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Category Sourcing Leader - Purchasing Development

Company Description You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us. If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and wher... Visa mer
Company Description

You see things a little differently. So do we. We believe that what your values are more important than what your CV says. We offer positions that will challenge your skills and let you grow. Come see things a little differently with us.
If you are the right person for this position, we can offer you an assignment in a global organization with a great possibility to build and create something new, where your ideas are heard and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”!
IKEA Food develops and provides the food sold and served in all IKEA Restaurants, Bistro´s, Swedish Food Markets and the IKEA co-worker restaurants. IKEA Food has over 400 restaurants in 53 markets and every year 650 million guests are enjoying the IKEA Food.
Co-workers within Purchasing Development lead an exciting life! The mission is to develop business with suppliers in order to deliver IKEA Home Furnishing and Food products to our stores located around the world. The goal is to meet the price, quality and quantity expectations of our customers.?IKEA Food are working with suppliers globally and have offices in King of Prussia USA, Älmhult Sweden, Dortmund Germany, Warsaw Poland, Milan Italy and Shanghai China.
Job Description

As a Category Sourcing Leader, you will be responsible for securing the material and production knowledge as well as setting up the optimal sourcing conditions. With having customer always in mind, you will act as a gear box between Range / Category and Need Planning function. From that position you will lead and secure that all products within your area of responsibility are sourced with optimal global sourcing set-up. You will contribute with material, technique and production knowledge in the product development process and ensure that material and choices of techniques related to cost, capacity, quality and sustainability are in-line with supplier production capabilities, as well as with product development process and category strategy.
In this role, you will:
Contribute to the execution of the Category BPL by being responsible for:
Defining most suitable development partners for specific NEWs projects and services.
Leading the establishment of the global sourcing set-up for running range, NEWs in line with Category desired supplier movements IKEA Best Buy Principles, including scenario planning and assessing sourcing risks.
Engaging the right category resources in specific development projects and connecting them to development teams or other Range/Service owners through indirect leadership.
Securing Business Contingency Plans and to monitor and initiate actions to mitigate deviations, through stakeholder collaboration and indirect leadership.
Ensuring the quality of the Category input into pricing process (Big run and tertial runs)
Contributing to the Business Agreement creation and execution, in close collaboration with Range Areas or other stakeholders.
Consolidation of relevant business input affecting Category plans as example: Range Area portfolio plans, Growth Plans or other stakeholder input.
Leading specific projects on behalf or through allocation from the Category Manager; as example Leading the Creation and Implementation of a Segment Strategy.
Securing overall performance and collaboration with internal stakeholders
Contributing to the category management meetings as permanent member of the category management team


We believe to be a successful Category Sourcing Leader you are driven and decisive with love for enabling great business to happen. You have strong analytical skills that enable you to draw conclusions and identify business opportunities effectively. You’ve mastered stakeholder management, with the ability to lead and attain results by actively involving and engaging people, regardless of the location. Your team player skills will come in handy since you will navigate through multiple different perspectives. You have great communication skills, with fluency in English.
Apart from that, we think you have:
Strong experience and good knowledge in purchasing development including insights on supplier capabilities and/or product development background
Preferably experience within the Food industry
Leadership skills and project leadership experience is an advantage
Holistic view with being comfortable thinking on both operational, tactical, and strategic level
Deep knowledge of value chain and value chain analysis capabilities
Strong entrepreneurship, drive for the change and strive for improvement.

Additional information

The position is located in Älmhult, Sweden with a global responsibility. Älmhult has excellent commuting possibilities with hourly trains to Malmö, Lund and Växjö and an IKEA shuttle bus back and forth to Helsingborg two times a day.

In this role you will report to Category Manager for Protein, Andreas Persson .
If you have any role specific questions please connect with Andreas Persson at [email protected]. If you have any questions related to the recruitment process please connect with Olivia Swärd at [email protected].
Does this fit in with your previous experience and ambitions for the future??Then we look forward receiving your application in English at the?latest 30th of April.

