Lediga jobb som Servitör/Servitris i Älmhult

Se lediga jobb som Servitör/Servitris i Älmhult. Genom att välja en specifik arbetsgivare kan du även välja att se alla jobb i Älmhult som finns hos arbetsgivaren.

Food & Beverage co-worker

Ansök    Dec 29    IKEA of Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheles... Visa mer
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheless, we never forget our Swedish heritage that forms the backbone of who we are today.

IKEA Hotell is in the heart of IKEA, Älmhult. We have been here since 1964 and was built for IKEAs customer to stay a bit longer. Now, about 50 years later we are a business hotel with around 40 co-workers. We welcome guests from near and far. We are serving meatballs, making beds, and acts as the natural meeting place and social hub in Älmhult. Now, with greater capacity than ever we fully focus on the needs of our guests! We offer 254 hotel rooms, 5 conference rooms, large common areas, laundry rooms and gym. We are serving both breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our mission is to make our guests feel at home while staying at IKEA Hotell.

Our values, co-workers and culture have made IKEA one of Sweden's most interesting and popular workplaces. Our team in the Hotel consists of about 40 co-workers with different experiences and backgrounds who together meet our guests with a service-minded approach and great commitment. 

We are now looking for you who want to work during weekdays, evenings and weekends in the restaurant at IKEA Hotell. At IKEA Hotell our guests will meet you in the restarurant when preparing and serving breakfast, lunch or dinner, and enabling a great experience connected to conferences or meetings at the hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests experience of IKEA Hotell.
We offer you the opportunity to work in a growing company where you can further develop your professional skills in your daily work! An extra job could be the best start on your future career within IKEA. 

What we are looking for now is two co-workers on an hourly basis, so called on demand. Evening and weekend shifts are included to cover the hotel´s opening hours.

If you have any questions about the position you are welcome to contact Mats Stjernqvist [email protected] or Niklas Persson [email protected].

Please note that we for data privacy (GDPR) reasons are not able to accept applications by email. 

Please apply for the job no later than 14th of January. We recruit on an ongoing basis, so don´t hesitate to send in your application already today. Welcome with your application (CV and motivation letter)!
We offer you the opportunity to work in a growing company where you can further develop your professional skills in your daily work!

We are looking for two part time permanent positions (50-80%). Evening and weekend shifts are included to cover the hotel´s opening hours.

If you have any questions about the position you are welcome to contact Mats Stjernqvist [email protected] or Niklas Persson [email protected]. Please note that we for data privacy (GDPR) reasons are not able to accept applications by email. 

Please apply for the job no later than 14th of January. We recruit on an ongoing basis, so don´t hesitate to send in your application already today. Welcome with your application (CV and motivation letter)! Visa mindre

Serveringspersonal - IKEA Hotell

IKEA Hotell är en del av IKEA Älmhult AB och av hjärtat av IKEA I Älmhult. Vi har funnits sedan 1964 och byggdes för att IKEAs kunder skulle kunna stanna längre i Älmhult. Nu, 60 år senare, är vi ett fullskaligt hotell med ca 50 anställda. Nu har vi tagit steget ytterligare och skapat en utveckling av vår hotellrestaurang – Grillen. Grillen hyllar den småländska hushållsgastronomin och värnar om de lokala råvarorna, och är en vibrerande mötesplats för alla... Visa mer
IKEA Hotell är en del av IKEA Älmhult AB och av hjärtat av IKEA I Älmhult. Vi har funnits sedan 1964 och byggdes för att IKEAs kunder skulle kunna stanna längre i Älmhult. Nu, 60 år senare, är vi ett fullskaligt hotell med ca 50 anställda. Nu har vi tagit steget ytterligare och skapat en utveckling av vår hotellrestaurang – Grillen. Grillen hyllar den småländska hushållsgastronomin och värnar om de lokala råvarorna, och är en vibrerande mötesplats för alla när och fjärran gäster.
Till vår nystartade restaurang Grillen och vår konferensrestaurang på IKEA Hotell söker vi nu dig som brinner för mötet med gästen och att skapa en genuin och trevlig upplevelse både under lunchrusning och kvällsservering. Du kan med ditt engagemang och ditt bemötande göra skillnad för att möta gästens förväntningar.
I dina arbetsuppgifter kommer ingå:
Ta emot beställningar under lunch, kväll och helg
Bordsservering och presentation av rätter och dryck
Iordingsställande av restaurang både inomhus och utomhus för lunch- och middagservering
Servering av dryck
Ta emot betalning

