Lediga jobb som Miljö- och klimatstrateg i Älmhult

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Sustainability Impact & Assessment Leader

Company Description In Inter IKEA, we are ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together. We are now looking for an Impact and Assessment Leader to help us to assess, measure and analyze IKEA’s environmental, social, and economic impact, and identify opportunities to reduce the negative and enhance the positive impact. You will be responsible for supporting materiality assessment and support the development of content for volunt... Visa mer
Company Description
In Inter IKEA, we are ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together.
We are now looking for an Impact and Assessment Leader to help us to assess, measure and analyze IKEA’s environmental, social, and economic impact, and identify opportunities to reduce the negative and enhance the positive impact. You will be responsible for supporting materiality assessment and support the development of content for voluntary and mandatory reporting standards such as CSRD, Global Compact, etc. Further, you will monitor sustainability legislation together with Legal and perform oversight and evaluation of the IKEA Responsible Sourcing Approach, including the IWAY System, to ensure that it delivers on the intended impacts and outcomes and assess compliance of IKEA organisations.
Job Description
To be successful in this role we believe that you are able to:
Perform double materiality assessment process in line with legislation to safeguard that IKEA addresses its most material sustainability topics and to continuously support the development and relevance of the IKEA Sustainability Strategy.
Together with Sustainability Analysts and Strategic Topic Leaders define methodologies for materiality and/or saliency assessments on strategic topics to ensure they are robust and help us identify our most significant impacts, risks and opportunities.
Partner with Risk & Compliance to ensure a robust process for financial materiality is in place and provide input to the risk library on strategic sustainability topics.
Conduct assessments on strategic topics, partnerships and legislative demands/requirements.
Perform oversight and evaluation of sustainability approaches such as the IKEA Responsible Sourcing Approach, including the IWAY System, by assessing the compliance of IKEA organisations to ensure the approaches deliver on the intended impacts and outcomes.
With support from Group Legal, who is in the lead, monitor sustainability legislation, evaluate the impact on Inter IKEA organisations and support in building needed capabilities. Maintain an overview of policies and position statements in line with legislation requirements.
Safeguard that IKEA business reports (are in line with external reporting standards, internal and external requirements and legislation, by consolidating results of due diligence processes in Inter IKEA organisations and support competence development across all Inter IKEA organisations.
Support the development of content and secure the possibility to assure it for the annual IKEA Sustainability Report, specific sub-reports and other topic specific reporting in line with CSRD and other legislative demands.

This is a permanent position based at IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult.
To be successful in the role, we believe you have excellent analytical skills and ability to assess large amounts of data, reports and information. You also have a good understanding of a wide range of sustainability topics and the IKEA value chain, excellent project management skills and a strong ability to work with and through others. You thrive in co-operating and leading others through complex topics and requirements through in-direct leadership.
You also have:
At least 5 years of working with sustainability
Good understanding of sustainability concepts, trends, best practices and regulations
Knowledge of double materiality assessment methodologies
Good understanding of the IKEA business model, IKEA strategic framework, governance and ways of working across IKEA
Extensive knowledge of external reporting standards such as CSRD, UN Global Compact, UNGP Reporting Framework, etc
Extensive knowledge of the IKEA Responsible Sourcing approach including IWAY

Additional information
Sounds interesting? Then why not apply?
Please submit your application by uploading your CV and brief cover letter in Smart Recruiters by 10th August.
For questions about the role, please contact Angela Billings-Soini, Sustainability Impact & Assessment Manager at [email protected]. For questions about the recruitment process, please contact People and Culture Recruiter [email protected].
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre


