEA Components has a unique role in IKEA, working with Raw Materials (e.g chemicals, paper pallet, glue, particleboard), components (e.g dowels, slides/extensions) but also equipment used in the Stores and other IKEA units, such as staff clothing, trolleys etc. Being part of securing availability is therefore critical to enable IKEA furniture sales, being able to produce & move goods, as well as IKEA being able to expand into new markets with new customer meeting points.

Our offer
You will get deep knowledge about our total IKEA value chain, including raw material and components which will create a solid base of IKEA knowledge that will benefit you throughout your IKEA career. You will get the chance to impact our ways of working and how we best perform planning. You will belong to an organization with a value driven culture where Simplicity, Cost-consciousness and Different with a meaning are key aspects in creating the IKEA spirit. In addition, you will get the chance to be involved in or lead project and assignment that will create better working conditions for yourself and your colleagues. You will join either our demand or need planning team and contribute in building a smarter, leaner and more cost-effective supply chain, enabling availability at the lowest possible cost!
To succeed & shine in this role
The preferable candidate has already experience from working in a complex and changing world. The successful candidate has a flare for explaining complex relationships in an easy and straightforward way.
Planning in Supply Chain is a numbers game so you will need strong analytical skills. You are a true team player and thrives in an environment where it is important to build trustful relationships with stakeholders. Your competence profile consists of :
Experience from supply chain or other relevant experience
Act proactive and taking lead in motivating and inspiring others
Ability to work with a holistic perspective, through the whole chain from supplier to customer, as well as the capability to be in the details
Open mind-set, enjoy fast paced environment and act with flexibility in ad-hoc situations
Great communication competence that can create and explain scenarios in an easy to understand manner
Experience or big interest in digital solutions and/or areas such as: analytics, Machine learning, BI-tools

Additional information
At IKEA Components you work very close with stakeholders across the total IKEA value chain and there are plenty of future opportunities for development.
We are in the middle of major changes in ways of working, driven by a new planning platform that will be implemented in a near future, giving you the chance to be part of this journey from your first day.
If you have any questions about the position please contact Supply Managers: Johan Roos, [email protected] or Rasmus Svensson, [email protected], about the recruitment process, please contact Recruitment Specialist Annette Scheer, [email protected], +46 72 388 58 02.
We will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate. So don't delay, please send us your application in English, latest 18th of May, 2022. Visa mindre

Automation & Design Developer - SCD

Ansök    Apr 22    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistikingenjör
Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. We put togetherness at the heart of everything we do. Come see things a little differently with us. IKEA is one of the world's leading home furnishing companies. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do this by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at p... Visa mer
Company Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. We put togetherness at the heart of everything we do. Come see things a little differently with us.
IKEA is one of the world's leading home furnishing companies. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do this by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.
The Intralogistics organisation is responsible to establish, lead, support and develop logistics solutions for the various IKEA units that have a logistical and fulfilment component, including the development and innovation agenda of intralogistics at IKEA global. In practical terms, Intralogistics shall lead and educate in creating concepts, processes and solutions for IKEA Handling and Storage as well as to act as centre of expertise for all establishments of logistics units around the globe. The organisation is in strong lead towards a more mechanical and automated goods handling.
Job Description
As an Automation & Design Developer you´re responsible for the execution of automation & design tasks in intralogistics projects. You will also develop layouts and designs, perform analyses of existing layouts and provide guidance for improvements of intralogistics systems and solutions. You are responsible perform tender processes and contract management and you are an expertise for all automation & design related requests. Moreover, you are responsible for the performance of project based business analyses, risk assessments, scenario planning and to draw conclusions to support the right business decisions for automation and design within Intralogistics and secure component development as part of the component based planning process.
As the Automation & Design Developer you will among other tasks
Develop Intralogistics business requirements and specifications related to automation and design components
Perform data analytics as part of Intralogistics projects or reviews
Perform Material and Goods flow simulation/analysis as part of Intralogistics projects or reviews
Execute the planning and design of Intralogistics components
Verify technical components and their commissioning as part of Intralogistics projects or reviews
Perform the tendering of automatization (including the vendor selection)
Support Commissioning and Implementation of the Intralogistics Set Up for intralogistics units
Responsible to keep relevant regulations and standards updated
Responsible for verification according to laws and standard of machinery and commercial projects
Travels are included periodically in this position

As a person, you have a strong interest in supply chain and intralogistics as well as in technology, digitalization, automation and robotics. You have a passion for planning and leading in a global assignment and to drive and develop the business and yourself to deliver excellent results. Moreover, you have a desire to collaborate and interact with various stakeholders.
We also see that you have:
Strong knowledge of Intralogistics and the connection as part of the IKEA Supply Chain
Deep knowledge in dimensioning and planning of layout and design for a fulfilment unit
Basic understanding of Warehouse Management Systems and Material flow Control Systems
Deep knowledge of the Warehousing Concept and the establishment process
Good understanding of how your everyday work adds customer value by delivering result
Fluent in English both written and verbal

Additional information
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!
We offer you a variety of tasks with a fun, friendly, open and international team atmosphere. We also hope you want to contribute with your unique competence to IKEAs future growth!
Sounds interesting?
Submit your application online via our recruitment system SmartRecruiters as soon as possible but latest the 6th of May 2022. If you have questions regarding this position, please send an email to the recruiting team via SmartRecruiters and we will come back to you.
Please, note that this role is located in Älmhult, Sweden. We look forward to receiving your application in English. We only accept applications via our recruitment system.
We welcome all applications. Our culture and values are based on equal opportunities and we are happy to consider applications from individuals with disabilities.
For questions regarding the poristion, please reach out to hiring manager Tobias Lüling, [email protected]. Visa mindre

Supply Planner - Talent Pool - Wood

Company Description Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many. Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and ... Visa mer
Company Description
Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many.
Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based articles that our many customers enjoy amongst which are iconic IKEA families such as BILLY, PAX, IVAR, KALLAX, POÄNG and our kitchen ranges.
Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes.
Are you ready to be part of a journey towards affordable sustainability for our customers?
Job Description
For this position we have a preferred candidate!
We are looking for the people with knowledge of supplier capabilities, material, production flow, capacity planning. You have the ability to take the leadership to ensure supplier has goods ready in time and in full in order to fulfil customers’ need at lowest possible landed cost. You are able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind.

• Minimal 2-3 years of planning and supplier management field experience;
• Fluent oral English and good communicator;
• Proactive and solution oriented;
• Ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders;
• Well-organized in multiple task assigned within given time frame.
• Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change.
As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
• Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by working continuously towards exceptions together with Need Planner and Supplier in a proactive manner.
• Contribute to tactical capacity planning based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
• Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
• Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
• Contribute to identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind.
• Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
• Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers.
• Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA Retail in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
• Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible on their own performance through: working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant trainings & working methods.
• Contribute to supplier development by taking a lead from logistic perspective and engage relevant competence in IKEA and at Supplier to assess supplier logistics capability and running supplier development projects.
Besides normal job assignment, this opening will undertakes some different expectations as normal Supply Planner role in category.
• You will initiate a quicker start and engagement with business contribution.
• You will hold an employment with a sort of trainee set-up where you get the possibility to interact and work with different departments during and after your onboarding.
Additional information
This position will be based in Älmhult, Sweden For this assignment we will not be able to offer relocation support, and will therefore prioritise candidates that are located in Sweden.
Please apply in English before 3rd of March, 2022.
The selection process will take place continuously, so please send in your application in English as soon as possible. Please note that we don’t accept applications through email.
If you have questions regarding the role please contact Fredrik Liwander (People & Culture Generalist) at [email protected] Visa mindre

Sommarjobb - Logistics operations coordinator

Ansök    Apr 6    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Are you looking for Sommarjobb?  –Are you our new Logistics Operations Coordinator? We are a dynamic team how makes the logistics work - will you join as our new team member? Transport & logistics provides competence around customs and transport to each individual IKEA unit worldwide when building a new store/warehouse, rebuilding or daily sales.  In your role as Logistic Operations Coordinator, you will work with transport administration. You will book... Visa mer
Are you looking for Sommarjobb?  –Are you our new Logistics Operations Coordinator?

We are a dynamic team how makes the logistics work - will you join as our new team member?

Transport & logistics provides competence around customs and transport to each individual IKEA unit worldwide when building a new store/warehouse, rebuilding or daily sales. 

In your role as Logistic Operations Coordinator, you will work with transport administration. You will book, plan and coordinate deliveries to our stores and warehouses globally. You will handle all types of transport documents, such as customs documents and invoicing you will also be responsible for communication with suppliers, transport companies and users on transport related matters. 

We see that you are service oriented, open minded and possess a strong willpower. You are a team player and naturally communicates and builds trustful relationships with others. You can see the big picture and at the same time, never forget the customer. In the role it´s also important to work accurately, independently, and methodically.

To enjoy working with us, you like to be a team player and to be open-minded. You are straightforward and you share our IKEA values. The position is placed in Älmhult, Sweden.
Please note that this is a temporary position from v 25-v 34

 We are seeking a star - so to shine in this role we think that you have:
•    Passion about Logistics, with knowledge of ways of working in the area
•    Big interest in collaborative work as well as working in a multinational environment.  
•    Good PC skills 
•    Fluent in English, both written and verbal.

You are eager to learn and initiatively take responsibilities in the current assignment. As a person you are humble, with great willpower and the ability to create togetherness and enthusiasm around you. That you are being committed to both the job and in staying with IKEA and contributing to business success. 

Learn more and apply with us at IKEA.com. The selection process will take place on an ongoing basis and please note that we do not accept applications via email. Last day for application is 26th of April 2022.

f you have any questions about the position you are welcome to contact Anna Lennartsson, +46721937314. If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Recruitment specialist Christina Appelqvist, +46766-113408

You see things a little differently. So, do we. At IKEA we believe in uniquely tailored development plans. You decide how you want to grow, and we’ll be there to support you. Our culture means that every voice is heard, including yours. With IKEA you’ll discover a leadership approach that inspires the best in you. Come see things a little differently with us.
IKEA Components holds a unique position within the IKEA value chain.

We develop and supply IKEA with customer friendly component solutions for better products – and better homes. This includes a responsibility for selected components and raw material, which means develop, purchase and supply to IKEA suppliers. IKEA Components also have the assignment to provide After Sales service of components to the end customers. Our business is global and today employs 1400 people based mainly in Sweden, Slovakia, and China. Visa mindre

Food Demand Coordinator

Ansök    Mar 23    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
At IKEA Purchasing & Logistics we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about ... Visa mer
At IKEA Purchasing & Logistics we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.

Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about food! We source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing, and logistics services for IKEA Food.

Right now, we are on an exciting journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations. If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!

We are now strengthening our team in Älmhult with Food Demand Coordinator.

As Food Demand Coordinator, you will work close with different supply functions to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for distribution in selected markets. It is a role with great variety; a good mix of operational work, planning and involvement in development projects.

In collaboration with Business Area Food in IKEA Range & Supply and Supply Chain partners - you will support IKEA retailers through a variety of operational tasks such as ensuring smooth range change, commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.

You will be joining a diverse, experienced team with helpful colleagues in a growing organization. In your role you will be responsible for one or several markets, this responsibility includes:
Being first point of contact for Retail partners in daily operations and product availability
Leading and being responsible for Market Operations Forums
Being responsible for order management
Taking the lead in proactively coordinating supply chain partners to find optimum solutions to supply constraints
Reporting on a range of KPIs, providing information to retail and supply chain partners
Coordinating global and local sales activities and prepare for launch of new products
Contributing to establishment of new retail units and new markets together with other supply chain partners
Reviewing and providing input to supply chain partners to secure optimal replenishment solution

This position is a full-time permanent assignment located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA.

If you have any questions regarding the role, please contact Ulrika Karmestål-Cheniere at [email protected]

Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application, CV and cover letter in English, as soon as possible. Last day to apply is the 31st of March 2022. Visa mindre

Food Demand Coordinator

Ansök    Mar 8    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
At IKEA Purchasing & Logistics we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about ... Visa mer
At IKEA Purchasing & Logistics we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.

Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about food! We source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing, and logistics services for IKEA Food.

Right now, we are on an exciting journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations. If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!

We are now strengthening our team in Älmhult with Food Demand Coordinator.

As Food Demand Coordinator, you will work close with different supply functions to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for distribution in selected markets. It is a role with great variety; a good mix of operational work, planning and involvement in development projects.

In collaboration with Business Area Food in IKEA Range & Supply and Supply Chain partners - you will support IKEA retailers through a variety of operational tasks such as ensuring smooth range change, commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.

You will be joining a diverse, experienced team with helpful colleagues in a growing organization. In your role you will be responsible for one or several markets, this responsibility includes:
Being first point of contact for Retail partners in daily operations and product availability
Leading and being responsible for Market Operations Forums
Being responsible for order management
Taking the lead in proactively coordinating supply chain partners to find optimum solutions to supply constraints
Reporting on a range of KPIs, providing information to retail and supply chain partners
Coordinating global and local sales activities and prepare for launch of new products
Contributing to establishment of new retail units and new markets together with other supply chain partners
Reviewing and providing input to supply chain partners to secure optimal replenishment solution

This is a fulltime role (40 hours per week) based in Malmö, Sweden.

We want to understand the why! Tell us, as part of your application, why you think you would be a good fit for this role. Applications without a motivation letter will not be taken into consideration. 29:th of March 2022 is the closing date to apply for this role. If you have questions regarding the process, you're welcome to connect with Lisen Götze (People & Culture) at [email protected].

Please note that internal candidates will be taken into consideration first. 

About IKEA? 

At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think, differently. Act, differently. And work differently as well. We like to break things. Like rules. And then make things. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plantballs that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. And it’s been keeping our co-workers going for over 75 years. By 2030, we hope to help millions more look forward to going home. Maybe you can help us.

Creating long term success for IKEA, together (Business Transformation)  
We want to become an even more affordable, sustainable and accessible home furnishing retailer in an omni-channel reality. We bring business and data & technology together to improve how we work and meet customers, and enable us to focus on creating value. So we can continuously improve and scale IKEA, together with our partners and the many people.  

IKEA Shared Data & Technology builds up, delivers, serves and supports shared data and technology for the IKEA value chain. Together we build a digital foundation to enable our core business partners and franchisees to work more efficiently and create a rewarding customer experience in an omnichannel world. 

At IKEA we believe that we’re better when we’re physically together for collaboration, dialogues and conversations. We believe in the power of human interactions; the informal chats, the energy, belonging and creativity generated by people being in the same place. Our approach is that we spend most of our time in the IKEA workplace and with flexibility to work from home when relevant. 

Another thing fuelling our success?is our values-based culture. While we are unique individuals with endless differences, something we share is our commitment to lead by example, work together, find?better?ways and to get things done. We believe in life-long learning, where we all play a part in helping each other (and our business) grow.? 

Read more about us at?https://about.ikea.com? 

For data, tech and digital roles, read more at ikea.com/tastethefuture  
This position is a full-time permanent assignment located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA.

If you have any questions regarding the role, please contact Ulrika Karmestål-Cheniere at [email protected]

Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application, CV and cover letter in English, as soon as possible. Last day to apply is the 31st of March 2022. Visa mindre

Brevbärare Älmhult, behovsanställning

Ansök    Mar 9    PostNord Group AB    Brevbärare
Vi levererar. Från dag till dag. Tillsammans med engagerade kollegor bidrar du till att säkra att våra kunder når fram till dem de vill, i rätt tid, säkert och effektivt.   Bli en del av vårt team Vi söker nu förstärkning till vårt kontor i Älmhult. I rollen som brevbärare kommer du att jobba under dagtid med varierande arbetstider. Behovsanställning innebär att man anställs på 0% och får erbjudande om att jobba extra när det uppstår ett behov. Du k... Visa mer
Vi levererar.

Från dag till dag. Tillsammans med engagerade kollegor bidrar du till att säkra att våra kunder når fram till dem de vill, i rätt tid, säkert och effektivt.


Bli en del av vårt team

Vi söker nu förstärkning till vårt kontor i Älmhult. I rollen som brevbärare kommer du att jobba under dagtid med varierande arbetstider. Behovsanställning innebär att man anställs på 0% och får erbjudande om att jobba extra när det uppstår ett behov. Du kommer att jobba 0–39,9 % av en heltidstjänst. Anställningsformen vänder sig främst till dig som är student eller har en annan sysselsättning och vill jobba extra. Du kan många gånger bli erbjuden arbetspass med kort varsel.


Om rollen

I rollen som brevbärare är du en av våra allra viktigaste medarbetare och den första våra kunder ser framför sig när de tänker på PostNord. Det är du som levererar efterlängtad post i deras brevlådor oavsett väder. En vanlig dag består av:

- Sortering av post
- Utdelning av brev, tidningar och direktreklam med (cykel, elcykel, elbil, gåvagn, moped och bil)

Om dig
Vi söker dig som är noggrann, strukturerad och finner motivation i att leverera god service och hög kvalité. Du ser fram emot ett fysiskt aktivt arbete där du får möjlighet att jobba utomhus stora delar av dagen. Du behärskar svenska i tal och skrift.

För att bli aktuell för rollen är det viktigt att du har:

- Gymnasieexamen eller motsvarande
- Körkort för personbil (B)
- Belastningsregister i oöppnat kuvert: https://polisen.se/siteassets/blanketter/polisens-blanketter-442-3.pdf


Vi erbjuder dig
PostNord erbjuder dig arbete i en dynamisk och förändringsorienterad miljö på en av Sveriges största arbetsplatser. Vi har goda tjänstepensionsvillkor, friskvårdsbidrag och personalförmåner genom PostNords egen personalstiftelse PostNordPlus och det finns bra utvecklingsmöjligheter. Anställning sker enligt kollektivavtal.

Vi gör vardagen enklare
PostNord är den ledande leverantören av kommunikations- och logistiklösningar till, från och inom Sverige samt över hela Norden. Vi säkerställer postservicen till privatpersoner och företag i Sverige och Danmark. Vi strävar efter att göra vardagen enklare och mer hållbar för alla som bor och arbetar i Sverige och Norden. Vi är ansvarstagande, modiga och engagerade, och leder effektivt förändring oavsett om vi leder oss själva eller andra. Vi uppmuntrar lagarbete, uppriktighet och positiva relationer på arbetsplatsen. Vi bygger vidare på våra framgångar och lär oss av både kollegor och misstag. Människor med olika bakgrund arbetar hos oss. Du kommer därför vara en del av en arbetsplats med stor mångfald, vilket bidrar till bättre resultat för verksamheten. Besök oss på http://www.postnord.com



Du ansöker genom att klicka på ”Ansök” här i annonsen, därefter bifogar du ditt CV. Se till att ha betyg redo från gymnasiet alternativ från högre utbildning när du påbörjar ansökan, dessa ska laddas upp under "övriga filer" och är ett krav för att kunna gå vidare i processen. 

Om du har frågor om rekryteringsprocessen eller tjänsten, kontakta oss på mailto:[email protected]. Observera att vi inte tar emot ansökningar via mail. 

Rekrytering för denna tjänst sker löpande vilket innebär att annonsen kan avpubliceras innan sista ansökningsdag så skicka gärna in din ansökan så snart som möjligt. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet.

För Fackliga kontaktpersoner se http://www.postnord.com/fackliga

Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig. Visa mindre

Summer job - Supply Planner - CA Food

Ansök    Mar 1    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. We are looking for two persons that would like to join our Food business and support during the summer! This is a perfect way to start your career at IKEA! If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you a... Visa mer
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.

We are looking for two persons that would like to join our Food business and support during the summer! This is a perfect way to start your career at IKEA!

If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!

IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.

As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Follow up on agreed capacity plan from suppliers by working continuously towards exceptions together with other planning functions and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore, work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution for running range at supplier
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to maintain supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Secure correct availability information from supplier in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.

Sounds interesting?

Please send us your application in English – CV and motivation letter – no later than Mar. 20th, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.

If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact our Category Logistics Leaders Sally Mohebbi ([email protected]) or Regina Polcar ([email protected]). If you have questions regarding recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Generalist Fredrik Liwander ([email protected]).

We are looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Summer job - Supply Planner - CA Food

Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. We are looking for two persons that would like to join our Food business and support during the summer! This is a perfect way to start your career at IKEA! If you are the right person for this position, ... Visa mer
Company Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.
We are looking for two persons that would like to join our Food business and support during the summer! This is a perfect way to start your career at IKEA!
If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!
IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.
Job Description
As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Follow up on agreed capacity plan from suppliers by working continuously towards exceptions together with other planning functions and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore, work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution for running range at supplier
Continuously follow-up, analyze and take action to maintain supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Secure correct availability information from supplier in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.