Vi söker dig som älskar service och att möta gäster eller kunder! Du får gärna ha tidigare erfarenhet av att ha jobbat inom restaurang och/eller service-branschen. Du tycker om att jobba i ett högt tempo och i en miljö med mycket människor och hög puls. Du har en förmåga att ta egna initiativ till att få saker gjorda och kan se vad som behöver göras. Du har också en nyfikenhet på att ständigt lära dig nya saker och vill hela tiden hitta lösningar och kan hantera de problem som uppstår i vardagen.
Att jobba i ett team tillsammans med andra där ni hjälps åt och gör ert bästa tillsammans för att skapa den bästa upplevelsen för gästen är något du brinner för. Du har en passion för mat och en fantastisk gästupplevelse.
Våra gäster kommer både från stora delar av Sverige men också från olika delar av världen. Därför förväntar vi oss att du kan tala och skriva både Engelska och Svenska. Har du ytterligare språkkunskaper är det ett plus. Du är också van att hantera datorer och olika typer av IT-applikationer.
Du måste vara över 18 år och inneha svenskt arbetstillstånd.
Vi erbjuder flera tjänster främst på heltid men också på deltid och som extrajobb. Tjänsterna är tillsvidaretjänster med start omgående.
Arbetstiden är schemalagd främst på lunch- och kvällstid samt helger. Visa mindre


Vi söker dig som har känsla och sinne för service. Dina arbetsuppgifter består av att hantera disk i storkök, servera mat till större evenemang och städa . Städningen består av att städa, kontor, allmänna ytrummen, och övriga lokaler hos företag. Vi ser gärna att du har förmågor som egen beslutsförmåga, självdiciplin, håller tider och kan hantera frihet under ansvar. Att du kan kommunicera flytande läsa och skriva på svenska eller engleska är ett krav. ... Visa mer
Vi söker dig som har känsla och sinne för service.
Dina arbetsuppgifter består av att hantera disk i storkök, servera mat till större evenemang och städa . Städningen består av att städa, kontor, allmänna ytrummen, och övriga lokaler hos företag.
Vi ser gärna att du har förmågor som egen beslutsförmåga, självdiciplin, håller tider och kan hantera frihet under ansvar. Att du kan kommunicera flytande läsa och skriva på svenska eller engleska är ett krav.
Hos oss jobbar du under frihet med eget ansvar, du bestämmer i din tjänst efter dina ramar. Du jobbar i princip som egen företagare men du tillhör en större sammanhang och är anställd. Visa mindre

Food & Beverage co-worker

Ansök    Dec 29    IKEA of Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheles... Visa mer
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheless, we never forget our Swedish heritage that forms the backbone of who we are today.

IKEA Hotell is in the heart of IKEA, Älmhult. We have been here since 1964 and was built for IKEAs customer to stay a bit longer. Now, about 50 years later we are a business hotel with around 40 co-workers. We welcome guests from near and far. We are serving meatballs, making beds, and acts as the natural meeting place and social hub in Älmhult. Now, with greater capacity than ever we fully focus on the needs of our guests! We offer 254 hotel rooms, 5 conference rooms, large common areas, laundry rooms and gym. We are serving both breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our mission is to make our guests feel at home while staying at IKEA Hotell.

Our values, co-workers and culture have made IKEA one of Sweden's most interesting and popular workplaces. Our team in the Hotel consists of about 40 co-workers with different experiences and backgrounds who together meet our guests with a service-minded approach and great commitment. 

We are now looking for you who want to work extra during weekdays, evenings and weekends in the restaurant at IKEA Hotell. At IKEA Hotell our guests will meet you in the restarurant when preparing and serving breakfast, lunch or dinner, and enabling a great experience connected to conferences or meetings at the hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests experience of IKEA Hotell.

We offer you the opportunity to work in a growing company where you can further develop your professional skills in your daily work! An extra job could be the best start on your future career within IKEA. 

What we are looking for now is two co-workers on an hourly basis, so called on demand. Evening and weekend shifts are included to cover the hotel´s opening hours.

If you have any questions about the position you are welcome to contact Mats Stjernqvist [email protected] or Niklas Persson [email protected].

Please note that we for data privacy (GDPR) reasons are not able to accept applications by email. 

Please apply for the job no later than 14th of January. We recruit on an ongoing basis, so don´t hesitate to send in your application already today. Welcome with your application (CV and motivation letter)! Visa mindre

Food & Beverage co-worker

Ansök    Jul 4    IKEA of Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheles... Visa mer
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheless, we never forget our Swedish heritage that forms the backbone of who we are today.

IKEA Hotell is in the heart of IKEA, Älmhult. We have been here since 1964 and was built for IKEAs customer to stay a bit longer. Now, about 50 years later we are a business hotel with around 40 co-workers. We welcome guests from near and far. We are serving meatballs, making beds, and acts as the natural meeting place and social hub in Älmhult. Now, with greater capacity than ever we fully focus on the needs of our guests! We offer 254 hotel rooms, 5 conference rooms, large common areas, laundry rooms and gym. We are serving both breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our mission is to make our guests feel at home while staying at IKEA Hotell.