Ansök    Nov 21    Randstad AB    Miljö- och klimatstrateg
Arbetsbeskrivning Vill du vara med och utveckla hållbarhetsarbetet och skapa värde i ett bolag som gör skillnad – på riktigt? Vi behöver nu förstärka vårt miljöarbete med en Hållbarhetsspecialist och söker dig som har ett stort intresse för hållbarhetsfrågor med fokus på miljö och klimat! Som Hållbarhetsspecialist blir ditt uppdrag att fortsätta utveckla Stena Aluminiums arbete med hållbarhets- och klimatfrågor. Du kommer att vara bolagets specialistkompe... Visa mer
Vill du vara med och utveckla hållbarhetsarbetet och skapa värde i ett bolag som gör skillnad – på riktigt?
Vi behöver nu förstärka vårt miljöarbete med en Hållbarhetsspecialist och söker dig som har ett stort intresse för hållbarhetsfrågor med fokus på miljö och klimat! Som Hållbarhetsspecialist blir ditt uppdrag att fortsätta utveckla Stena Aluminiums arbete med hållbarhets- och klimatfrågor. Du kommer att vara bolagets specialistkompetens inom området och självständigt driva det operativa arbetet, samt stödja och utveckla organisationen inom olika miljöfrågor. Vi erbjuder dig en spännande möjlighet i ett växande företag med uttalat fokus på hållbarhet. Bland engagerade kollegor i en positiv företagskultur får du möjlighet att växa. Det är, och ska vara, enkelt och tryggt att göra affärer med Stena. Kulturen är öppen, inspirerande och om du verkligen vill göra skillnad är det här platsen för dig. Tjänsten är placerad i Älmhult, nära Älmhults station med goda kollektivtrafikförbindelser från både Skåne och Kronoberg. Möjlighet finns att arbeta del av tiden på distans. I denna rekrytering samarbetar Stena med Randstad.

Tjänsten är en tillsvidareanställning av Stena. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan på www.randstad.se, senast 2023-12-18. Har du frågor om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta rekryteringskonsult Nadia Milotti på 0768554059 eller [email protected]. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Dina arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden innebär bl a.:
Delta i och driva projekt och initiativ inom hållbarhetsområdet med särskilt fokus på minskad klimatpåverkan.
Arbeta operativt med klimatberäkningar enligt GHG protokollet och beräkningar av produkternas klimatpåverkan utifrån ett livscykelperspektiv.
Leda arbetet mot certifiering enligt aluminiumbranschens hållbarhetsstandard.
Stötta organisationen vid kundförfrågningar gällande hållbarhet och klimatpåverkan.
Vara delaktig i kommunikationen av bolagets hållbarhetsarbete.
Motivera, engagera och koordinera organisationen utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv.

Vi söker dig som vill arbeta i en organisation med tydligt miljö- och hållbarhetsfokus och som trivs i en varierande specialistroll. Du är nyfiken på vad som händer i verksamheten och skapar lätt nya kontakter och trivs med att arbeta tillsammans med andra. Som person är du analytisk, strukturerad och kommunikativ. Du tar stort eget ansvar och trivs med att driva och delta i projekt tillsammans med kollegor och samarbetspartners.

Vi ser att du har relevant eftergymnasial utbildning och har erfarenhet av arbete med klimatberäkningar för organisationer och produkter, gärna inom tillverkande industri. Du har goda kunskaper i Office samt goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.


Om företaget

Stena Aluminium AB
Stena Aluminium är en del av den Svenskbaserade Stena Metallkoncernen som har sju verksamhetsområden på 200 platser i nio länder. Koncernen har en total nettoomsättning för förra räkenskapsåret på 43,5 BSEK. Varje år återvinner och förädlar Stena Metall sex miljoner ton avfall och uttjänta produkter samt förser kunder med nödvändiga råvaror, stålprodukter och marina bränslen. Genom forskning och utveckling arbetar vi för att möta framtidens utmaningar med nya, hållbara lösningar. Stena Metalls 3 700 medarbetare samarbetar nära med partners och kunder för att skapa värde ur såväl ett affärsperspektiv som för miljön och samhället i stort. www.stenaaluminium.se
Stena Aluminium är Nordens ledande producent av aluminium genom återvunnen råvara. Vid vår anläggning i Älmhult producerar vi ca 70 000 ton per år av högvärdiga aluminiumlegeringar för gjuteriindustrin. Vi omsätter årligen över 1 miljard SEK och är ca 100 medarbetare. Vi är en del av Stena Metallkoncernen som har sitt huvudsäte i Göteborg. Visa mindre