We are looking for people with knowledge of supplier capabilities, material, production flow, capacity planning. You have the ability to take the lead to ensure supplier has goods ready in time and in full in order to fulfil customers’ need at the lowest possible landed cost.
Interest in logistic, supply chain area, planning.
Basic understanding of supply chain flow
Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within the given time frame
Proactive and solution-oriented, ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change
Analytic mindset
Fluent in English and a both writing and speaking
Knowing IKEA business will be a plus

Additional information
Sounds interesting?
Please send us your application in English – CV and motivation letter – no later than Mar. 20th, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact our Category Logistics Leaders Sally Mohebbi ([email protected]) or Regina Polcar ([email protected]). If you have questions regarding recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Generalist Fredrik Liwander ([email protected]).
We are looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Starta din karriär i sommar, IKEA Distributionscentral i Älmhult!

VEM ÄR DU Hej! Många av oss som jobbar på IKEA idag har börjat med ett jobb under sommaren. Nu söker vi flertalet medarbetare till vår Distributionscentral (DC) i Älmhult till sommaren 2022. Det innebär att du kanske i dagsläget studerar, har en timanställning någon annanstans, inte lyckats hitta ditt drömjobb ännu eller helt enkelt vill byta arbete? Vi tror på de många människorna och söker härmed alla typer av talanger till våra enheter under sommarperio... Visa mer
Många av oss som jobbar på IKEA idag har börjat med ett jobb under sommaren. Nu söker vi flertalet medarbetare till vår Distributionscentral (DC) i Älmhult till sommaren 2022.
Det innebär att du kanske i dagsläget studerar, har en timanställning någon annanstans, inte lyckats hitta ditt drömjobb ännu eller helt enkelt vill byta arbete? Vi tror på de många människorna och söker härmed alla typer av talanger till våra enheter under sommarperioden.
För vem vet… kanske är det just du som är med och utvecklar framtidens IKEA, i Sverige eller utomlands.
Det är otroligt viktigt för oss att du är en person som vill jobba just hos oss och med de arbetsuppgifter vi kan erbjuda. För att du skall trivas behöver du känna igen dig i följande förmågor:
Kundfokus: I ditt arbete hos oss på DC Älmhult kommer du inte att träffa kunderna ansikte mot ansikte, men du behöver tänka på kunden när du hanterar en pall eller packar ett paket. Alla kunder vill få rätt varor och hela förpackningar. Tänker du på kunden som din kompis i ditt arbete blir det mycket bättre.
Gilla högt?tempo:?Då vi förser alla Nordens varuhus med våra produkter så har vi oftast mycket att göra. Har du förmågan att ha fullt fokus på kvalitetstänket samtidigt som du håller koll på klockan för att hinna lasta en lastbil i tid för sin avgång till varuhuset i Kalmar? Då är chansen stor att du kommer att gilla jobbet hos oss!
Lösningsorienterad: Istället för att påpeka fel och anmärka, så är du en person som tar tag i saker och gör något åt det. När du återkommande får i uppdrag att köra samma typ av pall med gods längst bort i lagret så vill du effektivisera arbetet, och tar därför kontakt med planerare för att undersöka möjligheten till att körsträckan kortas för nästa person.?
Flexibel: Vi uppmuntrar att du är nyfiken på olika arbetsuppgifter och villig att testa. Ett jobb hos oss under sommaren kan innebära stor variation – alltifrån att fixa enklare kvalitetsbrister till att lasta och lossa gods, och om du har intresse så kan det finnas möjlighet att utföra arbetsuppgifter som kräver ytterligare truckutbildning. Oavsett vad du arbetar med har du förmågan att vara positiv och har viljan till att bidra på bästa möjliga vis.
Ledarskap:?På IKEA värdesätter vi mångfald i ledarskapet.?Att leda sig själv är en självklarhet hos oss, men kanske är du idag även?lagkapten?i din idrottsförening?och vill nu ta med dig dina ledarskapsförmågor?in i arbetslivet??Kanske driver du?själv?ett mindre?företag och?söker nu ett extra jobb?vid sidan om??Kanske är?du?van av att ta hand?om?barn,?yngre syskon?samt?vara?en?förebild?
På vår Distributionscentral (DC) i Älmhult hanterar vi både inkommande och avgående gods. Det mesta hanteras med truck på lastpallar och kommer från våra leverantörer till distributionscentralen för att sedan skickas ut till våra varuhus och kunder. Ett krav för att jobba här är att du har ett giltigt körkort, truckutbildning får du av oss. På vår distributionscentral (DC) har vi verksamheten ständigt igång, där de flesta av våra medarbetare arbetar i olika skift mellan 06:00-23:30 och helger inkluderas. Vi har även nattskift. Anställningen är mellan v. 25-34, truckutbildningen erbjuds tidigare under våren.
Vi vet alla att ett hem är mer än ett hus och på IKEA vet vi också att ett jobb är mer än ett arbete. På IKEA vill vi ta vårt ansvar och skapa ett bättre liv där hemma för de många människorna samt för vår planet. Exempelvis har vi som ambition till år 2030 att allt vi producerar skall vara förnybart- eller återvunnet material.
Det är vår personalidé, vår vision och våra värderingar som bygger vårt starka varumärke. Med hjälp av fokus på samarbete, mångfald och inkludering så skapar vi dynamiska team.?På våra enheter så vill vi spegla omvärlden och få både kunder och medarbetare att känna sig hemma. Vill du jobba på ett företag med starka värderingar, som vill göra skillnad för miljön och ta större socialt ansvar? Då kommer du känna dig hemma hos oss.
Vår rekryteringsprocess i sommar är till stor del digital. Vi har gjort en kort film som beskriver rekryteringsprocessen?-?gå in på ikea.se/sommarjobb för att se vad du kan förvänta dig! Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer

Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable. In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all tr... Visa mer
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable.
In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all transport capacities in the IKEA Supply Chain. Category Area Transport is a Category area with two categories – Category Land and Category Ocean & Air.
Do you think outside the box? So do we. Come see things a bit differently with us!
Job Description
We are now looking for a Service Provider Operations Developer to join our team in Category Ocean & Air. The position will be located in Älmhult, Sweden and report to Service Provider Operations Development Manager for EMEA & Americas, located in Pratteln, Switzerland.
About the job
For this position we have a prefered candidate!
As a Service Provider Operations Developer in Category Ocean & Air you are responsible to develop and secure the operational set up within your assigned area in North and Central EU, working closely with the transport areas. You will establish a close working relationship with the nominated ocean carriers operating in the assigned area/ countries North/ Central EU and are responsible for the operations performance both from sending and receiving perspective. Consequently, in this role you secure the demands and manage the carrier capacity offered to IKEA.
You will support the corresponding system set-up to enable the booking of the ocean carriers for export and import to Europe, securing correctness and maintaining the information in IKEA systems ( Database, LBD, CNS, ITM in the future). You support the tender process with data about matrix, network as well as operational requirements. Together with a skilled team of Service Provider Operations Developers you will lead the tender nomination process and be responsible for the implementation activities to enable a smooth transition from the old to the new ocean year.
You will contribute to the business development with trade lane and local operations knowledge and improvement of cooperation with local and regional stakeholders of our service providers. This position has a truly international dimension as you will have daily interaction with the other Service Provider Operations Developers in EU, Asia Pacific and Americas, other European Supply Chain Operations sites and various other internal and external stakeholders.
About you
We are looking for you who are an operations expert in supply chain with a track record in leading/driving operational excellence. Further, you have a proven background in the area of ocean shipping and/or freight forwarding.
To be successful in the role you have a university degree, or an equivalent education, within Logistics, economics or business administration. We believe that you have a minimum 2 years work experience in transport business or supply chain function. Microsoft Office literacy (Excel, Access) and fluency in English, both written and verbal, are a prerequisite.
As a person you are business & people minded. You are self-motivated and have the ability to organize, structure and prioritize numerous tasks.
It comes natural for you to always act as an IKEA ambassador towards both external as well as internal stakeholders, and you perform business responsibilities based on value- and fact-based business approach. Your entrepreneurial spirit is strong and you have a natural way of seeing business opportunities and take action.
You have high aspirations, you show ambition and hunger to improve and do better. Your dedication and commitment together with true openness and curiosity to new things really do make things happen. Your networking capabilities are well developed and help you foster long-term and successful relationships with both external stakeholders and your close co-workers. However when needed you are also able to work with limited guidance and lead yourself into the unknown.
We look forward to receiving your application online, by February 20th the latest. The selection process will take place continuously and we might close the recruitment earlier, so please send in your application in English as soon as possible. Visa mindre

Need Planner - SCD

Ansök    Feb 9    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
The IKEA way
People within IKEA value a culture of humbleness and open-mindedness. We don't have a rigid hierarchy system and encourage everyone to speak openly and honestly to everyone within the organization. We do not have a dress code and encourage productive discussions in a relaxed, natural order with a great deal of personal responsibility. The IKEA co-worker is proactive, engaged, internally motivated for results and eager to learn.
Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best preconditions for meeting the future with the right competences and business capabilities.
We are continuing to create the preconditions to a world class supply chain that enables IKEA to efficiently respond to the ever-changing customer needs.
We are now looking for the next Need Planner.
Job Description
As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensue exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow!
You will lead the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfill our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.
Additionally, you will be responsible for the stock structure in assigned range and will review and balance the total need versus capacity, all to make an executable supply plan. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to plan the need in the product change process. Exciting, isn’t it?
As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
• Contribute to leading initiatives with supply chain to identify potential overstock / stock out and act on deviations
• Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with value chain to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost
• Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level
• Contribute to defining the optimal replenishment solution, together with various supply chain stakeholders
• Lead and/or contribute to additional assignments within or across the function
Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and leading a global assignment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills.
Additionally, you have proven experience and knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Need Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Need and capacity planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data

We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!
If you would like to hear more about the role from a SCD’s current Need Planners, have a look at this video!
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Thank you for reading this far. We believe that your value is greater and more important than just your CV. So if you like the idea of ??working at IKEA, please feel free to write to us and let's meet. Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by 31st of March 2022. Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis.
In this recruitment, we are looking to hire 5 Need Planners.
We are excited to get to know you and kindly ask you to include the following points in your cover letter:
1. What work achievements are you most proud of?
2. Who are you as a person?