Our values, co-workers and culture have made IKEA one of Sweden's most interesting and popular workplaces. Our team in the Hotel consists of about 40 co-workers with different experiences and backgrounds who together meet our guests with a service-minded approach and great commitment. 

We are now looking for you who want to work extra during weekdays, evenings and weekends in the restaurant at IKEA Hotell. At IKEA Hotell our guests will meet you in the restarurant when preparing and serving breakfast, lunch or dinner, and enabling a great experience connected to conferences or meetings at the hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests experience of IKEA Hotell.
We offer you the opportunity to work in a growing company where you can further develop your professional skills in your daily work! An extra job could be the best start on your future career within IKEA. 

The positions are part time with various employment rates as well as supporting on an hourly basis. Evening and weekend shifts are included to cover the hotel´s opening hours.

If you have any questions about the summer job you are welcome to contact recruiting manager, Jenny Persson [email protected]. Please note that we for data privacy (GDPR) reasons are not able to accept applications by email. 

Please apply for the job no later than 15th of August 2023. We recruit on an ongoing basis, so don´t hesitate to send in your application already today. Welcome with your application (CV and motivation letter)!

We offer you the opportunity to work in a growing company where you can further develop your professional skills in your daily work! An extra job could be the best start on your future career within IKEA. 

The positions are part time with various employment rates as well as supporting on an hourly basis. Evening and weekend shifts are included to cover the hotel´s opening hours.

If you have any questions about the summer job you are welcome to contact recruiting manager, Jenny Persson [email protected]. Please note that we for data privacy (GDPR) reasons are not able to accept applications by email. 

Please apply for the job no later than 15th of August 2023. We recruit on an ongoing basis, so don´t hesitate to send in your application already today. Welcome with your application (CV and motivation letter)! Visa mindre

Food & Beverage co-worker

Ansök    Jul 4    IKEA of Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheles... Visa mer
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheless, we never forget our Swedish heritage that forms the backbone of who we are today.

IKEA Hotell is in the heart of IKEA, Älmhult. We have been here since 1964 and was built for IKEAs customer to stay a bit longer. Now, about 50 years later we are a business hotel with around 40 co-workers. We welcome guests from near and far. We are serving meatballs, making beds, and acts as the natural meeting place and social hub in Älmhult. Now, with greater capacity than ever we fully focus on the needs of our guests! We offer 254 hotel rooms, 5 conference rooms, large common areas, laundry rooms and gym. We are serving both breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our mission is to make our guests feel at home while staying at IKEA Hotell.

Our values, co-workers and culture have made IKEA one of Sweden's most interesting and popular workplaces. Our team in the Hotel consists of about 40 co-workers with different experiences and backgrounds who together meet our guests with a service-minded approach and great commitment. 

We are now looking for you who want to work extra during weekdays, evenings and weekends in the restaurant at IKEA Hotell. At IKEA Hotell our guests will meet you in the restarurant when preparing and serving breakfast, lunch or dinner, and enabling a great experience connected to conferences or meetings at the hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests experience of IKEA Hotell.
The preferred location for this position is in our office Klipphult, at Hyllie in Malmö, Sweden. Klipphult is a place to work, meet, act, grow and create together. It is an activity-based, flexible and inspiring workplace.   

The position requires some global traveling. 


Do you feel challenged and inspired by what you have seen in this job ad? If "yes!" we appreciate your application as soon as possible. Lots of our co-workers enjoy a summer break during the month of July so we won’t be reviewing applications until after July 23rd.

For job-specific questions please contact Ricardo Pinherio, the hiring manager on [email protected]. For questions about the recruitment?process, please contact the Recruitment Partner Jamila Harmal on [email protected]
We offer you the opportunity to work in a growing company where you can further develop your professional skills in your daily work! An extra job could be the best start on your future career within IKEA. 

The positions are part time with various employment rates as well as supporting on an hourly basis. Evening and weekend shifts are included to cover the hotel´s opening hours.

If you have any questions about the summer job you are welcome to contact recruiting manager, Jenny Persson [email protected]. Please note that we for data privacy (GDPR) reasons are not able to accept applications by email. 