We will be interviewing continuously so please send in your application as soon as possible. Visa mindre

Source Leader

Vi söker en Source Leader på IKEA Industry Älmhult AB IKEA har en vision – Att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. Det är utifrån den visionen som IKEA har utvecklats till ett ständigt växande heminredningsföretag som erbjuder ett brett sortiment av form- och funktionsriktiga inredningsartiklar till så låga priser att så många som möjligt har råd att köpa dem. IKEA Industry Älmhult AB bidrar till ”IKEA familjen” med 200 medarbetare där vi å... Visa mer
Vi söker en Source Leader på IKEA Industry Älmhult AB

IKEA har en vision – Att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. Det är utifrån den visionen som IKEA har utvecklats till ett ständigt växande heminredningsföretag som erbjuder ett brett sortiment av form- och funktionsriktiga inredningsartiklar till så låga priser att så många som möjligt har råd att köpa dem.
IKEA Industry Älmhult AB bidrar till ”IKEA familjen” med 200 medarbetare där vi årligen tillverkar ca 5,2 miljoner lackerade köksfronter. Vi har en modern, automatiserad produktion i Älmhult där Lean genomsyrar allt vi gör. IKEA har som ambition att spegla samhället i våra team och vi på IKEA Industry jobbar för en ökad mångfald i vår organisation.

Drivs du av att arbeta tillsammans för att lösa uppgifter? Får du energi av att vara där det händer, där du gärna är med och ”tar i” om så krävs? Är du analytisk och systematisk? Kan du hålla flera tankar i huvudet på en gång? Är du en sann ambassadör för våra värderingar på IKEA?
Om svaret är ja, fortsätt läsa, för det kan vara så att vi har en perfekt roll för just dig!

En dag i livet med oss!
Som Source Leader kommer du sätta upp effektiva inköpsprocesser för företagets indirekta inköp. Det är du som säkerställer att relevanta inköpsavtal finns. Du får förhandla priser och villkor själv eller i samarbete med central inköpsfunktion. Du blir ett stöd för administration, produktion och teknikavdelningar för att förbättra vår fina fabrik, samt en kontaktperson för IKEA mot våra leverantörer. Som en del i vårt Supply Chain team får du inblick i flera områden och kommer att vara back-up till flera funktioner. Som anställd på IKEA Industry får du bra arbetskamrater, en bra arbetsmiljö som hela tiden utvecklas till det bättre, möjlighet till utbildning/utveckling inom ditt arbete och andra förmåner såsom Benify. Arbetet utförs på plats i fabriken i Älmhult.

Några av de arbetsuppgifter som ingår i befattningen är:
Ansvara för förhandlingar av avtal och priser för indirekta inköp.
Samarbeta med centrala inköpsfunktioner för indirekta inköp.
Utveckla och implementera policys, standarder och inköpsrutiner.
Verkställa inköp inom ramen för vår inköpsstrategi, budget, prognos, avtal och regelverk.
Driva förbättringsarbete avseende kostnadseffektivisering, logistik, kvalitetsförbättringar mm.
Utbilda organisationen i inköpsarbetet.
Tillse så att arbetet styrs och bedriv i enlighet med uppsatta mål och riktlinjer.
Vara behjälplig med att ta fram inköpsbudget och prognoser.
I samarbete med centrala inköp driva inköpsstrategier, val av leverantörer och förhandlingar.
Följa upp avtalens relevans gentemot interna förbrukare.
Utveckla strategier för kostnadsreduceringar.
Utveckla goda, värdeskapande och effektiva leverantörsrelationer.
Driva reklamationsärenden vid avtalsbrott.

Så vem är du?
Du är ansvarskännande, analytisk och strukturerad.
Du brinner för effektiv produktion och samarbete med kollegor.
Du kan jobba mot mål som stärker verksamheten.
Du är tydlig och lyhörd.
Du är en god kommunikatör.
Du har en vilja till förbättringar, både för din egen och arbetets del.