If you have any questions about the role, please contact Henrik Tornerefelt at [email protected]. About recruitment process, please contact Todd Graham at [email protected].

Looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Delivery Planning Manager

Ansök    Feb 8    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. We belong to Purchasing & Logistics Area North that is one of 7 Purchasing & Logistics Areas in the world, and our co-workers are based in Älmhult, Dortmund, Kaunas and... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. We belong to Purchasing & Logistics Area North that is one of 7 Purchasing & Logistics Areas in the world, and our co-workers are based in Älmhult, Dortmund, Kaunas and Moscow.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organisation with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimising replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
Change is our reality. Come and join us to reach even more excellence performance.
Job Description
As Delivery Planning Manager within transport and delivery planning your job is to secure excellence in logistical operational performance and it´s further development by leading a team of around 8 Transport and Delivery Planners who will secure product availability to the customer at lowest possible total landed cost by the consolidation of orders into shipments. You will work in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders in Northern Europe in particular but sometimes within a global scope. You will also contribute to reaching customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost.
Amongst other tasks, you will:
Lead in a way that IKEA culture and our Values become an everyday reality.
Coach and develop the team to have the competence for the business need today and tomorrow. Actively support the team in daily operations and work in close cooperation with internal and external stakeholders (carriers, suppliers).
Secure the stakeholder management on a team level. Act as a role model for collaboration and efficient communication with internal and external stakeholders and to represent Transport in relevant network and forums.
Be responsible to validate and implement new working routines and follow-ups.
Contribute to the continuous improvement of the transport planning and delivery process based on our global working methods.

We believe that you are passionate about leading and developing both business and people in a proactive way. You are strong relationship builders, and you enjoy working with constant improvements and always with the desire to reach set goals. You are not afraid to take responsibility in your assignment and change is a motivator for you in the daily business. You can communicate in a clear way as well as create a precondition for a dialogue. We believe that the IKEA values reflect your personal values.
To be successful in this role you need to:
5+ years working experience.
University degree in logistics, economics business administration or relevant working experience.
Good knowledge of supply chain management and logistics.
Act as a role model for collaboration togetherness and change management.
Constantly inspire and empower you co-workers to perform the best and to continuously develop.
Good communication and be a quick learner.
Fluent in English both written and verbal.

Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Please note that this position is based in Älmhult, Sweden, an inspirational working environment, based on creativity and innovation, which gives you the opportunity to work and interact with people from all around the world. Älmhult has excellent commuting possibilities with hourly trains to Malmö, Lund and Växjö, and an IKEA shuttle bus running back and forth to Helsingborg two times a day.
We look forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English latest by 2nd March.
For any information about the role please contact Joakim Svensson, Supply Operations Manager, [email protected]. Any questions about the recruitment process, please contact Zuzana Vackova, People and Culture Recruiter, [email protected].
Welcome with your applications! Visa mindre

Innovation Leader

Ansök    Jan 26    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable.  In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all ... Visa mer
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable. 

In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all transport capacities in the IKEA Supply Chain. Category Area Transport is a Category area with two categories – Category Land and Category Ocean & Air.

Do you see opportunities and potentials where other see challenges? Come and turn them into scalable solutions together with us!

 We are now looking for an experienced Innovation Leader to join our team in Category Area Transport. The preferred location for this position is Pratteln, Switzerland, or Älmhult, Sweden. The Innovation Leader will report to Category Area Manager and be member of management team.

As Innovation Leader for Category Area Transport you secure that our agenda and performance stays ahead of trends, contribute to business and people development, and translate strategy, business plan and IKEA direction into relevant actions.

As Innovation Leader you are responsible for the Development and Innovation agenda in Category area, and you actively co-create and contribute to the total Development and Innovation agenda at IKEA.

Your main assignment will be:
Lead by keeping together the Category Area Transport innovation agenda across the IKEA ecosystem, together with internal and external stakeholders and in alignment with the total IKEA innovation agenda.
Co-Lead the Development and Innovation network through proven in-direct leadership, by leading portfolio and core team members.
Guide the Network members and community to deliver the portfolio from a long-term perspective. 
Build and share strong communities, internal and external.
Lead the development plan for the network and translate it into relevant assignments.  Have the foresight to separate what assignments should be an operational development or Network led innovation.
Implement the agreed and prioritized innovation agenda.
Secure and contribute to aligned and common ways of working, tools, performance metrics and communication.
Stay on top of the trends and development in Category Area Transport and related fields, translate opportunities into actions.
Support the competence development in Innovation for Category Area Transport  To be successful in this role, we see that you have a relevant university degree, and a wide understanding of the supply chain. You have experience of leading and managing co-workers and assignments across organizations, and in an international and culturally diversified environment. You have knowledge and experience in leading all levels and stages of innovation with proven track record from start-up, innovation team or similar. You also have business development experience in a global dimension. You have a mindset to turn challenges into opportunities and willpower to develop scalable solutions.
Sounds interesting? 
If so, please submit your application as soon as possible, however not later than 8th of February 2022.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Emelie Knoester 
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist Christina Appelqvist, +46-766-113408
We look forward to receiving your application! 
The assignment requires travelling.
We look forward to receiving your application online, by February 15th the latest.

For further information on the position, please contact Dariusz Mroczek, e-mail [email protected] . For information about the recruitment process, please contact Linda Quarfordt Thelin, People and Culture Leader, e-mail [email protected]. Visa mindre

Material & Innovation Developer

Ansök    Jan 20    IKEA of Sweden AB    Materialplanerare
Company Description IKEA is a global retail company with the vision to create a better everyday life for the many people. Together, across roles and departments, we have always challenged designs, processes or technologies in rebellious ways to get to better solutions. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes. Right now, we are looking for a curious and creative Material & Innovation Deve... Visa mer
Company Description
IKEA is a global retail company with the vision to create a better everyday life for the many people. Together, across roles and departments, we have always challenged designs, processes or technologies in rebellious ways to get to better solutions. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes.
Right now, we are looking for a curious and creative Material & Innovation Developer for Category Area Metal, Plastic & Float Glass to lead the development of new materials and technologies.
Job Description
In this role you will be a part of the Material & Innovation development department and be our specialist in Metal surface treatments. You will identify, evaluate and recommend future innovative solutions. You will be leading innovation projects, fulfilling the identified mid- and long-term targets, all connected to the Material Direction for 2030. You will contribute to creating the foundation for an outstanding IKEA range, fulfilling all aspects of IKEA Democratic Design; quality, function, form, affordability and sustainability.
The key challenge is to identify, evaluate, develop and maintain partnerships and potential new technologies of relevance for home furnishings.
Key features:
To set the innovation and deployment agenda for surface treatments on metal for IKEA
To lead innovation projects within surface treatments for metals: being responsible for executing all the way from idea to implementation working together with stake holders.
To lead the competence cluster with participants from the value chain
To actively scan, evaluate and participate in research and innovation networks

You have a passion for front-end development and for leading radical change. With your creativity as well as analytic and structured approach, you enjoy connecting ideas from different fields and creating new solutions together with internal and external stakeholders.
You have experience from leading innovative technical development projects.
More specifically, we see that you have:
A university degree in science or engineering, preferably within chemistry, or equivalent job related experience;
Deep knowledge in surface treatments for Metals with focus on carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium;
Knowledge about development trend in surface treatments, as well as market trends, future demands;
Extensive experience from strategic development and international business, from preferably several parts of the value chain and experience with working in close cooperation with innovation partners;
A general understanding of how different materials and technologies are connected to costs;
Strong skills as a communicator and influencer – capable of getting ideas and solutions understood by a broader audience.

Additional information
This is a permanent position based in Älmhult, Sweden, an inspirational working environment which gives you the opportunity to work and interact with people from all around the world. Älmhult has excellent commuting possibilities with hourly trains to Malmö, Lund and Växjö, and an IKEA shuttle bus running back and forth to Helsingborg two times a day. This position requires travelling (approximately once or twice per month).
For more information about the role, please contact Åsa Liden, Material & Innovation Manager, Metals, [email protected]. If you have questions about the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter Zuzana Vackova, [email protected].
If you are interested to apply, please send us your CV and motivational letter in English at latest by 6th February. Visa mindre

Supply Planner - CA Food

Ansök    Jan 14    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the... Visa mer
Company Description
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.
If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!
IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.
Job Description
As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by working continuously towards exceptions together with Need Planner and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Contribute to tactical capacity planning and operational (manually) work based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
Contribute to identifying the best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having a customer and total cost in mind.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA Retail in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible for their own performance through working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.
Contribute to supplier development by taking a lead from the logistic perspective and engage relevant competence in IKEA and at Supplier to assess supplier logistics capability and running supplier development projects.

We are looking for people with knowledge of supplier capabilities, material, production flow, capacity planning. You have the ability to take the lead to ensure supplier has goods ready in time and in full in order to fulfil customers’ need at the lowest possible landed cost. You are able to translate the Category Plan into logistics solutions and always keep Total IKEA and Total Cost Development in mind.
2+ years working experience in logistic, supply chain area.
Good understand of supply chain flow
Well-organized in multiple tasks assigned within the given time frame
Project coordinating ability with structural thinking, and analytic skill
Proactive and solution-oriented, ability to navigate with multiple stakeholders
Quick learner and good flexibility to adapt to change
Analytic mindset
Fluent in English and a both writing and speaking
Knowing IKEA business will be a plus

Additional information
Sounds interesting?
Please send us your application in English – CV and motivation letter – no later than Jan. 30th, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Business Development Manager CA Food Diogo Seco at [email protected] .If you have questions regarding recruitment process, please contact Recruiter Katie Pettersson on +46 702 99 42 48.
We are looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Food Demand Coordinator, Category Food Logistics Services

Ansök    Jan 3    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
At IKEA Purchasing & Logistics we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about f... Visa mer
At IKEA Purchasing & Logistics we buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range. By doing so at the lowest total cost, we make high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.

Category Food Logistics Services is a part of the Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization. With its 700 co-workers, we connect our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We are of course also passionate about food! We source, procure and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing and logistics services for IKEA Food.

Right now, we are on an existing journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations. If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!

We are now strengthening our team in Älmhult with Food Demand Coordinator.

As Food Demand Coordinator, you will work close with different supply functions to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for distribution in selected markets. It is a role with great variety with a good mix of operational work, planning and working in projects.