Please apply for the job no later than 15th of August 2023. We recruit on an ongoing basis, so don´t hesitate to send in your application already today. Welcome with your application (CV and motivation letter)! Visa mindre


Dina arbetsuppgifter består av att servera vid större evenemang. Du är flexibel, lyhörd och har lätt att anpassa dig till miljön som du befinner dig i. Vi ser gärna att du behärskar det engelska och svenska språket väl i tal. Du är servicefokuserad och kan ta hand om gäster på ett ödmjukt sätt. Öppen för alla Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter består av att servera vid större evenemang. Du är flexibel, lyhörd och har lätt att anpassa dig till miljön som du befinner dig i.
Vi ser gärna att du behärskar det engelska och svenska språket väl i tal. Du är servicefokuserad och kan ta hand om gäster på ett ödmjukt sätt.
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Sjöstugans Restaurang letar efter servering personal

Sjöstugans Restaurang letar efter servering personal. Kom och hälsa på oss om du är intresserad varje dag kl 15.00 - 17.00 Visa mer
Sjöstugans Restaurang letar efter servering personal.
Kom och hälsa på oss om du är intresserad varje dag kl 15.00 - 17.00 Visa mindre

Kitchen Co-worker to IKEA

Ansök    Sep 29    Adecco Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
Kitchen co-worker to IKEA Älmhult AB Job description As a kitchen co-worker you will contribute to an excellent operation of Aktivitetshuset providing a great customer experience, always with health & wellbeing in mind. You are a part of the Aktivitetshuset team, welcoming and supporting our co-workers and customers to an open and welcoming house and restaurant where to meet, connect, have a fika and recharge. In your role as Kitchen co-worker your main ... Visa mer
Kitchen co-worker to IKEA Älmhult AB

Job description
As a kitchen co-worker you will contribute to an excellent operation of Aktivitetshuset providing a great customer experience, always with health & wellbeing in mind. You are a part of the Aktivitetshuset team, welcoming and supporting our co-workers and customers to an open and welcoming house and restaurant where to meet, connect, have a fika and recharge.

In your role as Kitchen co-worker your main responsibilities will be:
• Prepare, cook/bake and serve the menu according to recipes and instructions, always with high quality.
• Contribute to develop and plan an attractive and relevant menu consisting of healthy, simple and tasty food from scratch. Ensure it complies with our quality, financial standards and health & wellbeing concept.
• Continuously improve ways of working and routines for the kitchen. Make sure internal routines and ways of working are in place, updated and revised if needed.
• Deliver relevant tasks within the kitchen such as cleaning, temperature check, receiving goods and washing up, cash flow etc.
• Make sure the kitchen and bakery are in shape as new every day before opening.

The position is a part time job, circa 14 hours / week. You will work daytime, evening and weekends. Your employer will be Adecco and you will work as a consultant at IKEA.

We are looking for you who together with colleagues in the Aktivitetshuset team are service-minded and motivated by providing support to our guests in daily operations and activities. We are looking for a co-worker that has a genuine interest of healthy and tasty food and acts as an ambassador for IKEA, shares IKEAs values and greets our guests with a big smile! You must enjoy meeting our guests and is keen on satisfying their needs and challenge yourself to deliver a great experience for each guest.

Other relevant qualifications:
• You know about food health, safety and legislation.
• You are flexible, service-minded and hospital in your everyday work and relations.
• You have some years of experience from kitchen-related jobs.
• You are flexible and can also work extra if needed during evenings and weekends.
• Ability to identify and structure new ways of working, routines and activities.
• Good communication skills.
• You are a teamplayer, with the ability to take own initiatives and work independent
• Interested to apply your health & wellbeing mindset to Aktivitetshuset running business
Fluent in Swedish and English, both verbally and in written.

About Adecco
There is no doubt why the alarm clock rings in the morning. Every day we step up, stretch and aim to push boundaries and challenge norms to create a future where everyone has a place. We believe that passion and relationship together can do the unexpected in workplaces and move expectations forward. As one of the world´s largest recruitment and staffing companies, we bring new perspectives and processes that develop the company in step with profitability. We turn over stones, rummage through hiding places and think new things because we believe that the best match does not have to mean the expected. For you who are looking for a job, this means that we are not satisfied with you being employed, we want to ensure that you get the right conditions to do your best job in your career. Then we really make a difference. For society, for the company, for the employee. And then we create the jobs of the future. For all. Today. In this recruitment, video interview is included as an important part of the process if you proceed after your application. We recommend that you conduct your video interview immediately to increase your chances.