Du är även genuint intresserad av produktion och till dina styrkor hör att du är handlingskraftig, lätt för att samarbeta med många olika personer/funktioner, strukturerad och du har god förmåga till logiskt och analytiskt tänkande.

Du är kostnadsmedveten och god förståelse för företagsekonomi
Du har förhandlingskunskap och grundläggande kunskap i avtalsjuridik.
Du har en eftergymnasial utbildning inom inköp och/eller arbetslivserfarenhet av liknande befattningar.
Du har en god datavana, van vid att jobba i affärssystem (gärna M3) och Officepaket.
Du kan uttrycka dig obehindrat i tal och skrift på både på svenska och engelska.
Du har minst B-körkort.

För oss på IKEA är det viktigast att du delar våra värderingar. Det innebär att du precis som vi tror på ett ledarskap genom det goda exemplet och att du strävar efter att utvecklas så att vi tillsammans är något bättre imorgon än vi är idag.

Har du frågor om tjänsten, kontakta Supply Chain Manager Else Risberg, 0702478865. Vid frågor som rör rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta Malin Svensson, 070-473 25 87.
Vid fackliga frågor, kontakta Unionen Joel Svensson, 070-415 55 50

Känns det som att det här kan bli din nästa utmaning? Om "ja!", passa på att skicka in din ansökan redan idag, men senast den 12 juni 2024. Urval sker löpande och rekryteringen kan komma att stängas när vi hittat rätt kandidat. Välkommen att söka! Visa mindre

Category Sourcing Leader - CAT Layer-glued

Company Description Who we are At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think, differently. Act, differently. And work differently as well. We like to break things. Like rules. And then make things. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plant balls that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. By 2030, we hope to help millions more look forward to going home. ?Wo... Visa mer
Company Description
Who we are
At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think, differently. Act, differently. And work differently as well. We like to break things. Like rules. And then make things. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plant balls that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. By 2030, we hope to help millions more look forward to going home.
?Wood is the most used material in IKEA is and is found in every part? of the home and our products touch the lives of every IKEA customer. We believe that a Better? Everyday Life at Home is the result of great work together and strive to only produce products that we genuinely love. We in Category Area Wood are very proud of this – it is a privilege and a responsibility.
Category Layer-glued is responsible for?supplying, developing and implementing materials and techniques for the production of its 4 segments; Slats, Curved, Tubes & Plywood.
Job Description
What you will do
As a Category Sourcing Leader, you will be responsible for securing the material and production knowledge as well as setting up the optimal sourcing conditions. With having customer always in mind, you will act as a gear box between HFBs / Category and Need Planning function. From that position you will lead and secure that all products within your area of responsibility are sourced with optimal global sourcing set-up. You will contribute with material, technique and production knowledge in the product development process and ensure that material and choices of techniques related to cost, capacity, quality and sustainability are in-line with supplier production capabilities, as well as with product development process and category strategy.
In this role, you will:
Contribute to the execution of the Category BPL by being responsible for:
Defining most suitable development partners for specific NEWs projects and services.
Leading the establishment of the global sourcing set-up for running range, NEWs in line with Category desired supplier movements IKEA Best Buy Principles, including scenario planning and assessing sourcing risks.
Engaging the right category resources in specific development projects and connecting them to development teams or other Range/Service owners through indirect leadership.
Securing Business Contingency Plans and to monitor and initiate actions to mitigate deviations, through stakeholder collaboration and indirect leadership.
Ensuring the quality of the Category input into pricing process (Big run and tertial runs)
Contributing to the Business Agreement creation and execution, in close collaboration with Range Areas or other stakeholders.
Consolidation of relevant business input affecting Category plans as example: Range Area portfolio plans, Growth Plans or other stakeholder input.
Leading specific projects on behalf or through allocation from the Category Manager; as example Leading the Creation and Implementation of a Segment Strategy.
Securing overall performance and collaboration with internal stakeholders
Contributing to the category management meetings as permanent member of the category management team