In collaboration with Business Area Food in IKEA Range & Supply and Supply Chain partners - you will support IKEA retailers through a variety of operational tasks such as ensuring smooth range change, commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.

You will be joining a diverse, experienced team with helpful colleagues in a growing organization. In your role you will be responsible for one or several markets, this responsibility includes:
Being first point of contact for Retail partners in daily operations and product availability
Leading and being responsible for Market Operations Forums
Being responsible for order management
Taking the lead in proactively coordinating supply chain partners to find optimum solutions to supply constraints
Reporting on a range of KPIs, providing information to retail and supply chain partners
Coordinating global and local sales activities and prepare for launch of new products
Contributing to establishment of new retail units and new markets together with other supply chain partners
Reviewing and providing input to supply chain partners to secure optimal replenishment solution

This position is based in Älmhult, Sweden.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact the Hiring Manager Marcus Ohlsson [email protected]. For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact People and Culture Recruiter Zuzana Vackova, [email protected]

Please submit both your CV and motivation letter in English latest by 16th January 2022 and tell us why you would be a good fit. 
This position is a full time permanent assignment located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA.

If you have any questions regarding the role please contact Emin Dugic at [email protected]. If you have questions about the recruitment process, please contact Emil Gretland at [email protected].  

Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application, CV and cover letter in English, as soon as possible. Last day to apply is the 16th of January. Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer

Ansök    Jan 7    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable. In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all t... Visa mer
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable.

In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all transport capacities in the IKEA Supply Chain. Category Area Transport is a Category area with two categories – Category Land and Category Ocean & Air.

Do you think outside the box? So do we. Come see things a bit differently with us!

We are now looking for a Service Provider Operations Developer to join our team in Category Ocean & Air. The position will be located in Älmhult, Sweden and report to Service Provider Operations Development Manager for EMEA & Americas, located in Pratteln, Switzerland.

About the job
As a Service Provider Operations Developer in Category Ocean & Air you are responsible to develop and secure the operational set up within your assigned area in North and Central EU, working closely with the transport areas. You will establish a close working relationship with the nominated ocean carriers operating in the assigned area/ countries North/ Central EU and are responsible for the operations performance both from sending and receiving perspective. Consequently, in this role you secure the demands and manage the carrier capacity offered to IKEA.

You will support the corresponding system set-up to enable the booking of the ocean carriers for export and import to Europe, securing correctness and maintaining the information in IKEA systems ( Database, LBD, CNS, ITM in the future). You support the tender process with data about matrix, network as well as operational requirements. Together with a skilled team of Service Provider Operations Developers you will lead the tender nomination process and be responsible for the implementation activities to enable a smooth transition from the old to the new ocean year.

You will contribute to the business development with trade lane and local operations knowledge and improvement of cooperation with local and regional stakeholders of our service providers. This position has a truly international dimension as you will have daily interaction with the other Service Provider Operations Developers in EU, Asia Pacific and Americas, other European Supply Chain Operations sites and various other internal and external stakeholders.

The assignment requires occasional travelling.
We look forward to receiving your application online, by February 20th the latest. The selection process will take place continuously and we might close the recruitment earlier, so please send in your application in English as soon as possible.

For further information please contact recruiting manager Maik Lobstein, phone: +41 79 107 46 74. For questions about the recruitment process feel free to contact Fredrik Liwander, +46 738 52 63 75, People and Culture generalist.

IKEA is a world leader in the home furnishing business. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. Our operations include developing and supplying the global IKEA product range, including a range of IKEA food offers. Visa mindre

Need Planner - SCD

Ansök    Jan 11    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join us! The IKEA way ... Visa mer
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!

Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?

If so, come and join us!

The IKEA way

People within IKEA value a culture of humbleness and open-mindedness. We don't have a rigid hierarchy system and encourage everyone to speak openly and honestly to everyone within the organization.  We do not have a dress code and encourage productive discussions in a relaxed, natural order with a great deal of personal responsibility. The IKEA co-worker is proactive, engaged, internally motivated for results and eager to learn.

Supply Chain Development is on an exciting journey. We gather the end-to-end supply chain development agenda into one organization. In this we embed process and the development of digital solutions into the business which creates the best preconditions for meeting the future with the right competences and business capabilities.

We are continuing to create the preconditions to a world class supply chain that enables IKEA to efficiently respond to the ever-changing customer needs.

We are now looking for the next Need Planner.

Job Description

As a Need Planner in IKEA you will ensue exciting and stimulating assignments which will help you and the company grow! 

You will lead the need planning process to secure an efficient and effective supply chain planning. You will do this through an accurate and balanced Need Plan that achieves agreed service level at lowest total cost. This will ensure that we have our products accessible for the many people and fulfill our Vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people.

Additionally, you will be responsible for the stock structure in assigned range and will review and balance the total need versus capacity, all to make an executable supply plan. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to plan the need in the product change process. Exciting, isn’t it?

As a Need Planner you will also, among other assignments:
• Contribute to leading initiatives with supply chain to identify potential overstock / stock out and act on deviations
• Take lead within Sales & Supply Planning and collaborate with value chain to secure agreed service levels at lowest total cost
• Proactively create, execute and follow up need plans on operational and tactical level
• Contribute to defining the optimal replenishment solution, together with various supply chain stakeholders
• Lead and/or contribute to additional assignments within or across the function


Is this your next challenge?
As a person you have a passion for planning and leading a global assignment. You get energy from leadership, working with multiple stakeholders and handling numerous assignments. You love working with people and building trusting relationships by using your excellent communication skills. 

Additionally, you have proven experience and knowledge in:
• Supply Chain Planning processes
• How Need Planning adds value to service level and cost
• Need and capacity planning tools and systems
• Solving problems through analytical reasoning
• Analysis of large sets of data 

We offer you a position in a fast paced, truly global environment with an endless supply of future opportunities!

If you would like to hear more about the role from a SCD’s current Need Planners, have a look at this video!


Additional information

Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?

Thank you for reading this far. We believe that your value is greater and more important than just your CV. So if you like the idea of ??working at IKEA, please feel free to write to us and let's meet. Please submit your CV and cover letter in English latest by 31st of March 2022. Please note that we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis.

We are excited to get to know you and kindly ask you to include the following points in your cover letter:
1. What work achievements are you most proud of?
2. Who are you as a person?

If you have any questions about the role, please contact Henrik Tornerefelt at [email protected]. About recruitment process, please contact Emil Gretland at [email protected].

Looking forward to your application!

A few more details for you…

This is a  full time role (40 hours per week) located in Malmo, Sweden. You will report to the Agile and delivery chapter manager. 

10th January 2022 is the closing date to apply for this role. Please send your application – CV and motivation – in English and tell us why you would be a good fit. We look forward to hearing from you!

Please note that we are continuously interviewing candidates. Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer - Food Logistics Services

Ansök    Dec 15    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description Supply Chain Operations organization with its ~ 800 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality. In... Visa mer
Company Description
Supply Chain Operations organization with its ~ 800 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable, and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.
In Category Food Logistics Services, we source, procure, and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing and logistics services for IKEA Food. To support our growing business development agenda, we are currently looking for a Service Provider Operations Developer to join our team in Almhult.
Do you have a passion for developing business? Do you like handling different types of challenges and topics at the same time with various stakeholders both internal and external in a fast-pacing environment? Then this position might be something for you!
Job Description
As a Service Provider Operations Developer, you will be responsible to secure and continuously improve our Service Provider's operational performance and maximize the optimization potential related to its operational costs - in close cooperation with business partners and relevant supply chain stakeholders.
If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders, then we would love to get to know you!
In this role you will act in the following dimensions:
- Secure operational performance of the service provider (as defined by relevant KPIs, in relation to capacity, precision, qualitative parameters, claims, safety, etc.)
- Together with the service providers and relevant internal stakeholders, secure optimal usage of agreed capacity vs. planned/needed capacity. Actively work with capacity forecasting, identify constraints and find optimal solutions which lead to securing needed capacity at lowest total cost.
- Support tenders; contribute with local operational and market knowledge (e.g. safety standards), and details of service providers performance and operational capabilities
- In close cooperation with relevant functions, implement new set-ups
- Contribute to development of working methods and other steering documents
- Secure and share needed industry competence with all relevant function
- Monitor and secure execution of signed contracts and agreed terms & conditions. Perform compliance/spot checks at service providers to verify compliance with given parameters, such as quality of equipment, safety and security, etc.
You may be the person we are looking for if:
- You are inspired by IKEA’s values and it’s mission to provide a better everyday life for the many people;
- Are interested to explore working in one of the most dynamic area in Logistics
- You have previously worked in the Logistics or Supply Chain organisation of an international organisation for at least 2 years
- Understand specific aspects related to transportation and warehousing and main factors impacting operational performance
- Have good analytical and follow up skills
- You are self-driven, and you feel comfortable in engaging and driving through our operational agenda with various stakeholders (internal & external to IKEA)
- You are proficient in working with Excel, including performing analysis and putting together reports
- You can communicate fluently in English, both verbal and in writing
In return IKEA offers you a challenging position with great development possibilities. You will work in an environment where your ideas are heard, where there is an opportunity to learn new skills and where the goal always is?“to create a better everyday life for the many people”. IKEA offers down-to-earth, straightforward people the possibility to grow, both as individuals and in their professional roles.
Additional information
Please note that this position is located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA. Visa mindre

Service Provider Operations Developer

Ansök    Nov 29    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable. In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all t... Visa mer
Supply Chain Operations is a global organization in IKEA Supply. With our over 800 amazing and passionate colleagues in 20 locations around the world, we make sure that our customers can buy the IKEA products they desire and love. Together with our partners, we develop and deliver excellent transport and logistics solutions that are simple, affordable and sustainable.

In Category Area Transport we are responsible for procuring, develop and operating all transport capacities in the IKEA Supply Chain. Category Area Transport is a Category area with two categories – Category Land and Category Ocean & Air.

Do you think outside the box? So do we. Come see things a bit differently with us!

We are now looking for a Service Provider Operations Developer to join our team in Category Ocean & Air. The position will be located in Älmhult, Sweden and report to Service Provider Operations Development Manager for EMEA & Americas, located in Pratteln, Switzerland.