Contact information
If you have questions about the position or the recruitment in general please contact Sebastian Baard at [email protected]

If you have questions about register an account, please contact our support at [email protected] Visa mindre

Serveringspersonal sökes till Herrgårdsresturang

Vår herrgårdsanläggning med resturang, hotell, café och konferens söker personal. Vi har även bröllop och kulturella eventarrangemang. Vårt resturangteam söker nu en erfaren, stresstålig, flexibel, noggrann och trevlig person. Start omgående med bra arbetsvillkor till ett glatt lättsamt arbetsteam. Vissa veckor behövs du på restaurangen flera dagar i rad och andra veckor någon dag. Under högsäsong kan 80-100% arbetstid erbjudas. Kan även finnas behov ti... Visa mer
Vår herrgårdsanläggning med resturang, hotell, café och konferens söker personal. Vi har även bröllop och kulturella eventarrangemang.
Vårt resturangteam söker nu en erfaren, stresstålig, flexibel, noggrann och trevlig person. Start omgående med bra arbetsvillkor till ett glatt lättsamt arbetsteam.
Vissa veckor behövs du på restaurangen flera dagar i rad och andra veckor någon dag. Under högsäsong kan 80-100% arbetstid erbjudas. Kan även finnas behov till trädgårdscafét under sommaren.
Vi serverar frukost, lunch & middag så med det finns det 2 till 3 arbetspass att välja på.
Ett stort plus är att du är flexibel och kan komma in och jobba med kort varsel.
Har du någon form av specialutbildning på dryck så är det väldigt uppskattat.
Vi ser gärna att du är intresserad av det personliga mötet med såväl gäst som medarbetare och har ett genuint intresse av mat & dryck.
Du ska vara noggrann och se de små detaljerna som gör stor skillnad för gästen. Förutom svenska ser vi gärna att du behärskar engelska och gärna tyska då vi har flera internationella gäster. Du ska ha lätt för att ta egna initiativ & kunna ge en oförglömlig service.
Välkommen med Din ansökan idag! Visa mindre

Part-time, waiter/waitress IKEA Hotell, Älmhult

Ansök    Sep 1    IKEA of Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheles... Visa mer
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheless, we never forget our Swedish heritage that forms the backbone of who we are today.

IKEA Älmhult AB is a holding company and forms a company group with IKEA Museum, IKEA Hotell, IKEA Property AB. We are an independent entity within the Inter IKEA Group.

With a unique role to support the positioning of “IKEA in Älmhult”, IKEA Älmhult AB, together with IKEA Museum, IKEA Hotell, IKEA Property AB in collaborations with many others, works to secure the development of Älmhult as an attractive and great place. A place where I want to work, live and visit, today and tomorrow.

About you
Your personality is of great importance to us. You are service minded, sympathizing, outgoing, innovative, curious, stress resistant, a team player and have a genuine interest in the restaurant business. We are looking for a co-worker that acts as an ambassador for IKEA, shares IKEAs values and greets our guests with a big smile!

You are used to work independently and dares to challenge us in existing ways of working. You must enjoy meeting our guests and is keen on satisfying their needs, even before it arises! You value the guests and their business, thinking, what else can I do to make this guest feel special? We all know traveling can be tiring, and full of unexpected events, so helping a guest to feel like they are coming home is very important.

About the assignment
In the role as a waiter/waitress it’s important for you to feel confident in taking initiative for customer contact. You like to maximize sales and profitability and to reach goals together with the rest of the team. You are flexible and open for changes and takes great responsibility in us succeeding. You have a passion for culinary experiences. One of the most important part of the job is to give the guests a positive experience at IKEA Hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests.

What we offer

We all know that a home is more than a house and at IKEA we also know that a job is more than a job. Do you want to work for a company with strong values such as compass, which wants to make a difference for the environment and take greater social responsibility? Then you will feel at home with us. We offer you a job in an internationally growing company with a strong and vibrant culture, where there are good development opportunities.

This is a position for you looking for a part-time job besides another main employment or studies. Going forward we hope you want to develop with us and make IKEA your main employer long term. You are able to take shifts to cover for vacancies on short notice. We have varying working hours and work both on weekdays and weekends – day shifts and evenings. To apply for a job with us, you must be 18 years of age or older.

If you have any questions about the employment you are welcome to contact recruiting manager Niklas Persson by mail, [email protected]

We will recruit on an ongoing basis but apply no later than 1st of October 2021.

Welcome with your application today! Please attach your CV and motivation letter.  