Why we love you
We believe to be a successful Category Sourcing Leader you have:
Strong experience and good knowledge in purchasing development including insights on supplier capabilities and product development background and preferably experience with diverse material
University degree in technology, business administration, Furniture education or corresponding knowledge
Leadership skills and project leadership experience is an advantage
Holistic view with being comfortable thinking on both operational, tactical, and strategic level
Deep knowledge of value chain and value chain analysis capabilities
Strong entrepreneurship, drive for the change and strive for improvement.

and you are:
Driven, decisive, analytical to be able to lead conclusions and realize business opportunities.
Great stakeholder manager with capability to lead and deliver results through involving and engaging people independent of location
Independent and with excellent communication skills
Strongly business minded, ability to see the big picture and apply different perspectives from customer to supplier perspective
Able to foresee the consequences of one's own actions and act based on high moral and ethical principles
Fluent in English, both spoken and written
A strong team player

Why you will love us
As a part of Category Area Wood, you will have access to a huge knowledge base and experience in both leadership and material, production, and value chain. We offer trust and space to test and try, explore, make mistakes, and develop us and our partners. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards reaching more of the many people?
You will meet the same motivated, skilled people like you on daily basis and you will have a good feeling about your job because it makes sense and your contribution is recognized!
Attitude towards our colleagues is very simple – honest and frank employees?always get a chance to grow both in their personal and career life in a way so?all of us can contribute to better everyday life for us and for our customers
We do not intend to only fill in the positions here – we want to accept?unique personalities who will share our values
We listen to our colleagues; we understand their needs and we support their?ambitions and skills
We offer a possibility to work in an?environment where people and togetherness are the main values

Additional information
The position is located in Älmhult, Sweden with a global responsibility. Älmhult has excellent commuting possibilities with hourly trains to Malmö, Lund and Växjö and an IKEA shuttle bus back and forth to Helsingborg two times a day.
In this role you will report to Category Manager for Layer-glued.
If you have any questions please connect with us via the Smart Recruiters System.
Does this fit in with your previous experience and ambitions for the future??Then we look forward receiving your application in English at the?latest January 21, 2024
We will be interviewing continuously so please send in your application as soon as possible. Visa mindre

Category Sourcing Leader - Plastic Products

Company Description Who we are At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think, differently. Act, differently. And work differently as well. We like to break things. Like rules. And then make things. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plant balls that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. By 2030, we hope to help millions more look forward to going home. ?Th... Visa mer
Company Description
Who we are
At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think, differently. Act, differently. And work differently as well. We like to break things. Like rules. And then make things. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plant balls that help us look after our planet. It’s all part of our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. By 2030, we hope to help millions more look forward to going home.
?The materials of metal, plastic and float glass are found in every part? of the home and our products touch the lives of every IKEA customer. We believe that a Better? Everyday Life at Home is the result of great work together and strive to only produce products that we genuinely love. We in Category Area Metal, Plastic & Float Glass are very proud of this – it is a privilege and a responsibility.
Job Description
What you will do
As a Category Sourcing Leader, you will be responsible for securing the material and production knowledge as well as setting up the optimal sourcing conditions. With having customer always in mind, you will act as a gear box between HFBs / Category and Need Planning function. From that position you will lead and secure that all products within your area of responsibility are sourced with optimal global sourcing set-up. You will contribute with material, technique and production knowledge in the product development process and ensure that material and choices of techniques related to cost, capacity, quality and sustainability are in-line with supplier production capabilities, as well as with product development process and category strategy.
In this role, you will:
Contribute to the execution of the Category BPL by being responsible for:
Defining most suitable development partners for specific NEWs projects and services.
Leading the establishment of the global sourcing set-up for running range, NEWs in line with Category desired supplier movements IKEA Best Buy Principles, including scenario planning and assessing sourcing risks.
Engaging the right category resources in specific development projects and connecting them to development teams or other Range/Service owners through indirect leadership.
Securing Business Contingency Plans and to monitor and initiate actions to mitigate deviations, through stakeholder collaboration and indirect leadership.
Ensuring the quality of the Category input into pricing process (Big run and tertial runs)
Contributing to the Business Agreement creation and execution, in close collaboration with Range Areas or other stakeholders.
Consolidation of relevant business input affecting Category plans as example: Range Area portfolio plans, Growth Plans or other stakeholder input.
Leading specific projects on behalf or through allocation from the Category Manager; as example Leading the Creation and Implementation plastic Material Direction implementation .
Securing overall performance and collaboration with internal stakeholders
Contributing to the category management meetings as permanent member of the category management team