Climate in Forest and Land Use Leader

Company Description Inter IKEA is a group of companies that connects IKEA retailers with range development and suppliers and aligns the overall IKEA strategic direction. It consists of three businesses: Retail concept, Range and Supply.?IKEA Supply is responsible to source, manufacture and distribute IKEA products to the IKEA retailers. This to secure customer availability in all markets and sales channels at lowest total cost. In?Purchasing Development, ... Visa mer
Company Description
Inter IKEA is a group of companies that connects IKEA retailers with range development and suppliers and aligns the overall IKEA strategic direction. It consists of three businesses: Retail concept, Range and Supply.?IKEA Supply is responsible to source, manufacture and distribute IKEA products to the IKEA retailers. This to secure customer availability in all markets and sales channels at lowest total cost.
In?Purchasing Development, the assignment goes hand and hand with the IKEA Business idea as we are responsible to produce the wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. ?Affordability, accessibility, sustainability, and quality are our main priorities.? We develop and execute sourcing strategies and thus meet the Supply markets/industries in 6 different categories. We are a true global organization with around 1000 co-workers placed in 27 different locations, close to the suppliers and the market.?Within the Logistics function in the Purchasing Development, we focus on the following: leading logistics development and contributing to value chain development with a total cost approach; leading supplier capacity planning agenda in a proactive way to secure the foundation; and leading logistics competence development agenda to meet business needs.
Right now, we are looking for a Climate in Forest and Land Use Leader to work on, lead and enable IKEA to become climate positive and have an additional positive impact on people, planet and society. You will report to Climate in Forest and Land Use Manager, Christoph Leibing.

Job Description
This assignment will identify and support the development of management practices in forestry and agriculture in support of IKEAs climate agenda and climate positive commitment. This includes the work and evaluation of responsible sourcing standards and certification systems. You will identify, develop, and benchmark opportunities for IKEA to invest in land use development that will remove and store carbon away from the atmosphere contributing to our fight against dangerous climate change. Part of your role will be to identify and evaluate potential solution providers, tools, and cooperation partners. Moreover, you will perform performance evaluation of investments with focus on their climate performance in forest and agricultural land, incl. development of performance evaluation tools for impact on sustainable development goals. This role also requires the participation in the development of international climate reporting standards related to Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use like for example the GHG Protocol land sector and removal guidance.
More specifically, your role will support:
The design, development and execution of the “Removing and Storing Carbon Program” (RSC) as part of the program team.
The development of performance measurements for “storing carbon in land, plants and products” as part of the climate positive commitment. This includes the impact of responsible sourcing standards (e.g., FSC) on climate mitigation, adaptation and -resilience.
The adoption and implementation of reporting on baseline, progress, and target fulfillment on land carbon development within RSC projects and IKEAs supply chain.

Are you the one we are looking for? We see that you are driven by the idea to support large teams dedicated to steering a corporate value chain towards better climate and land use globally. You have the capabilities to lead and influence people through indirect leadership, as well as the ability to lead projects and processes. It comes natural to you to work in a team where you contribute with your goal-oriented, cooperative problem-solving skills and pro-active approach. You feel excited by the prospect to exchange knowledge and ideas with the many stakeholders from a broad range of different disciplines. We also see that you have the ability to inspire and translate complex matters into simple and practical solutions.
To be successful in this assignment, we wish that you:
Experience with tropical land use systems and land markets and the societal as well as technical challenges connected with them
Experience with the development of decision support tools that consider a range of parameters (e.g., climate performance, biodiversity, water footprint, and benefits for rural communities)
Able to analyze and model Green House Gas balances as well as financial indicators in corporate Land Use supply chains

Also, we see as an advantage if you have additional knowledge:
Experience in modeling climate performance, biogenic growth, and the different land-based carbon pools
Programming skills to automate reporting, dashboard generation and benchmarking of existing as well as potential new supply chains and projects.
Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (e.g., ArcGIS or Grass)

Additional information
We welcome all applications, but you need to be enrolled in a thesis course provided at university level.
Please submit both your CV and motivational letter in English?latest by 28th of November 2023.
For more information about the role, please contact Hiring manager Christoph Leibing (Climate in Forest and Land Use Manager) [email protected]. If you have questions about the recruitment process, please contact People & Culture Specialist, Olivia Swärd [email protected].
We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Sustainability Strategic Topic Developer