Inter IKEA Group consists of three core businesses and comprises over 70 companies in 30 different countries and has around 28,000 co-workers that together with other IKEA colleagues work to fulfil the IKEA vision: To create a better everyday life for the many people. http://www.inter.ikea.com/ Visa mindre

Part-time, waiter/waitress IKEA Hotell, Älmhult

Company Description Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of t... Visa mer
Company Description
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where our culture and values were shaped and still develop. This is where the global range and product development for IKEA takes place today and where we want to continue to develop together with the municipality and the community at large. Älmhult is a melting pot of many different nationalities and cultures. Because to make things better for the many, we want to involve people from all parts of the world. Nonetheless, we never forget our Swedish heritage that forms the backbone of who we are today.
IKEA Älmhult AB is a holding company and forms a company group with IKEA Museum, IKEA Hotell, IKEA Property AB. We are an independent entity within the Inter IKEA Group.
With a unique role to support the positioning of “IKEA in Älmhult”, IKEA Älmhult AB, together with IKEA Museum, IKEA Hotell, IKEA Property AB in collaborations with many others, works to secure the development of Älmhult as an attractive and great place. A place where I want to work, live and visit, today and tomorrow.
About you
Your personality is of great importance to us. You are service minded, sympathizing, outgoing, innovative, curious, stress resistant, a team player and have a genuine interest in the restaurant business. We are looking for a co-worker that acts as an ambassador for IKEA, shares IKEAs values and greets our guests with a big smile!
You are used to work independently and dares to challenge us in existing ways of working. You must enjoy meeting our guests and is keen on satisfying their needs, even before it arises! You value the guests and their business, thinking, what else can I do to make this guest feel special? We all know traveling can be tiring, and full of unexpected events, so helping a guest to feel like they are coming home is very important.
About the assignment
In the role as a waiter/waitress it’s important for you to feel confident in taking initiative for customer contact. You like to maximize sales and profitability and to reach goals together with the rest of the team. You are flexible and open for changes and takes great responsibility in us succeeding. You have a passion for culinary experiences. One of the most important part of the job is to give the guests a positive experience at IKEA Hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests.
Experience from the service business
Some knowledge of the restaurant business
Desire to always provide an excellent guest experience
Self-reliant and self-motivated with a proven ability to work as part of a team as well as independently
Proven ability to maintain effective work behavior in the face of setbacks or peaks
English and Swedish, both spoken and written.
Additional language skills is a merit

What we offer
We all know that a home is more than a house and at IKEA we also know that a job is more than a job. Do you want to work for a company with strong values such as compass, which wants to make a difference for the environment and take greater social responsibility? Then you will feel at home with us. We offer you a job in an internationally growing company with a strong and vibrant culture, where there are good development opportunities.
This is a position for you looking for a part-time job besides another main employment or studies. Going forward we hope you want to develop with us and make IKEA your main employer long term. You are able to take shifts to cover for vacancies on short notice. We have varying working hours and work both on weekdays and weekends – day shifts and evenings. To apply for a job with us, you must be 18 years of age or older.

If you have any questions about the employment you are welcome to contact recruiting manager Niklas Persson by mail, [email protected]
We will recruit on an ongoing basis but apply no later than 1st of October 2021.
Welcome with your application today! Please attach your CV and motivation letter.
Inter IKEA Group consists of three core businesses and comprises over 70 companies in 30 different countries and has around 28,000 co-workers that together with other IKEA colleagues work to fulfil the IKEA vision: To create a better everyday life for the many people. http://www.inter.ikea.com/ Visa mindre

Sommar-/extrapersonal till vår restaurang

Vid sjön Möckelns strand, ett stenkast från Älmhult ligger Möckelsnäs Herrgård. En hotell-, restaurang- och konferensverksamhet där ett härligt team arbetar med att ge gäster från alla världens hörn en fulländad upplevelse av mat, dryck och vistelse på en av Smålands vackraste platser. Vi behöver nu utöka vår personalstyrka med extraservis och söker dig som önskar sommarjobb samt vill jobba extra vid behov i vår restaurang under helger och kvällar. Du är e... Visa mer
Vid sjön Möckelns strand, ett stenkast från Älmhult ligger Möckelsnäs Herrgård. En hotell-, restaurang- och konferensverksamhet där ett härligt team arbetar med att ge gäster från alla världens hörn en fulländad upplevelse av mat, dryck och vistelse på en av Smålands vackraste platser.
Vi behöver nu utöka vår personalstyrka med extraservis och söker dig som önskar sommarjobb samt vill jobba extra vid behov i vår restaurang under helger och kvällar.
Du är en glad och serviceinriktad person som har en god förmåga att bidra till gästernas helhetsupplevelse och visar upp en stolthet för den mat och dryck som serveras. Du trivs att arbeta i en varierande miljö. Våra gäster består av allt från stora konferensgrupper till turister, lokala restauranggäster och bröllop. I arbetet ingår dukning, servering och att ta hand om alla gäster på bästa sätt.
Vi ställer som krav att du behärskar det svenska språket väl i såväl tal som skrift. Du behöver också besitta goda kunskaper i det engelska språket då många av våra gäster är affärsresande från alla delar av världen.
Meriterande för rollen är om du har erfarenhet från restaurangbranschen sedan tidigare.
Tänk på att Möckelsnäs ligger en bit från närmaste busshållplats så B-körkort och tillgång till bil rekommenderas. Visa mindre