Why we love you
We believe to be a successful Category Sourcing Leader you have:
Strong experience and good knowledge in purchasing development including insights on supplier capabilities and product development background and preferably experience with diverse material
University degree in technology, business administration, Furniture education or corresponding knowledge
Leadership skills and project leadership experience is an advantage
Holistic view with being comfortable thinking on both operational, tactical, and strategic level
Deep knowledge of value chain and value chain analysis capabilities
Strong entrepreneurship, drive for the change and strive for improvement.

and you are:
Driven, decisive, analytical to be able to lead conclusions and realise business opportunities.
Great stakeholder manager with capability to lead and deliver results through involving and engaging people independent of location
Independent and with excellent communication skills
Strongly business minded, ability to see the big picture and apply different perspectives from customer to supplier perspective
Able to foresee the consequences of one's own actions and act based on high moral and ethical principles
Fluent in English, both spoken and written
A strong team player

Why you will love us
As a part of Category Area Metal, Plastic & Float Glass, you will have access to a huge knowledge base and experience in both leadership and material, production, and value chain. We offer trust and space to test and try, explore, make mistakes, and develop us and our partners. Are you ready to be part of a journey towards reaching more of the many people?
You will meet the same motivated, skilled people like you on daily basis and you will have a good feeling about your job because it makes sense and your contribution is recognized!
Attitude towards our colleagues is very simple – honest and frank employees?always get a chance to grow both in their personal and career life in a way so?all of us can contribute to better everyday life for us and for our customers
We do not intend to only fill in the positions here – we want to accept?unique personalities who will share our values
We listen to our colleagues; we understand their needs and we support their?ambitions and skills
We offer a possibility to work in an?environment where people and togetherness are the main values

Additional information
The position is a temporary role for 18 months located in Älmhult, Sweden with a global responsibility. Älmhult has excellent commuting possibilities with hourly trains to Malmö, Lund and Växjö and an IKEA shuttle bus back and forth to Helsingborg two times a day.
In this role you will report to Category Manager for Plastic Products .
If you have any questions please connect with us via the Smart Recruiters System.
Does this fit in with your previous experience and ambitions for the future??Then we look forward receiving your application in English at the?latest January 8, 2024
We will be interviewing continuously so please send in your application as soon as possible. Visa mindre

Project Leader - Agricultural Raw Materials

Ansök    Jun 4    IKEA of Sweden AB    Inköpsledare
Company description This is a full-time one-year assignment located in Älmhult. We are Purchasing Development! We purchase the materials and the production capacity needed to produce both home furnishing products and food. In Purchasing Development, our assignment goes hand in hand with the IKEA Business Idea, created 75 years ago, as we are responsible to produce the ‘wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that... Visa mer
Company description
This is a full-time one-year assignment located in Älmhult.
We are Purchasing Development! We purchase the materials and the production capacity needed to produce both home furnishing products and food.
In Purchasing Development, our assignment goes hand in hand with the IKEA Business Idea, created 75 years ago, as we are responsible to produce the ‘wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them’. We produce and supply IKEA products and food with affordability, accessibility, sustainability and quality as our main priorities.
In the past year a project has been in place to set up an aligned approach for Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials across the company. One of the three blocks identified for Responsible Sourcing is Agriculture. Our purpose is to explore how to best secure that our responsible sourcing principles and working methods are applied consistently across the different IKEA businesses, but also to set clear goals and roadmaps together with the categories in order to secure compliance and a coherent verification and risk management working method.
At the moment in Agriculture, we are piloting Responsible Sourcing in a few prioritized raw materials and supply chains across our different businesses. We have split Agriculture in three segments, Annual crops, Perennial crops, and Animal based raw materials.
We are currently looking for one Project Leader for securing responsible sourcing in the pilots that belong to the Animal based segment within Agricultural raw materials.
Job description
The purpose of a Project Leader is to hold together material ambitions, goals, working methods and deliverables across categories and geographies. In this role, we expect you to:
Consolidate the regional mapping & understanding of As-is picture of your prioritized raw material value chains.
Plan, follow through and execute the pilots identified in your segment together with the working group you will create.
Develop together with the Resp Sourcing Ag team and your working group a harmonized geographical and materials-based setup for minimum requirements and traceability on selected raw materials.?
Identify the synergies and opportunities within the different existing solutions, tools and methods currently being used today for compliance and traceability in animal based raw materials in IKEA, but more importantly, propose an approach on how to best work in the future.
Be an integral part together with the Responsible Sourcing Ag team in creating the journey, requirements, goals and milestones towards Regenerative Agriculture in IKEA.
Identify potentials to accelerate our journey towards Regenerative Agriculture and use science and research to clarify the role your segment in this journey.