About the job
As a Service Provider Operations Developer in Category Ocean & Air you are responsible to develop and secure the operational set up within your assigned area in North and Central EU, working closely with the transport areas. You will establish a close working relationship with the nominated ocean carriers operating in the assigned area/ countries North/ Central EU and are responsible for the operations performance both from sending and receiving perspective. Consequently, in this role you secure the demands and manage the carrier capacity offered to IKEA.

You will support the corresponding system set-up to enable the booking of the ocean carriers for export and import to Europe, securing correctness and maintaining the information in IKEA systems ( Database, LBD, CNS, ITM in the future). You support the tender process with data about matrix, network as well as operational requirements. Together with a skilled team of Service Provider Operations Developers you will lead the tender nomination process and be responsible for the implementation activities to enable a smooth transition from the old to the new ocean year.

You will contribute to the business development with trade lane and local operations knowledge and improvement of cooperation with local and regional stakeholders of our service providers. This position has a truly international dimension as you will have daily interaction with the other Service Provider Operations Developers in EU, Asia Pacific and Americas, other European Supply Chain Operations sites and various other internal and external stakeholders.

The assignment requires occasional travelling.
We look forward to receiving your application online, by December 12th the latest.

For further information please contact recruiting manager Maik Lobstein, phone: +41 79 107 46 74. For questions about the recruitment process feel free to contact Fredrik Liwander, +46 738 52 63 75, People and Culture generalist.

IKEA is a world leader in the home furnishing business. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. Our operations include developing and supplying the global IKEA product range, including a range of IKEA food offers. Visa mindre

Process Developer - Customs Operations

Ansök    Dec 10    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Customs Europe and Africa (Customs EA) in Älmhult, Sweden is a vital and unique part of IKEA. We are 44 co-workers that, in connection with the entire supply chain, secure a well-functioning import/export process for more than 30 countries in the region. We give daily support and coordination in customs related topics, within legal matters, goods flow and IT-knowledge, to secure availability, affordability and ensure compliance.  As a Process Developer... Visa mer
Customs Europe and Africa (Customs EA) in Älmhult, Sweden is a vital and unique part of IKEA. We are 44 co-workers that, in connection with the entire supply chain, secure a well-functioning import/export process for more than 30 countries in the region. We give daily support and coordination in customs related topics, within legal matters, goods flow and IT-knowledge, to secure availability, affordability and ensure compliance. 

As a Process Developer, you support when developing ways of working with import and export operations. You identify continual process improvements and take processes, organizations, solutions, and technology into consideration. The goal is to increase efficiency, lower costs, and improve customer availability within the Customs EA region. 

It is a position where you can make a big difference and try out new things in a friendly and permitting environment. Daring to do new things sometimes means making mistakes, and that is all part of the process as we see it. You will be an active and essential part of the IKEA team with a large variety of tasks and assignments. Among other things, you:
Lead, manage and support process development interacting with related functions
Drive and take initiative for a constant improvement in our processes
Maintain competence about the processes, creating a learning environment with focus on sharing knowledge and supporting local countries
Participate in Project Teams to ensure consistency and best practices
Daily support for Solution Owners and End Users to identify solutions, tools, and interfaces to gain efficiency
Participate in external networks for benchmarking and to enhance knowledge

IKEA offers an exciting and empowering working environment in a global market. As the world’s leader at life at home, you have exceptional opportunities to grow and develop together with us. At IKEA we believe that when you as an individual grow - IKEA grows.

Please note that this position is located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA. Sounds interesting? Submit your application in English today! Last day to apply is 27th of December 2021.

If you have questions about the recruitment process, please contact Recruitment Specialist Emil Gretland, +46 739 599 112. Visa mindre

Supply Planner - CA Food

Ansök    Nov 5    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to... Visa mer
You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what you values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.

If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!

IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.

We are now looking for one permanent & one temporary (one year) Supply Planner. There is a big chance that the temporary position wil be prolonged. 

As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by working continuously towards exceptions together with Need Planner and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Contribute to tactical capacity planning and operational (manually) work based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
Contribute to identifying the best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having a customer and total cost in mind.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers
Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA Retail in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible for their own performance through working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant training & working methods.
Contribute to supplier development by taking a lead from the logistic perspective and engage relevant competence in IKEA and at Supplier to assess supplier logistics capability and running supplier development projects. ?

Please note this position is based in Älmhult, Sweden (Relocation Support is available for this position).  

If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Graham. A. Main, Customs and Compliance Regional Manager for Europe and Africa via [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process you are welcome to contact Helena Sjölander via  [email protected].

Please apply in English before the 6th of December 2021. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidates. Please send us your application today.

IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishings at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of IKEA Purchasing & Logistics is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Purchasing & Logistics Area North (PLAN) is one of 8 Purchasing & Logistics Areas in the world, and our co-workers are based in Älmhult, Dortmund, Moscow and Kaunas. PLAN consists of several functions, such as Purchasing Development, Transport & Logistics Services, Customs Operations Support Centre, Quality Support Centre, and Warehousing Logistics.

Please submit both your CV and motivational letter in English 14.11.2021. We are reviewing applications as they come through and will close the process when we have found the right candidate, so don’t wait to apply!

If you have any questions about recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter Aivita Grockyte [email protected]. If you have any questions about position, please contact Business Development Manager Susanne Ek at [email protected].

We are looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Food Demand Coordinator, Category Food Logistics Services

Ansök    Okt 13    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishing and food products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of IKEA Purchasing & Logistics is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions. Category Food Logistics Services is a part of Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organisation with its 700 co-workers... Visa mer
IKEA offers well-designed, functional home furnishing and food products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. The role of IKEA Purchasing & Logistics is to buy, produce and distribute the IKEA range at the lowest total cost, making high quality available to the customer under good social and environmental conditions.

Category Food Logistics Services is a part of Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organisation with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimising replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.

We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability and ensuring the right quality for all services.

In Category Food Logistics Services, we are passionate about food!

We source, procure and operate cold chain transportation, warehousing and logistics services for IKEA Food.

And we are on an existing journey, building IKEA Food One Supply Chain for the future by centralizing sourcing and supply chain operations.

If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders - we would love to get to know you!

We are strengthening our team in Älmhult with Food Demand Coordinator.

As Food Demand Coordinator, you will work close with different supply functions to secure product availability for our customers by taking operational responsibility for distribution in selected markets.

In collaboration with Business Area Food in IKEA Range & Supply and Supply Chain partners - you will support IKEA retailers through a variety of operational tasks such as ensuring smooth range change, commercial activities as well as expansion initiatives.

And you will be joining a diverse, experienced team with helpful colleagues who enjoy working in fast pace environment and growing organisation. In your role you will be responsible for one or several markets and:
Be first point of contact for Retail partners in daily operations and product availability
Lead and be responsible for Market Operations Forums
Be responsible for order management
Take the lead in proactively co-ordinating supply chain partners to find optimum solutions to supply constraints
Report on a range of KPIs providing information to retail and supply chain partners
Coordinate global and local sales activities and prepare for launch of new products
Contribute to establishment of new retail units and new markets together with other supply chain partners
Review and provide input to supply chain partners to secure optimal replenishment solution

Does this sound like your next challenge? 

We look forward to receiving your application – CV and letter of motivation – in English  latest 31st  of October 2021. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.  

If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Recruiter, Marie Sandman on +46 7685453. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Category Manager Therese Barnekow Mohn at [email protected].  
We are recruiting 2 Food Demand Coordinators, these positions is fulltime permanent assignments located in Älmhult, Sweden, home of IKEA.

This position is in East team which geographically covers Scandinavia, East and Central Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia.

If you have any questions regarding the role please contact Irina Kärnsund at [email protected] or Emin Dugic at [email protected] if you have questions about the actual recruitment process please Aivita Grockyte [email protected]

Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application online as soon as possible, but on 27th October the latest. Visa mindre

Supply Planner - Plastic Raw Material

Ansök    Nov 3    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Transport Area North Europe is part of IKEA Purchasing Services (Sweden) AB and is responsible for the steering, coordination, and development of IKEA transportation. This means creating and maintaining sustainable transport set-ups in close cooperation with external business partners as well as the internal actors in the IKEA Supply Chain. In IKEA Purchasing, we are organised in categories based on the material and function of the product. A Category is ... Visa mer
Transport Area North Europe is part of IKEA Purchasing Services (Sweden) AB and is responsible for the steering, coordination, and development of IKEA transportation. This means creating and maintaining sustainable transport set-ups in close cooperation with external business partners as well as the internal actors in the IKEA Supply Chain.

In IKEA Purchasing, we are organised in categories based on the material and function of the product. A Category is a group of articles sharing same materials, production techniques, and/or supplier base. Each category is led by a Category Manager and it consists of number of Business Development teams based around the world (being close to our suppliers) and global functional specialists (e.g. Supply planning and Logistic leaders). The assignment for the category is to lead Purchasing based on a common agenda created in one common business plan. To take full advantage of IKEA economies of scale and competence we develop and execute sourcing strategies and thus meet the supply markets/industries in categories.

As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:
Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by working continuously towards exceptions together with Need Planner and Supplier in a proactive manner.
Contribute to tactical capacity planning based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
Contribute to identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind.
Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers. 
Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA Retail in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible on their own performance through: working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant trainings & working methods.
Contribute to supplier development by taking a lead from logistic perspective and engage relevant competence in IKEA and at Supplier to assess supplier logistics capability and running supplier development projects.
Forecast and demand planning

Please noted this position based in Älmhult, Sweden. 

We will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidates. Please send us your application in English, not later than 30th of November 2021.  

If you have questions about the role please contact hiring manager Jingfei Guo . For questions about the actual recruitment process please contact People & Culture Recruiter Aivita Grockyte

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Co-workers within Purchasing Development lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers. In our Purchasing & Logistic Area we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult Sweden, Kaunas Lithuania, Dortmund Germany & Moscow Russia. Visa mindre

Supply Chain Planner, IKEA Industry Älmhult

Ansök    Sep 16    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistikingenjör
IKEA har en vision – Att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. Det är utifrån den visionen som IKEA har utvecklats till ett ständigt växande heminredningsföretag som erbjuder ett brett sortiment av form- och funktionsriktiga inredningsartiklar till så låga priser att så många som möjligt har råd att köpa dem. IKEA Industry Älmhult AB bidrar till ”IKEA familjen” med 275 medarbetare där vi årligen tillverkar ca 8,4 miljoner lackerade köksfronter. ... Visa mer
IKEA har en vision – Att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. Det är utifrån den visionen som IKEA har utvecklats till ett ständigt växande heminredningsföretag som erbjuder ett brett sortiment av form- och funktionsriktiga inredningsartiklar till så låga priser att så många som möjligt har råd att köpa dem.
IKEA Industry Älmhult AB bidrar till ”IKEA familjen” med 275 medarbetare där vi årligen tillverkar ca 8,4 miljoner lackerade köksfronter. Vi har en modern, automatiserad produktion i Älmhult där Lean genomsyrar allt vi gör.