Company Description Are you ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together? We are looking for Sustainability Strategic Topic Developers - Circularity for total Inter IKEA. In Inter IKEA, we are ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together. We are now looking for Sustainability Strategic Topic Developers. In this role, you will secure development and integration of the specific Strategic Topic init... Visa mer
Company Description
Are you ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together?
We are looking for Sustainability Strategic Topic Developers - Circularity for total Inter IKEA.
In Inter IKEA, we are ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together.
We are now looking for Sustainability Strategic Topic Developers. In this role, you will secure development and integration of the specific Strategic Topic initiatives into relevant business development plans through clear and effective ambitions, commitments, and goals for the complete IKEA business. Additionally, you will provide subject matter expertise on Strategic Topic initiatives to IKEA stakeholders and targeted audiences.
Job Description
To be successful in this role we believe that you are able to:
Lead Strategic Topic initiatives spanning over the total IKEA value chain together with and on behalf of the Strategic Topic Leader. That includes, mapping gaps, setting goals, defining proof points, and creating input to Business plans, Roadmaps and Action plans while working with and through business teams and sustainability professionals cross all IKEA businesses.
Support the Strategic Topic Leader, together with the Sustainability Analyst, in development of needed methodology, goals and KPIs to measure performance and progress of the Strategic Topic.
Track progress towards decided goals and KPIs, gather feedback from stakeholders, and use data to make improvements and suggest adjustments of plans.
Document learnings from pilot projects for the Strategic Topic to secure agreed best practice and success criteria across the IKEA Franchise system.
Liaise with Impact & Assessment, Public Affairs and Requirements Engineering on relevant legislation and compliance needs, developments and movements and give input for needed actions in the business.
Support the Strategic Topic Leader with double-materiality assessments (IKEA impact on the Strategic Topic from our activities and dependency on related assets) in the annual double-materiality process led by the Impact & Assessment function.
Contribute with content to the annual Sustainability report, relevant sub-reports? and revisions of components in the IKEA Strategic Framework, and legal consultations.

This is a permanent position at IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult.
Application and practicalities
You apply for the role by uploading your CV in Smart Recruiters, including your answers to these two questions:
What do you believe is your contribution to this position?
What values and strengths will come through in your leadership?

Please keep your answers short and concise.
Additional information
If you have any questions regarding the position or the recruitment process, you are welcome to contact [email protected]
This role will be open for applications until the 24th of June. Visa mindre

Strategic Topic Leader

Company Description Are you ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together? We are looking for Strategic Topic Leader in Sustainability for total Inter IKEA who will help define, develop, and maintain commitments and goals related to the topic of water with the highest impact on our business. As a strategic topic leader, you will be responsible for identifying strategic and tactical movements to reach sustainability goals. You ... Visa mer
Company Description
Are you ready to put in the next gear of moving IKEA and making us better together?
We are looking for Strategic Topic Leader in Sustainability for total Inter IKEA who will help define, develop, and maintain commitments and goals related to the topic of water with the highest impact on our business. As a strategic topic leader, you will be responsible for identifying strategic and tactical movements to reach sustainability goals. You will also play a crucial role in securing IKEA's capabilities and compliance with global agreements, commitments, standards, and new legislations. Lead and continuously develop the strategic topic, including standpoints and narratives, taking both risks and opportunities into consideration.
You will further secure integration of the strategic topic into relevant business development through clear and effective ambitions, commitments, and goals for the full IKEA business by working together with other sustainability expertise and by working together with and through all Inter IKEA organisations enabling deployment for the startegic topic.
Job Description
To be successful in this role we believe that you are able to:
Develop and maintain strategic commitments and goals for Sustainability Strategic topic with highest impact, for risks and opportunities alike, for the IKEA business.
Identify strategic and tactical movements to reach set goals as input to each core IKEA strategy and each Inter IKEA organisation, Range, Supply and Retail Concept, to act on.
Make the complicated and complex topic area understandable for respective business when making their business decisions and work together with the many needed stakeholders within and outside of Inter IKEA to ensure effective, up-to-date and relevant input and guidance.
Develop and maintain position statements and methodology, goals and KPIs to measure performance of the Strategic topic.
Engage with external partners to drive and influence strategic topic, contribute to sustainability reports, and ensure clear and up-to-date narratives for Sustainability Strategic topic.

This is a permanent position based in Älmhult.
Application and practicalities
Please apply via the link to SmartRecruiter at latest by the 2nd of July.
For information about the role and the recruitment process, please contact [email protected] Visa mindre