More specifically, your daily tasks will include:
Lead your segment. Create a strong and motivated working group with IKEA colleagues from relevant business, regions and competences.
Setup applicable project meetings, secure content, decision-making and follow-up on progress.
Secure that the framework for responsible sourcing is deployed for your area, and secure common processes across geographies, raw materials and business
Secure that business and sustainability risks are identified for your segment and priorities are made accordingly.
In close co-operation with the categories select the partners and set-ups for pilot projects.
Develop a thorough understanding of the raw materials in your segment, who are the main actors, and market dynamics.

You will work closely together with the other team members within Responsible Sourcing Agriculture, but also with colleagues in Sustainability matrix, Categories, Material & Innovation and in the Purchasing & Logistics areas. You will also be partnering with existing certification programs, industry associations and other organizations applicable for your segment. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to work together with numerous stakeholders throughout the organization connected to Agricultural Raw Materials sourcing: developing close collaboration with Business, Material & Innovation and Sustainability matrix.
Overall, togetherness, leadership and love for challenges are key for this role!
To succeed for this role, we wish you have:
Proven successful project management and project leadership experience
Proven experience from stakeholder engagement
Proven experience of driving successful change and realizing business benefits
Knowledge of Agricultural raw materials from both sustainability and supply chain perspective is a benefit
Knowledge from innovation, infrastructure development, legislation, advocacy is a benefit
Have a university degree in business development, innovation &/or sustainability, or relevant working experience
Broad understanding of relevant aspects of the business, organization and ways of working

Who are you as a person?
As a person you have futuristic outlook and ability to look beyond the obvious! You are ready to stretch boundaries and see your work through a problem-solving lens. You are curious and persistent and have the courage to explore and navigate the unknown.
Additionally, you are capable to work internally & externally with complex topics and fully understand the total agenda. You have a passion for sustainability and business, and you are strongly interested in leading and implementing change!
Moreover, you possess excellent communication skills that allow you to build strong relationships with numerous stakeholders and you are fluent in written and spoken English.
Overall, you are an energetic, enthusiastic individual with a vision for a better future for the many People AND the Planet!
Additional Information
Would you like to be a part of this exciting assignment? Please send us your application in English – CV and motivation letter – no later than June 17th, 2022. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact the hiring manager Sourcing Leader Rafael Elizondo at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding recruitment process, please contact Recruiter Katie Pettersson on +46 702 99 42 48.
We are looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Mining Specialist