Drivs du av att arbeta tillsammans för att lösa uppgifter? Får du energi av att vara där det händer, där du gärna är med och ”tar i” om så krävs? Är du analytisk och systematisk? Är du en sann ambassadör för våra värderingar på IKEA? 
Om svaret är ja, fortsätt läsa, för det kan vara så att vi har en perfekt roll för just dig!

En dag i livet med oss!
Som Supply Chain Planner upprättar och underhåller du huvudplanen för vår produktion och för våra inköp. Du kommer även att jobba med hands on planering och beredning. Vårt supply chain team arbetar aktivt med att vara back-up för varandra vilket innebär att du får möjlighet till inblick i flera delar inom supply chain.

Några av de arbetsuppgifter som ingår är:
Samordna aktiviteter för att säkerställa rätt data i vårt affärssystem gällande artiklar, strukturer, kapacitet och produktionsgrupper.
Analysera kapacitet i förhållande till prognos
Lokal processägare för Master Data i M3 
Ta fram prognoser till våra leverantörer
 Vara delaktig i produktions- och inköpsplanering
 Underhåll av produktions- och inköpsplan
Uppföljning av verklig produktion och plan
Uppföljning av kapacitet och behov 
Uppdatering av kapaciteter i system inom IKEA
Så vem är du?
Vi söker dig som har relevant akademisk utbildning, med fördel inom supply chain, ekonomi eller teknik samt några års praktisk erfarenhet av planering och affärsystem. För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara duktig på och förstå värdet av att få in rätt data i vårt affärssystem. Du är en utmärkt användare av Microsoft Office och det är ett krav att du har erfarenhet från moderna affärssystem. Erfarenhet från M3 är meriterande. Du har erfarenhet och intresse av att arbeta med och utveckla verktyg för att analysera och automatisera planeringen. Du uttrycker dig väl i svenska och engelska i både tal och skrift. 

Du är genuint intresserad av produktion och till dina styrkor hör att du är handlingskraftig, strukturerad och du har god förmåga till logiskt och analytiskt tänkande. För oss på IKEA är det alltid viktigast att du delar våra värderingar. Det innebär att du precis som vi tror på ett ledarskap genom det goda exemplet och att du strävar efter att utvecklas så att vi tillsammans är något bättre imorgon än vi är idag.

Har du frågor om tjänsten, kontakta Supply Chain Manager Else Risberg, 0702478865. Vid frågor som rör rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta Maria Forsblom, 0729820371 

Känns det som att det här kan bli din nästa utmaning? Om "ja!", passa på att skicka in din ansökan redan idag, men senast den 17 oktober. Urval sker löpande och rekryteringen kan komma att stängas när vi hittat rätt kandidat. Välkommen att söka! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - SCO

Ansök    Sep 17    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.  Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport an... Visa mer
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. 

Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality. 
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.

We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult for a temporary assignment of 12 months. 

You will secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance and contribute to further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders. You will contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost (considering impacts of quality, safety, service performance, sustainability).

Included assignments as Supply Operations Developer:
•    You secure flow operational performance from end-to-end perspective as it is defined by respective set of KPIs/PIs within given geographical scope
•    You align with supply chain stakeholders to secure logistical operational performance, as well as create preconditions for smooth and efficient Supply Operations
•    You secure the implementation of new replenishment solutions in alignment with relevant stakeholders
•    You identify & define constraints together with internal stakeholders to secure preconditions for efficient supply operations, follow-up and secure the execution of market-relevant plans
•    You validate and optimize sending and receiving capabilities as a link between all supply chain stakeholders. You act upon fluctuations to avoid performance disruptions and increased total cost. You identify and propose volume consolidation opportunities and mid-receiver needs. Collaborate with Category Area Teams; support logistic development in new sourcing countries
•    You secure correct information on constraints and availability impact to our supply chain stakeholders including our retail partners
•    You work proactively with a specific range to avoid shortage in our logistic units and with that contribute to customer perceived availability
Your Next Challenge?

Does this sound like your next challenge? We look forward to receiving your application in English no later than the 24th of September. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.

For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Recruitment Specialist Jonas Levin: Phone: +46 728865384 or the Recruiting Manager Recruiting Manager Ioannis Charalampidis ioannis +46 732321060

IKEA is a world leader in the home furnishing business. We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?

We start this recruitment as part of unifying & strengthening IKEA Supply. Together we want to make IKEA Supply even stronger, so IKEA can be affordable, accessible and trusted by 3 billion people. Together we will take “IKEA Supply into the future”.

Please note that the position is temporary for 12 months filling in for a maternity leave.

If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact hiring managers Tomas Johansson, Supply Operations Development Manager, +46 766190082 or Rickard Malmström at +46 729864246.

 If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Aivita Grockyte, People & Culture Recruiter, [email protected]

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before 23rd September, 2021. 

Welcome with your application! Visa mindre

Category Sourcing Specialist

Ansök    Sep 28    IKEA of Sweden AB    Materialplanerare
Company Description At IKEA of Sweden, we develop and make the IKEA range available to stores and customers all over the world. Within the responsibilities of IKEA of Sweden lies the development, sourcing, supply and steering of a unique, competitive and efficient range. Category Area Textile Furnishings is a dynamic workplace where we are purchasing and leading business development in Categories Textile Products, Synthetics & Assembly, Furniture Fabrics ... Visa mer
Company Description
At IKEA of Sweden, we develop and make the IKEA range available to stores and customers all over the world. Within the responsibilities of IKEA of Sweden lies the development, sourcing, supply and steering of a unique, competitive and efficient range.
Category Area Textile Furnishings is a dynamic workplace where we are purchasing and leading business development in Categories Textile Products, Synthetics & Assembly, Furniture Fabrics & Covers, Textile Carpets, Mattresses, Filled Products and Comfort Seating from all over the globe.
Category Comfort Seating is responsible for supplying, developing, and implementing materials, constructions and techniques for the production of sofas, armchairs, work chairs, dining chairs and soft beds. The Category is also driving the IKEA agenda for Leather and skins, including responsible sourcing and production, through the Leather Competence Centre.
Right now, we are looking for a Category Sourcing Specialist to join our Category Comfort Seating team to lead sourcing activities and help define the future optimal supply setup.
Job Description
As a Category Sourcing Specialist, you will be responsible for securing the material and production knowledge as well as setting up the optimal sourcing conditions. From that position you will lead and secure that all products within your area of responsibility are sourced with optimal global sourcing set-up. You will contribute with material, technique and production knowledge in the product development process and ensure that material and choices of techniques related to cost, capacity, quality and sustainability are in-line with supplier production capabilities, as well as with product development process and category strategy.
In this role, you will:
Contribute with material, technique and production competence from a Total cost perspective and integration of Category opportunities in NEWs projects
Lead to secure optimal global sourcing set-up for Running range within the framework of the sourcing assignment and in alignment with HFB, including assessing sourcing risk and scenario planning
Be responsible to secure optimal global sourcing set-up for NEWs
Be responsible to define most suitable development suppliers for specific NEWs projects in alignment with HFB
Contribute to Business Contingency Planning
Be responsible to secure quality of the category input into the pricing process (Big run, Tertial runs)
Be responsible for the input to HFB (Home Furnishing Business) Action plans
Support the business team in creation of supplier Action plans and development projects
Support the BDs in their development, and bring feedback for their development talks and seniority process
Lead global projects on Category or Category area dimension
Lead RFQs, category projects and Purchase Development Process when needed
Be a Part of Category management group & responsible to contribute in Category Business Plan

The position is located in Älmhult, Sweden with a global responsibility. Älmhult has excellent commuting possibilities with hourly trains to Malmö, Lund and Växjö and an IKEA shuttle bus back and forth to Helsingborg two times a day.
In this role you will report to Category Manager Comfortable Seating.
To be a successful Category Sourcing Specialist we would like you to have:
Strong experience and good knowledge in purchasing development including insights on supplier capabilities and product development background and preferably experience with diverse material (for instance wood, plastic, fabrics)
University degree in technology, business administration, Furniture education or corresponding knowledge
Leadership skills and project leadership experience is an advantage
Holistic view with being comfortable thinking on both operational, tactical, and strategic level
Deep knowledge of value chain and value chain analysis capabilities

As a person you are:
Highly motivated, decisive, analytical
Great stakeholder manager
Independent and with excellent communication skills
Strongly business minded
Able to foresee the consequences of one’s own actions and act based on high moral and ethical principles
Fluent in English, both spoken and written

You will work in an environment where your ideas are heard, where there is opportunity to learn new skills and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”.
Additional information
For more information about the role and the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture recruiter Zuzana Vackova, [email protected].
We will be interviewing continuously. So don't delay, please send us your application in English until 8th October at the latest! Visa mindre

Supply Planner – Category Pigment On Board, Category Area Wood

Ansök    Jul 12    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many. Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based ar... Visa mer
Welcome to Category Area Wood, the home of five wood related categories. With about 300 co-workers and 200 suppliers across the world, we create a strong wood supply chain for more sustainable and affordable IKEA products for the many.

Wood is an essential material and important part of the IKEA heritage. We can proudly say that around 60% of our sales in IKEA are connected to wood-based products. In Category Area Wood, we procure and source wood-based articles that our many customers enjoy amongst which are iconic IKEA families such as BILLY, PAX, IVAR, KALLAX, POÄNG and our kitchen ranges. Our culture is entrepreneurial and based on trust. We have the space to lead, explore and learn from mistakes. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards affordable sustainability for our customers?

You will be based in Purchasing & Logistics Area North we are working with suppliers in northern Europe and have offices in Älmhult, Kaunas, Moscow and Dortmund.  The position will be placed in Älmhult!

A Supply Planner is the link between IKEA and its suppliers on all operational and logistic issues. The Supply Planner actively ensures that the agreed business setups are followed, updated and improved to secure the highest level of product availability for IKEA's customers with the lowest total Supply Chain cost. A Supply Planner within Category Pigment On Board, Category Area Wood works in close co-operation with the Business Developer and the Production/Product Engineer.