Ansök    Aug 4    Barzenji, Diar    Servitör/Servitris
vi söker medarbetare till servisen. vi söker dig som tycker att god service är minst lika viktig som matupplevelsen,du tycker om att ha många bollar i luften o trivs när tempot är högt. du jobbar kväller /helger. Visa mer
vi söker medarbetare till servisen.
vi söker dig som tycker att god service är minst lika viktig som matupplevelsen,du tycker om att ha många bollar i luften o trivs när tempot är högt.
du jobbar kväller /helger. Visa mindre

Summer extra, Waiter/waitress IKEA Hotell, Älmhult

Ansök    Mar 18    IKEA of Sweden AB    Servitör/Servitris
It was in Älmhult that it once began and where we are now facing a new exciting future in the heart of the IKEA world with Småland's largest and unique IKEA hotel. Do you want to join us on a journey beyond the ordinary? IKEA Hotell is in the heart of IKEA, Älmhult. We have been here since 1964 and was built for IKEAs customer to stay a bit longer. Now, about 50 years later we are a business hotel with around 40 coworkers. We welcome guests from near and ... Visa mer
It was in Älmhult that it once began and where we are now facing a new exciting future in the heart of the IKEA world with Småland's largest and unique IKEA hotel. Do you want to join us on a journey beyond the ordinary?

IKEA Hotell is in the heart of IKEA, Älmhult. We have been here since 1964 and was built for IKEAs customer to stay a bit longer. Now, about 50 years later we are a business hotel with around 40 coworkers. We welcome guests from near and far. We are serving meatballs, making beds, and acts as the natural meeting place and social hub in Älmhult. Now, with greater capacity than ever we fully focus on the needs of our guests!
The restaurant can hold up to about 200 guests and we are serving both breakfast, lunch and dinner. We get our inspiration from the Scandinavian cuisine and our raw materials from the larder of Småland. Whenever possible, we use organic products to provide you with a tasty and satisfying culinary experience.

About you
Your personality is of great importance to us. You are service minded, sympathizing, outgoing, innovative, curious, stress resistant, a team player and have a genuine interest in the restaurant business. We are looking for a co-worker that acts as an ambassador for IKEA, shares IKEAs values and greets our guests with a big smile!

You are used to work independently and dares to challenge us in existing ways of working. You must enjoy meeting our guests and is keen on satisfying their needs, even before it arises! You value the guests and their business, thinking, what else can I do to make this guest feel special? We all know traveling can be tiring, and full of unexpected events, so helping a guest to feel like they are coming home is very important.

About the assignment
In the role as a waiter/waitress it’s important for you to feel confident in taking initiative for customer contact. You like to maximize sales and profitability and to reach goals together with the rest of the team. You are flexible and open for changes and takes great responsibility in us succeeding. You have a passion for culinary experiences. One of the most important part of the job is to give the guests a positive experience at IKEA Hotel. Truly great service is built on a genuine desire to please and satisfy the guest. If you have a service mind-set, you will understand the importance of what you do and how it impacts our guests.

What we offer

We all know that a home is more than a house and at IKEA we also know that a job is more than a job. Do you want to work for a company with strong values such as compass, which wants to make a difference for the environment and take greater social responsibility? Then you will feel at home with us. We offer you a job in an internationally growing company with a strong and vibrant culture, where there are good development opportunities. A job over the summer with us can lead to you being the one to develop the IKEA of the future, in Sweden or abroad.

The employment is for summer job between w.26-33. Some of our positions will start during the spring on weekends. Permanent employment could be possible after the summer. The positions are part time with various employment rates. Evening and weekend shift is included.

If you have any questions about the employment you are welcome to contact recruiting manager Veronica Andersen by mail, [email protected].

Apply no later than 1 April 2021. 

Welcome with your application today! Please attach your CV and motivation letter.  

We look forward to getting to know you more!

Inter IKEA Group consists of three core businesses and comprises over 70 companies in 30 different countries and has around 28,000 co-workers that together with other IKEA colleagues work to fulfil the IKEA vision: To create a better everyday life for the many people. Visa mindre