Ansök    Jun 23    IKEA of Sweden AB    Inköpsledare
This is a permanent assignment located in Älmhult. Company Description At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently. Act differently. And work differently as well. We like to be creative together, to find new solutions. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plant balls that help us look after our planet. It all starts with our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. By 2030, we hope to help millions m... Visa mer
This is a permanent assignment located in Älmhult.
Company Description
At IKEA, we do things a little different. We think differently. Act differently. And work differently as well. We like to be creative together, to find new solutions. Like music-playing lamps. And beds disguised as sofas. Even plant balls that help us look after our planet. It all starts with our vision - to create a better everyday life for the many. By 2030, we hope to help millions more to look forward to going home and secure that sustainability is not only a luxury for a few.
Responsible Sourcing is the commitment we have made as a company to take social, ethical and environmental responsibilities into account across our supply chain. And IKEA have the ambition to make responsible sourcing the norm across our businesses and beyond.
Want to help make this happen? Join our global Purchasing Development business! It is filled with curious and passionate people, that get energy from influencing, interacting, and working together to deliver sustainable solutions hand in hand with great business results. Does it sound like your kind of people?
We are now looking to recruit a Mining Specialist to join our exciting Responsible Sourcing Initiative for Inorganic Raw Materials! In this task you will be bring expertise in the journey to define what responsible sourcing of inorganic raw materials means to IKEA in reality. And, engage with internal and external stakeholders to co-create the change journey.
Job Description
Co-create new ways of working to secure good social and environmental practices hand in hand with business growth.
Being part of setting up a due diligence system, in other words a systematic way to identify, handle, mitigate and remedy sustainability issues along IKEA’s supply chains.
Collecting data and market intelligence to evaluate risks and opportunities along the supply chain.
Share knowledge and build relationships with external stakeholders to drive industry wide systemic changes.

Experience from working with minerals & mining industries, (incl. metal, glass, ceramics, electronics etc.).
Experience from working with sustainable development initiatives.
University degree preferably in Supply Chain Management, Engineering, Business administration or related, and having a sustainability profile is an advantage.
Ability to understand complex supply chains and market dynamics.
Holistic view with being comfortable thinking and acting on both operational, tactical, and strategic level.

And to be successful in this role, we believe you are:
Solution oriented as this role is all about turning obstacles into opportunities.
Curious and openminded as there is a lot to learn and we are breaking new grounds.
Decisive and bold as this role will give you a lot of freedom with responsibility which will require you to take a lot of own initiatives.
Excellent communication skills as you will need others to join the journey.
Great in stakeholder management and building strong relationships as the challenges will require long term partners.
Convinced that what is good for the world is good for the business, as sustainability and business go hand in hand within IKEA, and only by that we will succeed.
Fluent in English, both spoken and written, as this is our corporate language.

You will work in an environment where your ideas are heard, where there is opportunity to learn new skills and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”.
Additional Information
Does this sound like you? Why not apply?
Please send us your application in English – CV and letter of motivation till 22nd of July at the latest. Please note that we will be interviewing continuously, which means that we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Responsible Sourcing Leader Louise von Ehrenheim at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding recruitment process, please contact Recruiter Katie Pettersson on +46 702 99 42 48.
We are looking forward to your application! Visa mindre

Wood Supply & Forestry Manager

IKEA is a global retail company with the vision to create a better everyday life for the many people. IKEA loves wood. It is renewable, recyclable and an excellent environmental choice when from responsibly managed forests. We are now looking for a Wood Supply & Forestry Manager to join our Wood Supply and Forestry team in Älmhult, Sweden. Wood Supply & Forestry In Wood Supply & Forestry we are a diverse group of down-to-earth, straightforward people wi... Visa mer
IKEA is a global retail company with the vision to create a better everyday life for the many people. IKEA loves wood. It is renewable, recyclable and an excellent environmental choice when from responsibly managed forests. We are now looking for a Wood Supply & Forestry Manager to join our Wood Supply and Forestry team in Älmhult, Sweden.