As a Supply Planner you will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities as below:

• Actively identifying best logistical offer, furthermore implement, maintain and review by having customer and total cost in mind.
• Secure operational capacities by ensuring high quality of capacity data from suppliers and by with Supplier in a proactive manner.
• Contribute to tactical capacity planning and business contingency plans based on supplier performance on agreed capacity
• Update and secure correct business set-up information in all relevant systems. Furthermore, work with systems and reports, to proactively detect and act on possible deviations from goal.
• Prepare suppliers for best replenishment and delivery solutions by continuously maintaining & developing supplier delivery performance and sender lead-times.
• Actively contribute in the planning and execution of the best set-up for range changes at supplier, constraints periods and activities.
• Continuously follow-up, analyse and take action to improve supplier delivery performance and ensure goods are shipped in time from suppliers. 
• Secure correct availability information from supplier to IKEA home furnishing suppliers in such quality that it can be for the benefit of customers.
• Develop and maintain suppliers’ logistic competence towards becoming responsible on their own performance through: working closely with suppliers, running Supplier Development Projects and providing them relevant trainings & working methods.
• Secure on time need forecast through working closely with IKEA home furnishing suppliers

Sounds interesting?

The position is in Älmhult, Sweden. 

Please submit your CV and cover letter in English before 15th of August 2021. Please note that due to summer holidays there might be a delay in answering your potential questions, but we will get back as soon as possible!

If you have any questions about the actual recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist Ottilia Herremo for any questions about the role please contact Business Development Manager Didem Tüysüz Eng.

We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - SCO

Ansök    Aug 19    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.  Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport an... Visa mer
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food. 

Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality. 
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.

We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult for a temporary assignment of 12 months. 

You will secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance and contribute to further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders. You will contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost (considering impacts of quality, safety, service performance, sustainability).

Included assignments as Supply Operations Developer:
•    You secure flow operational performance from end-to-end perspective as it is defined by respective set of KPIs/PIs within given geographical scope
•    You align with supply chain stakeholders to secure logistical operational performance, as well as create preconditions for smooth and efficient Supply Operations
•    You secure the implementation of new replenishment solutions in alignment with relevant stakeholders
•    You identify & define constraints together with internal stakeholders to secure preconditions for efficient supply operations, follow-up and secure the execution of market-relevant plans
•    You validate and optimize sending and receiving capabilities as a link between all supply chain stakeholders. You act upon fluctuations to avoid performance disruptions and increased total cost. You identify and propose volume consolidation opportunities and mid-receiver needs. Collaborate with Category Area Teams; support logistic development in new sourcing countries
•    You secure correct information on constraints and availability impact to our supply chain stakeholders including our retail partners
•    You work proactively with a specific range to avoid shortage in our logistic units and with that contribute to customer perceived availability
Does this sound like your next challenge?

We look forward to receiving your application in English latest 2nd of September  2021. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidates.

If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact People & Culture Manager Christina Stenberg at [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Recruiter, Marie Sandman on +46 768545309
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?

We start this recruitment as part of unifying & strengthening IKEA Supply. Together we want to make IKEA Supply even stronger, so IKEA can be affordable, accessible and trusted by 3 billion people. Together we will take “IKEA Supply into the future”.

Please note that the position is temporary for 12 months. 

If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact hiring managers Tomas Johansson, Supply Operations Development Manager, +46 766190082 or Rickard Malmström at +46 729864246.

 If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Aivita Grockyte, People & Culture Recruiter, [email protected]

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and cover letter in English before 1st September, 2021. 

Welcome with your application! Visa mindre

Supply Operations Developer - SCO

Ansök    Aug 18    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Company Description The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together! Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results? If so, come and join u... Visa mer
Company Description
The IKEA vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. A big mission which requires people with big passion. Come join us in this journey and let’s make the world better together!
Are you curious and passionate about contributing to the development of supply chain and people? Do you get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together with stakeholders to deliver great business results?
If so, come and join us!
IKEA Purchasing and Logistics is the organization that forms a link between the factory floor and the products on IKEA store shelves. We work with 1600 Suppliers all over the world for home furnishing, transport, logistics and distribution services, components and food.
Supply Chain Operations (SCO) organization with its 700 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing Supply Quality.
We contribute to customer satisfaction through securing customer perceived availability, delivering lowest cost over time, leading towards sustainability, and ensuring the right quality for all services.
We are now looking for a new Supply Operations Developer to join our team in Älmhult!
Job Description
You will secure excellence in total Supply Chain operational performance and contribute to further development, in close cooperation and alignment with all relevant supply chain stakeholders. You will contribute to reach customer perceived availability at the lowest total cost (considering impacts of quality, safety, service performance, sustainability).
Included assignments as Supply Operations Developer:
• You secure flow operational performance from end-to-end perspective as it is defined by respective set of KPIs/PIs within given geographical scope
• You align with supply chain stakeholders to secure logistical operational performance, as well as create preconditions for smooth and efficient Supply Operations
• You secure the implementation of new replenishment solutions in alignment with relevant stakeholders
• You identify & define constraints together with internal stakeholders to secure preconditions for efficient supply operations, follow-up and secure the execution of market-relevant plans
• You validate and optimize sending and receiving capabilities as a link between all supply chain stakeholders. You act upon fluctuations to avoid performance disruptions and increased total cost. You identify and propose volume consolidation opportunities and mid-receiver needs. Collaborate with Category Area Teams; support logistic development in new sourcing countries
• You secure correct information on constraints and availability impact to our supply chain stakeholders including our retail partners
• You work proactively with a specific range to avoid shortage in our logistic units and with that contribute to customer perceived availability
To shine in this role, we wish that:
• You have a university degree in logistics, economics or other relevant background and worked at least 1-2 years with logistics/supply chain processes
• You are an extrovert and find it easy to connect with others. You are strong in stakeholder management and can take the lead in a room
• You have the capability to build fact-based business cases in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders and find win-win-solutions within the supply chain
• You are confident in leading different projects simultaneously
• You have excellent presentation and communication skills
• You contribute with high energy and drive, inspiring both teammates and stakeholders
• You always strive to reach goals and are confident to make independent decisions
• The IKEA culture & values inspire your everyday work, and it is natural for you to act as an ambassador for IKEA
We see stakeholder management as an essential part of this role. In the role as SOD, you will be member of a team where sharing and learning together is a very important part of developing the business.
Additional information
Does this sound like you? Yes? Then, why not apply?
Please note that the position is based in Älmhult. Visa mindre

Delivery Planner - Food

Ansök    Jun 15    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
IKEA Transport & Logistic Services is a part of IKEA Purchasing and Logistics and is responsible for the steering, coordination, and development of the Transport & Logistic solutions for IKEA. This includes creating and maintaining sustainable Transport & Logistic set-ups in close cooperation with external business partners as well as the internal stakeholders in the IKEA Supply Chain. Monitor and secure the goods flow through different distribution ce... Visa mer
IKEA Transport & Logistic Services is a part of IKEA Purchasing and Logistics and is responsible for the steering, coordination, and development of the Transport & Logistic solutions for IKEA. This includes creating and maintaining sustainable Transport & Logistic set-ups in close cooperation with external business partners as well as the internal stakeholders in the IKEA Supply Chain.

Monitor and secure the goods flow through different distribution centres.
Planning of distribution orders between central and distribution centres.
Work in close cooperation with internal and external stakeholders to secure on-time delivery and solve operational deviations.
Suggest potential improvements for parameters and set-ups affecting delivery planning and execution according to our Global Working Methods.
Monitor shipments and in case of deviations take necessary action and inform concerned stakeholders to secure availability for our customers. 
Actively contribute to the development of the operational processes, systems, and Global Working Methods within the Supply Chain.
Optimize the filling rate and equipment utilization together with relevant stakeholders.
Support in Investigation of claim issues in the supply chain.

Sounds interesting? Submit your application and motivation letter, in English, as soon as possible however not later than June 27th.

If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact hiring manager Sandra McKay, [email protected]

For information about the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Recruiter, Jakob Bergström at +47 70-147 48 90
Please note this position is based in Älmhult, Sweden   If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Erik Bergendal via +46 72-995 14 29. If you have questions about the actual recruitment process please contact Helena Sjölander via +46 72-352 79 47

Please send your application, CV and motivational letter, in English before June 20th Visa mindre

Transport Business Developer

Ansök    Jun 11    IKEA of Sweden AB    Logistiker
Supply Chain Operations organisation with its ~ 750 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality. Do you have a passion ... Visa mer
Supply Chain Operations organisation with its ~ 750 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple, affordable and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.

Do you have a passion for developing business? Do you like handling different types of challenges and topics at the same time with various stakeholders both internal and external in a fast-pacing environment? Then this position might be something for you!

Food Logistics Services is a part of IKEA Purchasing and Logistics and is responsible for the steering, co-ordination and development of cold chain transport solutions for IKEA. This includes creating and maintaining sustainable transport set-ups in close cooperation with external business partners as well as the internal stake holders in the IKEA Supply Chain.

If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders, then we would love to get to know you!

About the assignment
In your assignment as a Business Developer, you will be responsible to find new external service providers, develop and negotiate agreements to secure transport capacity with a positive service-, availability-, price- and cost-development. Your focus is also to minimise the environmental impact within your geographical area of responsibility and be on top of the technology development therein. You will be ultimately responsible for all business discussions with a number of carriers in your scope and to optimise the flows in your predefined market. Your main focus will be to:
Have responsibility for the total business of a defined market with a number of service providers
Continuously develop service providers to secure long term capacity needs and customer availability
Be responsible for minimizing the prices and contributing to lower cost for a number of service providers
Increase and secure the performance level, fulfilling the IKEA demands
Establish and secure the fulfilment of the transport agreement/contract
Increase the share of low emission transport modes and usage of alternative fuels
Be business responsible for pre-defined market(s)
Secure co-operation with Supply Partners to optimize results
Take the role as IKEA ambassador when communicating with external parties.

For more information or any questions regarding this position please contact Susanne Svan [email protected] and questions regarding the recruitment process Helena Sjölander at [email protected] 

The position is a fulltime and located in Älmhult. Please note that we will interview continuously, so please send us your application online as soon as possible, but on?25 th June the latest. Visa mindre