Extrapersonal till vår restaurang

Vid sjön Möckelns strand ett stenkast från Älmhult ligger Möckelsnäs Herrgård. En hotell-, restaurang- och konferensverksamhet där ett härligt team arbetar med att ge gäster från alla världens hörn en fulländad upplevelse av mat, dryck och vistelse på en av Smålands vackraste platser. Vi behöver nu utöka vår personalstyrka med extraservis och söker dig som önskar jobba extra vid behov i vår restaurang. Du är en glad och serviceinriktad person som har en g... Visa mer
Vid sjön Möckelns strand ett stenkast från Älmhult ligger Möckelsnäs Herrgård. En hotell-, restaurang- och konferensverksamhet där ett härligt team arbetar med att ge gäster från alla världens hörn en fulländad upplevelse av mat, dryck och vistelse på en av Smålands vackraste platser.
Vi behöver nu utöka vår personalstyrka med extraservis och söker dig som önskar jobba extra vid behov i vår restaurang.
Du är en glad och serviceinriktad person som har en god förmåga att bidra till gästernas helhetsupplevelse och visar upp en stolthet för den mat och dryck som serveras. Du trivs att arbeta i en varierande miljö. Våra gäster består av allt från stora konferensgrupper till turister, lokala restauranggäster och bröllop. I arbetet ingår dukning, servering och att ta hand om alla gäster på bästa sätt.
Vi ställer som krav att du behärskar det svenska språket väl i såväl tal som skrift. Du behöver också besitta goda kunskaper i det engelska språket då många av våra gäster är affärsresande från alla delar av världen.
Meriterande för rollen är om du har erfarenhet från restaurangbranschen sedan tidigare.
Tänk på att Möckelsnäs ligger en bit från närmaste busshållplats så B-körkort och tillgång till bil rekommenderas. Visa mindre


Ansök    Aug 9    Barzenji Diar    Servitör/Servitris
vi söker serverings personal.du som söker ska vara serviceinriktad,du behöver kunna prata och förstå svenska då du i ditt arbete har mycket kontakt med kunder.du ska vara glad och trevlig person.vi har en restuarang del och bar del ,i ditt arbete före kommer mycket kväll och helg arbete.Lön: fastmånads-timlön.AUGUSTS RESTAURANG OCH BARälmhult ,hantverksgatan 3 ,34331skriv ditt tlf nummer och mejla din ansökan till:[email protected] Visa mer
vi söker serverings personal.du som söker ska vara serviceinriktad,du behöver kunna prata och förstå svenska då du i ditt arbete har mycket kontakt med kunder.du ska vara glad och trevlig person.vi har en restuarang del och bar del ,i ditt arbete före kommer mycket kväll och helg arbete.Lön: fastmånads-timlön.AUGUSTS RESTAURANG OCH BARälmhult ,hantverksgatan 3 ,34331skriv ditt tlf nummer och mejla din ansökan till:[email protected] Visa mindre


Ansök    Sep 19    Barzenji Diar    Servitör/Servitris
vi söker serverings personal.du som söker ska vara serviceinriktad,du behöver kunna prata och förstå svenska då du i ditt arbete har mycket kontakt med kunder.du ska vara glad och trevlig person.vi har en restuarang del och bar del ,i ditt arbete före kommer mycket kväll och helg arbete.Lön: fastmånads-timlön.AUGUSTS RESTAURANG OCH BARälmhult ,hantverksgatan 3 ,34331skriv ditt tlf nummer och mejla din ansökan till:[email protected] Visa mer
vi söker serverings personal.du som söker ska vara serviceinriktad,du behöver kunna prata och förstå svenska då du i ditt arbete har mycket kontakt med kunder.du ska vara glad och trevlig person.vi har en restuarang del och bar del ,i ditt arbete före kommer mycket kväll och helg arbete.Lön: fastmånads-timlön.AUGUSTS RESTAURANG OCH BARälmhult ,hantverksgatan 3 ,34331skriv ditt tlf nummer och mejla din ansökan till:[email protected] Visa mindre

Servitör / servitris

Ansök    Maj 6    Barzenji Diar    Servitör/Servitris
nu söker vi serverings personal.du som söker ska vara serviceinriktad,du behöver kunna prata och förstå svenska då du i ditt arbete har mycket konakt med kunder.du ska vara glad och trevlig person.vi har en restuarang del och bar del ,i ditt arbete före kommer mycket kväll och helg arbete.Lön: fastmånads-timlön.AUGUSTS RESTAURANG OCH BAR älmhult ,hantverksgatan 3 ,34331skriv ditt tlf nummer och mejla din ansökan till:[email protected] Visa mer
nu söker vi serverings personal.du som söker ska vara serviceinriktad,du behöver kunna prata och förstå svenska då du i ditt arbete har mycket konakt med kunder.du ska vara glad och trevlig person.vi har en restuarang del och bar del ,i ditt arbete före kommer mycket kväll och helg arbete.Lön: fastmånads-timlön.AUGUSTS RESTAURANG OCH BAR älmhult ,hantverksgatan 3 ,34331skriv ditt tlf nummer och mejla din ansökan till:[email protected] Visa mindre