Wood Supply & Forestry
In Wood Supply & Forestry we are a diverse group of down-to-earth, straightforward people with passion for forestry and home furnishing. We work every day to enable IKEA to influence responsible forest management and wood use practices in the world. To secure accessibility of wood from responsibly managed forests through optimised supply chains and a positive impact on the world’s forests beyond our own needs leading to a positive impact on people, planet and the society.
Please note that for this position we have a preferred candidate!
About the job
The role of a WS&F Manager consists of
- Lead the development of forestry due diligence system and support other materials (incl. traceability)
- Support transparency project
- Support advocacy work
- Secure transfer of compliance competence to deforestation (and wider responsible sourcing) agenda

- Identify opportunities and synergies on operational markets and introduce them to relevant business teams;
- Drive development and follow up local forestry projects with IKEA partners (e.g. WWF and FSC);
- Lead or contribute to wood supply projects
- Develop credible and cost efficient sources, wood business, efficient supply chains for IKEA in managed regions within category assignment;
- Collect, analyze and make available for IKEA the information about forest resources, forest legislation, forest industry and stakeholders, prices etc, contribute to the market intelligence report; and for
- Leading team, responsible for recruitment, development, performance management, retention and succession plans for co-workers in managed team;

We believe that you are a person with lots of positive energy and drive, passion for Forestry and Wood Industry, business and people in combination. You enjoy working in an environment where you are managing multiple stakeholders. Your mind-set is always looking for better ways and you are committed to high standards in everything you do.
In order to succeed in this role you have deep competence within Forestry IWAY standard, IWAY Forestry working methods and guidelines and deep knowledge if FSC standards for chain of custody and good understanding of FSC forest management and controlled wood certification. You have deep knowledge in global timber trade, needs of the european market. You have good understanding of customer’s expectations on iKEA and sustainability, especially Forestry aspects. You have knowledge of the typical furniture value chain.
You have analytical and problem solving skills and you deliver results through involving and engaging people, who may be in remote locations, and you adapt your leadership approach to specific situations and individuals.
You come with experience of directly leading business and people. You have some years of experience of work in the forestry and, or forest industry sector and experience as forestry specialist, forestry manager and strong understanding of IKEA values and Inter IKEA Code of conduct.
We believe that you are passionate about being part of a team that by developing responsible Forestry practices and wood based materials, contributing to making IKEA People and Planet Positive.
Additional information
We look forward to receiving your application in English by 8th of May 2022. Please note that we will handle applications on a continuous basis, so if you are interested to apply please do so as soon as possible as we may close the application process earlier than stated if we find the right candidate!
For more information, please contact People & Culture Leader David Andersson, [email protected]. Visa mindre

BA Sourcing Specialist

Ansök    Jun 4    IKEA of Sweden    Inköpsledare
Can you really reach out to the whole world, creating a better everyday life for the many people? In Älmhult, Sweden you can. Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden. Here the IKEA range is developed and made available to stores and customers all over the world. We are here to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. That is our promise, and we do this e... Visa mer
Can you really reach out to the whole world, creating a better everyday life for the many people? In Älmhult, Sweden you can. Älmhult is home to IKEA of Sweden. Here the IKEA range is developed and made available to stores and customers all over the world. We are here to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. That is our promise, and we do this every day with great passion and energy.Job DescriptionResponsible to secure supplier, supply chain and customer perspective through NEWs and improves projectsResponsible to lead material selection in the NEWs development process, through own competence and through involving relevant competencesResponsible to secure input and preconditions from the BA (Business Area) to the category, in order for the category to define optimal global sourcing set-up for NEWs and ImprovesResponsible to define the optimal logistics set-up in NEWs and improves, considering both supplier and retail perspectiveBased on assignment from Range & Product team, responsible to lead deviation handling for running rangeResponsible to lead and secure the supply chain perspective of the pricing processQualifications- have project leadership experience- have experience in leading business and cooperating in a team- have knowledge of Supply chain and value chain analysis methodology- be self-motivated and result-orientated but always respect people opinions- be structured and able to take business decision based on facts- have knowledge of at least one material or production industry - preferably have university degree in technology, business administration or corresponding knowledge- be a good communicator and be fluent in English, both spoken and written- do business with a holistic view, always having the customer in mind.- have the capability to identify and capture business opportunities and deliver results - be capable to lead and deliver results through involving and engaging people in remote locations- be able to analyze and draw conclusions which contribute to the total business- have the capability to perform risk assessment and scenario planning Visa mindre